Maybe quarterstaffs could allow leap, but either destroys the quarterstaff or drops it down to the next level.
All about chasms (1.2)
I must admit that the jury was still out for me on chasms. However this morning I attacked a pack of orcs with my Gondolin Battle Axe, only for them to start throwing themselves down the chasm to escape my wrath. That moment alone justified their existence. Thank you for that!
9) Monster escape route!Comment
My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuosoComment
There's precedent for hooks paired with ropes in the books. Specifically, in The Hobbit, after Bombur falls into the Enchanted River in Mirkwood, they use a hook on a rope to get him out. Grappling-hooks are explicitly mentioned in The Two Towers when the Uruk-hai and wild men assault Helm's Deep.
Something like these could be used as a way to grab certain kinds of items on the other side of chasms or to traverse them outright.Comment
๐ 1Comment
A strangeness: dropped items are perfectly happy to end up across a chasm if tiles around you have items on them. I guess this is no quirkier than the one-item-per-tile rule itself though.Comment
I went to leap a chasm with an enemy on the other side and I was asked if I wasnted to leap into the Easterling archer. I declined as I wasn't sure if I would just fall down the chasm. Has anyone tried this? Do you fall or push the monsters along or perhaps there is a roll to see what happens...?Comment