When they first appeared, I used them as early RoS for non-meleers. Since both ranged to hit and spell fail are affected by equipping them, they are a pure money item for me.
Having to spend a turn to equip them before that extra speed kicks in reduces the situations in which one would be useful to almost zero. Also, a speed potion is much better in every way, so having none of those is kindof a prerequisite for even considering to take a RoE down into the dungeon. And that is rare, at least the way I play - I treasure !speed and always try to have at least one, for emergencies and/or for tasty kills.
Maybe they get used more in ironman.
Having to spend a turn to equip them before that extra speed kicks in reduces the situations in which one would be useful to almost zero. Also, a speed potion is much better in every way, so having none of those is kindof a prerequisite for even considering to take a RoE down into the dungeon. And that is rare, at least the way I play - I treasure !speed and always try to have at least one, for emergencies and/or for tasty kills.
Maybe they get used more in ironman.