Missile weapons overpowered or not

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  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 484

    Originally posted by d_m
    Like I said, I'd like to avoid the complexity of using "placeholder quiver items" in inventory slots and keeping them in sync with the quiver.
    Since everyone is voicing his opinion, so do I.

    I really like the NPP style quiver -- so you should do it for V.

    See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


    • takkaria
      • Apr 2007
      • 1895

      Originally posted by Magnate
      It will, Oscar, it will. The thing about nightlies is that they get whatever people feel like working on at the time. It just so happens that d_m felt like adding the quiver before anyone felt like tweaking missile weapons, that's all.

      There's also the fact that although lots of things on the to-do list can be done by anyone who cares to make a patch, there are a specific few that Takkaria has indicated he's personally keen to do. Balancing missile damage is one of these, which is why nobody else is doing it. (FWIW, overhauling curses is another.)
      Hey, anyone is welcome to make an attempt at those issues too if they want to, I won't complain.
      takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


      • dhegler
        • Sep 2009
        • 252

        Has anyone mentioned that some monsters are less damaging in melee? If they reacted to melee with their own melee, it may encourage that more than picking them off with missiles. Some monsters I would rather have melee me to death rather than cast plasma bolts, mana storms, and the water-based spell that I hate and cannot get a resistance for...

        Would it be easier to balance if monsters were smarter in how they acted - i.e. if they are next to you, they have a greater chance to melee than to cast (unless a mage, sorcerer, etc), and vice versa if they are at a distance? I think someone once said the code did not support intelligent attacks like that.

        Maybe I am not thinking right, but tweaking how the monsters acted could balance the game to more melee than range missile in the endgame.

        Talking about balance, I have a lvl 35 rogue with a lance he gets 4 blows with averaging up to 150 damage per hit (randart). Tell me that isn't unbalanced - branded with poison, 7d8, *slay undead*, slay evil, etc... I can just picture my little rogue wandering about holding a lance and getting 4 blows per turn. I think limiting classes to using certain types of weapons may help *balance*... Give a missile weapon penalty to a mage or priest, give a bonus to a ranger or warrior. Don't let my dwarven rogue going about killing uniques in 2 rounds with a special lance...

