Compiling with VS2015

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  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    Don't bother. There are a lot of these lists in .h files; many are included more than once using different transformation macros. There is no clean way to remove the trailing comma in those cases. Disable the warning with a pragma if you really care.

    Originally posted by Siemelink
    When I compiled the snippet separately I could get the warning and also the correct contents from the array.



    • AnonymousHero
      • Jun 2007
      • 1322

      Originally posted by Pete Mack
      Don't bother. There are a lot of these lists in .h files; many are included more than once using different transformation macros. There is no clean way to remove the trailing comma in those cases. Disable the warning with a pragma if you really care.
      Yeah, I think this another one of those C99 things that MS never bothered to implement?


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        No. It's a warning message that is occasionally (rarely) useful, but not in the case of generated code. Like any warning message, you can disable it. It's not C99 at all; it's part of the original K&R spec.


        • AnonymousHero
          • Jun 2007
          • 1322

          Originally posted by Pete Mack
          No. It's a warning message that is occasionally (rarely) useful, but not in the case of generated code. Like any warning message, you can disable it. It's not C99 at all; it's part of the original K&R spec.
          Really? I stand corrected, I guess. I just remember something vaguely similar in C99-vs-C89 discussions.


          • Pete Mack
            • Apr 2007
            • 6697

            It turns out to be surprisingly hard to get an answer on this. There are claims both ways, including that it was left out of C89 by accident, and added to C90. It was certainly part of K&R. Here's the most definitive answer I found.
            Is code like the following allowed? I am talking about the comma after the last function in the initializer. void f(void) {puts("f");} void g(void) {puts("g");} struct Funcs { void (*f[])(void); }; struct Funcs funcs = { f, g, }; I ask because it makes generating code a lot easier.

            Scroll down to Dan Pop's answer, Nov 14, 2005
            It turns out I was wrong: it was a standard C feature since "day one",
            i.e. since K&R1 was printed. Retained by the standardisation committee
            because "it provides flexibility in adding or deleting members from
            an initializer list, and simplifies machine generation of such lists".


            • t4nk
              • May 2016
              • 335

              Originally posted by AnonymousHero
              @t4nk: I actually thought seriously about using D "back in the day", but honestly
              Hey, AnonymousHero. After a reasonably thorough investigation, I came to the conclusion that you're right.
              Still, it is our moral duty and obligation as programmers to avoid inflicting any more C++ on the world
              Rust is the next on my list of newflangled languages to investigate
              All I want is a better C... specifically, C with better memory management, better strings and better arrays (including associative arrays), but with full C interop. Better C++ would also be acceptable... Rust is most likely isn't it, but we'll see.

              P.S: I must say, though, that the D language itself is great, just the implementation is lacking. I will revisit it in a year or so, hopefully there will be some improvements...
              Last edited by t4nk; May 6, 2017, 19:53.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                Well, there are Java and C#. Both have better strings than C.


                • t4nk
                  • May 2016
                  • 335

                  But how do I run them without their gigantic runtimes Those might be better, but they're not C, so they don't qualify as "better C".
                  Also, performance is not good enough (pls no microbenchmarks...)


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    Yeah, the runtime libraries are pretty ridiculous, I agree. But the performance is probably good enough for roguelikes.


                    • Derakon
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 8820

                      If you can make a playable roguelike in Python or GameMaker, you can do it in Java or C#. The performance complaint about Java was kind of valid when it first came out, but they've had two decades to optimize the runtime now. It's plenty fast.


                      • t4nk
                        • May 2016
                        • 335

                        ^Hey, guys, I'm not talking about roguelikes, more like in general. BTW, I'm not actually going to rewrite Angband in anything


                        • Nick
                          Vanilla maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 9353

                          Originally posted by t4nk
                          BTW, I'm not actually going to rewrite Angband in anything
                          Well, you've already rewritten a fair chunk of it in C...
                          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                          • AnonymousHero
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 1322

                            Another option which might be interesting would be to target browsers directly with something like Scala.js.

                            EDIT: It has quite a big "runtime" (scala-library-as-js), but if you have game assets anyway they would probably dwarf that.


                            • t4nk
                              • May 2016
                              • 335

                              Originally posted by AnonymousHero
                              Another option which might be interesting would be to target browsers directly with something like Scala.js.

                              EDIT: It has quite a big "runtime" (scala-library-as-js), but if you have game assets anyway they would probably dwarf that.
                              Why are you always suggesting some bizarre functional languages like Racket, Haskell and now... Scala? ...js?
                              Anyway, Rust is pretty interesting, but it's verbose, full of Ocaml-isms (I don't see any particular advantages in them) and poorly documented. It's probably a good replacement for Ada.
                              I also changed my opinion on D again It's more general purpose than Rust, the flaws have workarounds and, all in all, Angband should be rewritten in D


                              • AnonymousHero
                                • Jun 2007
                                • 1322

                                Originally posted by t4nk
                                Why are you always suggesting some bizarre functional languages like Racket, Haskell and now... Scala? ...js?
                                Well, they're good languages .

                                (Scala less so, but still a lot better than most things. Especially things that can target JS.)

                                Originally posted by t4nk
                                Anyway, Rust is pretty interesting, but it's verbose, full of Ocaml-isms (I don't see any particular advantages in them) and poorly documented. It's probably a good replacement for Ada.
                                Algebraic Data Types + pattern matching are absolutely amazing when you want to model a domain, though. (That plus traits, in the case of Rust.)

                                Not sure if D can do ADTs, but you can probably hack something similar using macros.

