OK, the discussion on no_selling is getting kind of heated, and there is some question as to whether people out there really like it or not. So, maybe if we get a definitive opinion on it, we can stop speculating on that and actually say "See? That's what people really think." Or not. If nothing else, we can amuse ourselves pushing the little voting buttons.
Poll: What is your opinion on no_selling?
Poll: What is your opinion on no_selling?
67I have tried it, and it is the way I always play now.0%34I have tried it, but didn't like it, and I will play with selling henceforth.0%10I have tried it, and go back and forth between selling and no_selling.0%7I have not tried it, but will at some point to see if I like it.0%9I have not tried it, and I have no desire to try it.0%7The poll is expired.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?Tags: None -
My reaction when it first came up was that that was the option I had been waiting for, for like forever. No question if I would like it, I knew I would. I would like it even if gold drops did not increase.
However I still go back and forth between them, because both versions might need debugging(but answered that I only play no selling, because that's were I am in spirit )
I have played the no selling option only once thought it was intresting but haven't played a variant that has it since then but will say it should be a birth option and not choice that you can change mid gameMy first legit winner http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=5114Comment
Is it not a birth option in V? It definetly should be.
I voted for the 1st choice, but I have occationally switched back, just not often enough to warrent voting #3.Will_Asher
aka LibraryAdventurer
My old variant DaJAngband:
http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)Comment
As a developer I voted for option #1. As a player I was tempted to vote for option #3 because selling can be fun in a flavorful kind of way.Comment
I voted the same way as d_m. I like the collection aspect of the selling game to some extent, but not necessarily the actual selling part. Maybe if the player had to find certain items to support the research of Steamband-style enhancements...Comment
I did not try it yet, but I like it already...
I learned about this option while reading this forum, and it appears that no-selling is pretty much how I play the game anyway... except that I do not have the benefits of the increased money drops, so I sell a few items once in a while just to compensate. Next char will definitely have this option turned on.Comment