What does Squelch do?

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  • Wraitheist
    • Mar 2008
    • 132

    What does Squelch do?

    I looked through all of the various faqs and documentation that I've collected over for Angband and I couldn't find an explanation. I thought it made the selected items not appear any more, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  • Big Al
    • Apr 2007
    • 311

    There's a "Hide items set as squelchable" option under interface options that will hide them.
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    • timtek
      • Sep 2009
      • 17

      I'm a little confused about squelch. If I squelch a weapon(+1,+1,) does that squelch all weapon(+x,+x) or just weapon(+1,+1) ?


      • PowerDiver
        • Mar 2008
        • 2782

        Originally posted by timtek
        I'm a little confused about squelch. If I squelch a weapon(+1,+1,) does that squelch all weapon(+x,+x) or just weapon(+1,+1) ?
        For now, you cannot squelch just (+1,+1). You will be asked if you wish to squelch all {magical} weapons, which means anything not an ego or an artifact. Similarly, you cannot squelch a ring of con(+3) without squelching all con rings.

        In the future you will be able to squelch any particular object, but the codebase has to settle a bit before I can implement that.


        • timtek
          • Sep 2009
          • 17

          I understand, so does it occur before pseudo-id? If a sword is on the ground, and I've squelched average, it won't show an average sword on the ground but it will show a magical on the ground?


          • PowerDiver
            • Mar 2008
            • 2782

            Originally posted by timtek
            I understand, so does it occur before pseudo-id? If a sword is on the ground, and I've squelched average, it won't show an average sword on the ground but it will show a magical on the ground?
            Squelch is based upon what you know, not on what it is. So if you don't know it is average, it won't be squelched, until you figure it out by pseudo or identify.


            • Maupin
              • Jul 2009
              • 27

              Since no one yet answered the OP's question...

              Squelch is a way to automate the destroying of useless items, whether they're completely useless (most cursed items) or below the quality of that which you'd like (if you're so high level that you only want {special} artifact weapons, you can tell the game to squelch weapons that are {ego} and below, for example).

              Squelched items are marked as {squelch} and can be destroyed simply by pressing k and !.

              There is a handy squelch menu that controls these options. Press = and s to access it.


              • PowerDiver
                • Mar 2008
                • 2782

                Originally posted by Maupin
                Since no one yet answered the OP's question...

                Squelch is a way to automate the destroying of useless items, whether they're completely useless (most cursed items) or below the quality of that which you'd like (if you're so high level that you only want {special} artifact weapons, you can tell the game to squelch weapons that are {ego} and below, for example).

                Squelched items are marked as {squelch} and can be destroyed simply by pressing k and !.

                There is a handy squelch menu that controls these options. Press = and s to access it.
                Squelch to me is about ignoring stuff. Set hide_squelchable to yes, and you don't have any noticeable gain from desroying squelched objects. I also squelch mildly useful objects like restore stat potions, and if a stat gets drained then I unsquelch the corresponding restore potion until I fix the problem.

