"The baleful presence of $the silent watcher inspires your enemies."
I'm assuming this is from it shrieking for help? Anyway, the $ probably shouldn't be there.

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake gcc make sphinx-common git use_python3=`python --version 2>&1 | awk "/^Python 3\\./ { print \"YES\" ; exit 0 ; } ; { print \"NO\" ; exit 0; }"` if test X$use_python3 == XYES ; then sudo apt-get install python3-pip else sudo apt-get install python-pip fi pip install sphinx-better-theme ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-no-install --with-sphinx make manual
./configure DOC_HTML_THEME=name_of_theme_to_use --with-no-install --with-sphinx
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