Sil 1.2
Uh, this is a really silly thing, but in the @ screen, I guess "armor" was changed to British spelling "armour" but the column label field is too narrow and so it reads "Armou" nowLooks like this will happen when the defense summary is 10 chars or wider, which is pretty commonplace (e.g. [+10,5-15])
Interesting idea. We are not certain of what the pre-requisite(s) of Leaping really should be. If it is found to be too weak, for instance, then it probably shouldn't have any pre-requisites at all. I don't think there are any cases where we just have an off-skill pre-requisite for an ability, but we should consider adding Charge as an alternate. We also considered Sprinting for obvious reasons, but decided that would make Leaping too deep in the tree and Sprinting needs a pre-requisite because it is just so damn good.
Unrelated side note: as somebody who still spends most of their runs dying by 400', I really like the tweaked item generation. I find myself getting at least one thing each early game that differentiates it from the other ones- a brass lantern of true sight, a (+1, 2d5) [+1] longsword, etc. Nothing game breaking so far by any means, but it's nice to not feel like every single trip through the first four dungeon levels or so is so ... formulaic.Comment
You could always invert that, and have Leaping be the pre-requisite for Sprinting. I haven't gotten deep enough in 1.2 yet to know just how useful Leaping turns out to be, so I don't know if it needs the prereq or not, but having the two "track and field" skills be related makes some sense in my brain.
Unrelated side note: as somebody who still spends most of their runs dying by 400', I really like the tweaked item generation. I find myself getting at least one thing each early game that differentiates it from the other ones- a brass lantern of true sight, a (+1, 2d5) [+1] longsword, etc. Nothing game breaking so far by any means, but it's nice to not feel like every single trip through the first four dungeon levels or so is so ... formulaic.Comment
Just to chime in: It seems I only got lucky in the first run with early Orcrist etc. This remained an exception.Comment
I'll agree that the new loot tables haven't seemed absurdly overpowered, although it does seem like a modest shift toward an easier earlygame. Which may be worthwhile and combined with the major shifts to make the lategame harder (fewer potions, Song of Sharpness isn't very sharp) it can increase the "learning curve" aspect.Comment
This one is deliberately delayed a little bit (1 in 10 chance per turn or something) so that you get a chance to see the effect before it tells you (otherwise you'd always be notified while the lit squares were still in your light radius).Comment
...and its not the same mechanic affecting radiance bows?Comment
This sounds ominous! It is probably a bug due to not fully working through the changes of removing an ability. Luckily 1.2.1 will be released soon.Comment
There is also now a mobile violet mold monster in the game. I'll leave it to you to find himGlaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment