I had completely forgotten there were even options I could mess with! I tried your suggestion but it didn't change anything... I still cant flank the asterisks.
Sil 1.2
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
I was actually curious about this a few months back -- you know, how much hard perception do you need to reliably completely reveal using Listen? Short answer, you need an absurd amount of perception!
I just did a recheck, because, you know... memory problems. :/ Looks like ~25 is what you need... so maybe not ridiculous... but jeez. I had a couple of characters that hit that but I don't recall them getting a lot of reveals from Listen.Last edited by HallucinationMushroom; May 14, 2014, 18:59.You are on something strangeComment
Some thoughts...
1) Stackable freedom of movement
Stacking free action (which is quite readily available) feels overpowered to the point where people happily enter the throne room with less will in 1.2.1 than 1.1.1 despite the changes. Admittedly I once felt differently when entranced by a dragon in 1.1.1 while believing to be safe due to double free action.
2) Daggers
I was no fan of the change to weapon weights, but one good thing came out of it: daggers truly have a niche of their own (only <1lb weight weapons) right now.
3) Auto-ID
Auto-ID for items like shadow cloak of warmth is still messy - although probably not easily fixed. It is really weird not to see the stealth bonus on the item even if you can calculate it from your skill screen, because you haven't identified the warmth effect.Comment
If stacking free action (and other skill check-boosters like that) is overpowered, maybe it could have diminishing returns. So, the first source could give +10, the second source +5, and I'm not sure what the 3rd would give.
This would be somewhat consistent with how damage resists stack with diminishing returns.Comment
There is an opportunity cost to stacking free action, it's a choice you have to make. If it's a problem, rather than not letting it stack or adding some complex mechanic to make it sort of stack, I would suggest maybe free action effects should be made less common? It seems like the main issue, to the extent there is an issue, is the large number of artifacts with free action as a free bonus. Switch some of those to, like, poison resistance or whatever and the problem might go away. To the extent there is a problem. Which I'm not at all convinced of. Who's going to not buy enough Will to get the point of Constitution anyway?Comment
Minor Display bug:
I went down stairs bleeding & was surprised to find myself no longer bleeding. Took a step & started to bleed again.
Also Sprinting into a chasm leaves you fast, though whether you can maintain the sprint or whether it's a display issue I've never really tested.
Edit: Bonus silly question, do female dwarfs actually have beards in Tolkien's writing? I can't get a beardless lady no matter how many times I hit tab. I can't think of any stories where dwarf women make an appearance either.
Edit2: It'd be nice to be able to modify the time clock (Say for a semi-challenge Edain game). Is there some way to change it in cheat mode?Last edited by wobbly; June 26, 2014, 23:00.Comment
I noticed something with violet molds the other day which I'm not sure is intended. If you sneak into them in stealth mode they double hit you & can end up draining 2 con if your unlucky. I don't think I'll be playing many stealth characters without keen senses or high will in the future.Comment
I noticed something with violet molds the other day which I'm not sure is intended. If you sneak into them in stealth mode they double hit you & can end up draining 2 con if your unlucky. I don't think I'll be playing many stealth characters without keen senses or high will in the future.
If you're worried about being spotted, you can get similar bonuses by sneaking along the walls, and an even bigger one just by passing a turn. These bonuses are cumulative (so passing a turn in a corner gives a pretty big boost to your spot check.)
I typically use stealth mode for 5-10 turns at a time, and only then when I have clear vision of what I'm sneaking into. It's not really safe to use all the time.
Edit: With sprinting or permaspeed, it can be easier/safer to use.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
I noticed something with violet molds the other day which I'm not sure is intended. If you sneak into them in stealth mode they double hit you & can end up draining 2 con if your unlucky. I don't think I'll be playing many stealth characters without keen senses or high will in the future.
Keen senses + listen are kind of mandatory picks with stealth anyway, imo. I can do without song, but how are you going to dodge quick opponents without listen?Comment
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Wasn't there some talk of removing stealth mode entirely at a certain point? It seems sort of weird.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment