4.2 design discussion

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  • Gwarl
    • Jan 2017
    • 988

    I have toyed with the idea on innate accuracy penalties and bonuses and innate damage bonuses (i.e. on {average} weapons) that would then be cumulative to the bonuses on {good} and other weapons.

    e.g. daggers and quarterstaves get an accuracy bonus, battleaxes get an accuracy penalty but a damage bonus


    • MWGE
      • Jul 2008
      • 27

      Some thoughts on Necromancers

      They seem (at least in my hands having died with 5 at around CL 25ish) to lack "another" damage spell that's useful.

      The nether type bolt is good but then runs out of steam and the noxious vapours and vampire strike options are both relatively poor. Many (?) creatures seem shielded against the latter and the former poisons the caster too.

      Equally the Vampire strike brings one into contact with the baddies...

      Utility spells seem rather lacking too.

      I like the Tap spell. I think that's good.

      I do quite like the idea of the class and hence playing them a lot but they are hard to survive with given the lack of spells.

      Oh...and Blood Falcons...WOAHH...


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        They get disenchant, I think it's in the 1st dungeon book? I idly feel that necromancers should get something special from Morgul weapons but I have no specific idea what.


        • MWGE
          • Jul 2008
          • 27

          Originally posted by wobbly
          They get disenchant, I think it's in the 1st dungeon book? I idly feel that necromancers should get something special from Morgul weapons but I have no specific idea what.
          True but again it doesn't seem much use and the cost it quite high?

          Might be me but their spells overall seemed rather weak.

          Agreed re Morgul weapons, that would be interesting but they are not melee types in general. Nice bit of flavor though I agree.

          The darkness part i quite like but it does mean one is often entering rooms with less information that available to other characters. Detection/ESP (never got that with one yet) would ameliorate the issue true but there doesn't seem a trade off.

          Don't get me wrong, i very much like the idea, they just feel a little incomplete at the moment.

