The easiest way is to come up with a better function. Hacking in race flags just doesn't make much sense. At what difference should the fall-off begin? Then figure out a function with a pole not far from that difference with the right behavior.
Presumably the goal should be
Let x = (a * skill - difficulty) for some a
lim x -> -Inf: P ~ -1/x
lim x-> +Inf: P~ 1 - c/x , for some c
Piece of cake:
P = arccot(-c*x)/pi
c determines how sharp the sigmoid change is.
Trivial or some easier to compute sigmoid with ~1/x asymptotic behavior. Obviously if you want a hard minimimum fail rate, you need to put it in--or change the lower asymptote.
The easiest way is to come up with a better function. Hacking in race flags just doesn't make much sense. At what difference should the fall-off begin? Then figure out a function with a pole not far from that difference with the right behavior.
Presumably the goal should be
Let x = (a * skill - difficulty) for some a
lim x -> -Inf: P ~ -1/x
lim x-> +Inf: P~ 1 - c/x , for some c
Piece of cake:
P = arccot(-c*x)/pi
c determines how sharp the sigmoid change is.
Trivial or some easier to compute sigmoid with ~1/x asymptotic behavior. Obviously if you want a hard minimimum fail rate, you need to put it in--or change the lower asymptote.