As I've mentioned over on the Beleriand thread, I'm doing a rewrite of Sil 1.3 based on modern Angband code. I knew going in that this was quite a task, and assumed it would take me some number of months; I'm currently aiming at six months (so end of June) to have something that compiles and runs, at least.
Largely for my own future benefit, I'm going to give an outline of what's done and what's to be done at roughly the 4-month mark.
Not done:
On the whole I'm pretty happy with how it's going. I hope it ends up being worth it
Largely for my own future benefit, I'm going to give an outline of what's done and what's to be done at roughly the 4-month mark.
- Data files essentially done (some small tidying up required), along with most of the parsing of them;
- Projection effects (balls, bolts, breaths etc);
- Monster movement and AI;
- Smithing (mostly - this was very difficult code, took over a month by itself, and will need a bunch of checking once I actually have a running game);
- Songs;
- Monster spells and other magic (staff effects, etc);
- Combat, both player and monster.
Not done:
- Abilities (some work done on this for smithing);
- Player calculations (the at-least-once-per-turn checking of all the player's gear, abilities etc to determine things like resistance, stats and skills);
- Line-of-sight (another section of difficult code);
- Chests;
- Object and monster creation and management;
- Dungeon generation.
On the whole I'm pretty happy with how it's going. I hope it ends up being worth it
