It has become apparent (thanks MITZE) that end-game mages are too powerful. Specifically, they have too much ability to control the dungeon and line-of-sight, with the main spell culprits being:
Possibly Teleport Other could be included here, but mages don't have a huge advantage over other classes there.
While the general idea of mages is they are difficult to start but as a tradeoff get powerful late, the current situation seems to be overdoing it. So I have some plans for adjustment to these spells:
- Door Creation - immediately block line of sight from everything, works perfectly provided there is no adjacent monster.
- Dimension Door - Controlled teleport precisely to wherever you like on the level (including vaults, although landing is randomised slightly there).
- Banishment - Remove all non-unique monsters of a given symbol (eg all hounds) from the level, at an average cost of 2.5HP per monster removed.
- Mass Banishment - Remove all non-unique monsters from a 20-grid radius around the player, at an average cost of 2HP per monster.
Possibly Teleport Other could be included here, but mages don't have a huge advantage over other classes there.
While the general idea of mages is they are difficult to start but as a tradeoff get powerful late, the current situation seems to be overdoing it. So I have some plans for adjustment to these spells:
- Door Creation: only place doors in grids which have two or more walls in cardinal directions.
- Banishment (both types): for each monster banished, rather than removing a small number of hitpoints, have a (very) small chance of draining each stat.
- Dimension Door: A couple of possibilities, in order of my preference:
- Reduce the range to a small number of grids (around 5), increase the mana cost substantially, and make it use no energy, so it's effectively instantaneous.
- More boringly, reduce that range to about 15 grids and make it less accurate.