Sil 1.2
Rebooting solved the issue; the game now launches properly. Ta! Off to explore the changes.Comment
Congrats! You just found the Sil version of Nowhere Town. I've only been able to play for a total of five minutes, but did come across chasms. A really cool feature. I couldn't resist jumping down them. I can't wait to test if knockback would drop a monster down a chasm if they were next to it... that would be cool.You are on something strangeComment
For now, note that Cat Warriors can cause this terrible behaviour if you kill them with a free attack while they are exchanging places with you. Note that it can only happen with Riposte, so if you turn that off with Cat Warriors that is a work-around. I'll try to release the fixed version soon. Keep the bug reports coming!Comment
Chasms can potentially lock characters out of parts of a level - especially annoying early since it can potentially shut one out of the 100' forge (just happened to me, suicided just to make certain). Also, gray chasms looks a bit out of place; I think it would look better if they were pitch black instead.Comment
I am also wondering what the intended way to open chests is now that lore master does not identify them - is there another way other than _Understanding?Comment
Chasms can potentially lock characters out of parts of a level - especially annoying early since it can potentially shut one out of the 100' forge (just happened to me, suicided just to make certain). Also, gray chasms looks a bit out of place; I think it would look better if they were pitch black instead.
Pitch black would not work well as it is already overloaded as the symbol for unknown squares and for dark floor squares.Comment
Very minor nagging thing, there seems to be a more prompt in the middle of autopickingup throwing weapons that I don't remember being there before. Every time you autopickup, it says "You see a Thing... --More-- You now have X Things"
Can I stop orc warriors from charging by slowing them with potions of slowness?If so, new elite tech
Ctrl-T and wieldless digging are AMAZINGGlaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment