Advice Request: Slime Pits

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  • diggerB
    • Jul 2009
    • 9

    Advice Request: Slime Pits

    I've lost way more characters and items to slime pits than I care to admit.

    Can you provide me with some advice on how best to deal with these?

    Click image for larger version

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  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    Originally posted by diggerB
    Can you provide me with some advice on how best to deal with these?
    Just walk away. Leave the level if necessary. Here lies only pain.
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


    • diggerB
      • Jul 2009
      • 9

      Originally posted by Nick
      Just walk away. Leave the level if necessary. Here lies only pain.
      Are there ever any REALLY good items in them that I'd be missing out on if I just left them alone?

      Playing vanilla, 3.06


      • Atarlost
        • Apr 2007
        • 426

        I don't think you're even missing out on much in the way of lame items. No ijm, except the gelatinous cube has ever carried anything at all in Vanilla AFAIK, and gelatinous cubes don't carry anything special.
        One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
        One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


        • Nick
          Vanilla maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 9353

          Originally posted by diggerB
          Are there ever any REALLY good items in them that I'd be missing out on if I just left them alone?
          There are no items in the pit, only monster drops; most slimes drop nothing, and the ones that do drop don't drop anything especially good. You are much better finding other stuff to kill.
          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


          • Sirridan
            • May 2009
            • 545

            At best: Jelly pit gives some xp

            At almost worst: Jelly pit damages your armor, lowers your stats and level, and burns up your books and scrolls. (EDIT) and freezes some potions and shocks some wands/rods.

            At worst: You're rolling another @.


            • Arphod
              • Nov 2008
              • 48

              Originally posted by diggerB
              I've lost way more characters and items to slime pits than I care to admit.

              Can you provide me with some advice on how best to deal with these?

              Don't effing bother. Down that path lies madness.
              Little Willie was a chemist
              Willie is no more.
              What he thought was H2O
              was H2SO4.


              • LCC
                • Jul 2009
                • 165

                I would also like to add that for high level characters like my LCC3, animal zoos are also not worth the bother. I just skipped one.
                Lonnie Courtney Clay - see:


                • zaimoni
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 551

                  Originally posted by diggerB
                  I've lost way more characters and items to slime pits than I care to admit.

                  Can you provide me with some advice on how best to deal with these?
                  The simplest way is to not mess with them. That presumes the three next to the door are all immobile. Obviously, if a blue icky thing opens the door and several hyperkinetic ochre jellies are thereby released you do have to deal with that part of the pit.

                  If you absolutely must lower your turns/xp, turns/gold, and turns/cool items ratios, the simplest way to handle these is ball spells. It is critically important not to release anything mobile prematurely. Wands of Heal Monster actually have some use in this respect.

                  Wands do not count. A large stack of rods of ball spells does count, but the plausibility of acquiring such while the time spent on a jelly pit doesn't cause worse monsters to spawn is pretty minimal.

                  All of this assumes that you actually can open the door without exposing yourself to unacceptable risk, such as magic mushroom line of sight. Do include monster hockeypucks in these calculations.
                  Zaiband: end the "I shouldn't have survived that" experience. V3.0.6 fork on Hg.
                  Zaiband 3.0.10 ETA Mar. 7 2011 (Yes, schedule slipped. Latest testing indicates not enough assert() calls to allow release.)
                  Z.C++: pre-alpha C/C++ compiler system (usable preprocessor). Also on Hg. Z.C++ 0.0.10 ETA December 31 2011


                  • Dubtrain
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 30

                    Originally posted by zaimoni
                    Do include monster hockeypucks in these calculations.
                    They've got pucks now?


                    • zaimoni
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 551

                      Originally posted by Dubtrain
                      They've got pucks now?
                      @ and the monsters use the same projectability algorithm. So opening the door this way means the marked monsters have exploitative LOS
                      Of course, it all depends on what those are. Before clearing jelly pits, use Detect Monsters/Detection and plan out whether any of the three door-opening positions permits an unacceptable line of sight. (Likewise, if any of the positions is "harmless" then careful placement of ball spells to kill off select ijm, can be calculated.)
                      Zaiband: end the "I shouldn't have survived that" experience. V3.0.6 fork on Hg.
                      Zaiband 3.0.10 ETA Mar. 7 2011 (Yes, schedule slipped. Latest testing indicates not enough assert() calls to allow release.)
                      Z.C++: pre-alpha C/C++ compiler system (usable preprocessor). Also on Hg. Z.C++ 0.0.10 ETA December 31 2011


                      • Zikke
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1028

                        I have found that generally the jellies/slimes that come out of the room to get you sometimes carry loot. The rest should be skipped.
                        A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
                        A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
                        C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:


                        • Pete Mack
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 6697

                          Originally posted by Nick
                          There are no items in the pit, only monster drops; most slimes drop nothing, and the ones that do drop don't drop anything especially good. You are much better finding other stuff to kill.
                          This is not quite a universal rule. If I have acid immunity, I'll go out of my way to kill Black Puddings. They are the only remaining V monster with very large ordinary drops, especially when they come in groups of half a dozen or more. If I'm short on stuff, or I'm playing Ironman, I'll kill them even without Acid immunity--just remember to drop all your ammo, staffs and scrolls first, and any armor (or swap weapons) without IGNORE_ACID that you care about.

