Class Attribute Differences

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  • naran
    • May 2022
    • 2

    Class Attribute Differences

    Hi, I'm actually playing Moria (will move on to Angband soon!) but I think the answer will be the same and I didnt really know where else to ask. Sorry if this is the wrong place.

    I just am confused about the difference between classes when it comes to the attributes like Fight, Bows, Magic Device, etc. Are they scaled to your race/class or are they universal? In other words, is a Mage that's "Excellent" at fighting going to be the same strength as a Warrior that's "Excellent" at fighting? Or is "Excellent" relative to your class?

    I've been playing Rangers so far but if eventually you're going to get everything to "Excellent" does class kind of become irrelevant in the later game? What's the incentive to play a Warrior if other classes can eventually get Excellent at fighting and also have access to spells?
  • ewert
    • Jul 2009
    • 719

    Don't remember Moria exactly anymore, but the underlying thing for those attributes are numbers that are the same for x-description no matter class. So Excellent bows is the same range of bonus no matter class.

    Some are just class/race but many also are affected by levels or stats as well, if I recall correctly. Stealth is the least variable being straight up from class/race combo and modified only by equipment. IIRC. XD

    Your Mage never have as high Fighting than a warrior (hmm maybe if you pick worst fighting race and best fighting race for warrior/mage respectively it is close, can't remember). How did Moria do melee, full hits per round? Anyways, in the more modern versions max number of hits per round for Warriors is 50% more than for Mages, so ...


    • Cryomaniac
      • Jan 2022
      • 285

      Originally posted by ewert
      Stealth is the least variable being straight up from class/race combo and modified only by equipment. IIRC.
      Rogues naturally increase stealth as they level up.


      • naran
        • May 2022
        • 2

        Originally posted by ewert
        Don't remember Moria exactly anymore, but the underlying thing for those attributes are numbers that are the same for x-description no matter class. So Excellent bows is the same range of bonus no matter class.
        Originally posted by ewert
        Anyways, in the more modern versions max number of hits per round for Warriors is 50% more than for Mages, so ...
        Oh this makes sense.


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          While the blows are important, it is in accuracy where mages are notoriously bad. If you do wish to melee, make sure to buff fully (bless, heroism, berserk), plus rune of warding, plus stun if you have a spell to do it with (shockwave and icestorm in older angband versions.)


          • Estie
            • Apr 2008
            • 2281

            More like 25%. Mages get 4 blows, warriors with endgame weapons get 5.x, provided they have really high dexterity which, in a competitive mode, they might not. In effect, put them at 5 blows.


            • ewert
              • Jul 2009
              • 719

              Originally posted by Cryomaniac
              Rogues naturally increase stealth as they level up.
              In Moria as well? Well as I said, it was an IIRC

