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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Originally posted by Malak Darkhunter
    Looking through my edit files, for me Pukelman dosen't have IM_ACID flag

    however I did catch N:300 Colbran
    has IM_POIS, however it dosen't have IM_ELEC and it should.
    Remember to double-check monster_base.txt. All golems have IM_ELEC inherently.


    • Spacebux
      • Apr 2009
      • 231

      Originally posted by Derakon
      Remember to double-check monster_base.txt. All golems have IM_ELEC inherently.
      Pukelman resists acid, ... sans any IM_ACID flag in monters.txt or monster_base.txt.

      I don't know where, how, or why Pukelman is resisting Acid.


      • Malak Darkhunter
        • May 2007
        • 683

        Originally posted by Derakon
        Remember to double-check monster_base.txt. All golems have IM_ELEC inherently.
        Yeah I double-checked it's there under monster base, just like all undead have IM_cold.
        If a person wanted to tweak monsters he would have to look at the base template as well just to make sure.


        • Timo Pietilä
          • Apr 2007
          • 3964

          Originally posted by Spacebux
          New computer, new O.S., new d/l.

          Can anyone else verify that pukelman's resisting acid?
          I can verify that they don't. Just created rod of acid balls and summoned pukelman in debug-mode. zapped rod to pukelman and it cried out in pain and monster memory correctly updated with "does not resist acid".


          • Spacebux
            • Apr 2009
            • 231

            Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
            I can verify that they don't. Just created rod of acid balls and summoned pukelman in debug-mode. zapped rod to pukelman and it cried out in pain and monster memory correctly updated with "does not resist acid".
            Thank you, Timo... now, I'm wondering what's wrong with my version here.

            I will triple-check.


            • Spacebux
              • Apr 2009
              • 231

              Originally posted by Spacebux
              Thank you, Timo... now, I'm wondering what's wrong with my version here.

              I will triple-check.
              Ok, I'm going mad.. nothing wrong this time around.

              Sorry for the false alarm.


              • Malak Darkhunter
                • May 2007
                • 683

                Originally posted by Spacebux
                Thank you, Timo... now, I'm wondering what's wrong with my version here.

                I will triple-check.
                Its the microsoft curse, windows 8 seemed very buggy to me.lol

                But really since i went to linux and learned how to use it ive never went back


                • Spacebux
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 231

                  Originally posted by Malak Darkhunter
                  Its the microsoft curse, windows 8 seemed very buggy to me.lol

                  But really since i went to linux and learned how to use it ive never went back
                  I bought a new laptop - the Acer Aspire R7, only to find no Linux package supports it .. yet. (First thing I tried to do was wipe the O.S. with Linux...)
                  So, yes, I'm lumbering along with Win 8.1. The earlier versions of Windoze 8, ... those systems die on their own without any assistance in a few weeks of use.

                  I'm biding my time for Linux disty's to catch up with Acer's new tech.


                  • danaris
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 31

                    Originally posted by Derakon
                    Well, it's clear that whatever you call the current rogue, they're filling a niche of being good at melee and good at casting spells, but not great at either. Assuming we aren't willing to nix the class entirely, do you have a better (i.e. more thematic) name than "Warrior-Mage"?

                    If you want "real" rogues, you'll also have to face up to the fact that Vanilla is not really built around being sneaky (after all, your ultimate goal is to kill someone, not steal something from them as in Sil). Ultimately, you have to be able to put out lots of damage and take lots of damage in a fairly straight-up fight. And again, nothing says the game has to be this way, but changing it would require extensive changes to how combat works yadda yadda yadda.
                    I've actually been dabbling with some variant-ish-making lately (well, a few months ago; other projects put it on the back burner), trying to improve the Rogue in a way somewhat based on Legend. Thus far, the main change was to give rogues a sneak attack that works against sleeping monsters, and vastly increases the chances of a critical hit against them. It's...a good change, IMNSHO. It makes stealth into a weapon, rather than just a defense, when you can be pretty well guaranteed to get a one-hit kill on most in-depth monsters down to about 1000' as long as you can sneak up on them. It also makes anything that aggravates much more, well, aggravating.

                    (The other change I made is something I'd actually planned to propose for Vanilla at some point: an indication, by the monster HP bar, of the monster's current speed. It really makes a difference to know that a "normal speed" orc is actually at +1 or +2 when you're running away from him with 10HP left, hoping to save your last !CCW for something more threatening...)

