Sil 1.0.1

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  • half
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    What exactly does a vampiric weapon do? I died before I could test it extensively.
    It heals you 7 health every time you slay something with the weapon -- very powerful against crowds, not so good in extended single combat.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    It looks like the lore-master talent allows me to identify objects that monsters pick up as well as ones I pick up. Seems like a small bug.
    It identifies all objects in line of sight.

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Feature request: It would be cool if you could add flavor text to forged artifacts.

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  • Jungle_Boy
    What exactly does a vampiric weapon do? I died before I could test it extensively.

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  • Jungle_Boy
    It looks like the lore-master talent allows me to identify objects that monsters pick up as well as ones I pick up. Seems like a small bug.

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  • will_asher
    I just killed a silent watcher for the first time. Earlier in the battle, I charged it, bringing it down to one star. I thought maybe I could finish it off with throwing axes (because it kept scaring me and I could still throw the axes while scared). So when I finally killed it, I was rather annoyed to find a pile of rubble where the silent watcher used to be, burying my axes. I have no digging tools. And when I tried to move the rubble with my great axe, it said "You fail to move the rubble." So I tried several more times with the same result. Then I looked in the code and found that you have no chance without a digging tool, even with rubble. The message "You fail to move the rubble" implies that you might succeed if you keep trying. If you say "You can't dig without a digging tool", it would be a lot clearer and keep people from repeatedly banging their great axes into a pile of rubble to no effect whatsoever.
    Also, I had heard before that you can't dig without a digging tool in Sil, but I assumed that applied to magma, quartz, and granite, but probably not to rubble. I guess I was wrong.

    EDIT: Great. Now a kemenrauko caused an earthquake and trapped me. I haven't seen a digging tool all game. If you're going to make digging impossible without a digging tool, digging tools need to be available. (It also might be cool/appropriate if my staff of freedom could get me out of this...)
    Last edited by will_asher; February 8, 2012, 04:42.

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  • Morik
    Just dropped by to comment on the top quality and direction of Sil. I can tell you are a good designer by looking at the manual, and looking at some of the design decisions. I enjoy the stat and combat engine. Maybe create a few more distinct and interesting enemies, your orcs are fantastic.

    Just some encouragement to keep going on this gem.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Fendell Orcbane
    I had a lamp of true sight turn into a regular lamp on me when I used it to fuel up a normal lamp. Is this normal or a bug?
    That would be a bug, but I can't replicate it. It just works fine for me. If I press (u) for use, it fuels my wielded lamp with the one in my inventory. If I press (w) for wield, it swaps them. Perhaps you did that accidentally?

    (By the way, for people who want to swap lanterns but not learn about the (w) command, they can just take two turns to do it by taking off the lantern (u) and then wielding the new one (u)).

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  • Fendell Orcbane
    I had a lamp of true sight turn into a regular lamp on me when I used it to fuel up a normal lamp. Is this normal or a bug?

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    I've tested polearm mastery with several characters now and while they all receive the +1 to attack the only way I can get free attacks on incoming monsters is to use shift-z, z and 5 do not give free attacks.
    As a follow up to this I tested blocking as well and I get the same behavior. Resting with z or 5 does not grant the extra roll but using shift-z does.

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  • will_asher
    Feature request: either
    a) a second page to the character screen with resistances and equipment flags like V (and most variants) have.
    b) a self-knowledge page in the knowledge menu listing known resistances and stuff.

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  • HugoVirtuoso
    Originally posted by Gockel

    apart from that, i encountered a bug: i forged a brass lantern which provides see invis, res blind and inner light. after i refilled it with a lantern of true seeing it had 7000 turns of light and this doesn't change anymore. it simply stays at 7000 turns of light forever.
    actually it could be that it was like that from the beginning, but i only realized after i refilled the lantern to maximum.
    This is a known bug with 'Artifact' Brass Lanterns. half says this is fixed in the next version, as far as I know.
    Last edited by HugoVirtuoso; February 5, 2012, 00:37.

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  • Gockel
    hey there,

    first: congratulations and thanks for creating such a unique and fascinating variant! love it!!

    apart from that, i encountered a bug: i forged a brass lantern which provides see invis, res blind and inner light. after i refilled it with a lantern of true seeing it had 7000 turns of light and this doesn't change anymore. it simply stays at 7000 turns of light forever.
    actually it could be that it was like that from the beginning, but i only realized after i refilled the lantern to maximum.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    I've tested polearm mastery with several characters now and while they all receive the +1 to attack the only way I can get free attacks on incoming monsters is to use shift-z, z and 5 do not give free attacks.
    Wow, thanks for the bug report. That is very odd.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Psi
    Ha! I love this... what I hadn't bargained on was Silent Watchers. They go absolutely bonkers with my aggravation. I'd never "set one off" on previous characters, but I've been knocked out by one this time around. Thankfully nothing was around to take advantage. Does stunning resistance protect against this by the way?
    Stunning resistance protects against this and (I think) all other times one could become stunned.

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