Nice work. I'm considering just stealing the lot
Are autoexplore and autofight (ala DCSS) worth it in V to reduce early game tedium?
Considering these are for making gameplay quicker, my assumption is that most people have their left hand around wasd, so using keybinds in that area as default probably would fit better.
I mean, sure, I guess with the actual keybind system everyone can just rebind them to whatever. XDComment
Your master branch is already doing builds, you can see them here. If you go into the workflow files in .github/workflows, they all start withCode:on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request:
Well managed to get it to make a compile somehow, may have been a problem having file names with spaces that such as artifact blabla...
Installed the android one for kicks, wonder if we could get the autoexplores into that one as that'd hugely benefit from it XDComment