New level types (spoiler-y)

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  • d_m
    Angband Devteam member
    • Aug 2008
    • 1516

    Originally posted by Taha
    Is there another type of level that is almost like a quest level? There is only really one way through (maybe with a few small rooms off the path), and no stairs except at the opposite end from where the player starts? Not quite like the cavern levels, since not so open, but clearly a single path from start to end once you have explored the whole level.
    I have seen levels like this get generated using the "default" level generation technique, but there isn't special code that causes the exact layout you describe to be generated.

    Originally posted by Taha
    Are out of depth monsters / items more likely to be generated now too? In my last three games, I have found one of Law DSM and MHDSM before level 20, and a rod of fire balls on level three respectively. Each time I died by a lack of caution after being overpowered for a little while items; the most recent time to a basilisk, werebear and purple worm on level 21 - all out of depth and in a long (all the way across the map) hallway. It was on a level like I described above. Priests can't detect any of those, got trapped and portal failed.
    Awhile ago I made the OOD able to generate monsters that were further OOD, and to make it a little bit more common. Also, some room types generate OOD monsters (mostly vaults). As far as items go I don't think I've changed anything, but it could be that you're noticing the effect of lesser/medium vaults showing up a bit more.

    The labyrinth levels do sometimes have OOD items/monsters, but I assume you weren't talking about those since you didn't mention it.

    Thanks for your feeback!


    • Taha
      • Jun 2009
      • 128

      The Law DSM was on a cavern level. The other two very out of depth items were on normal levels. Neither was in a vault of any sort, typical rooms. Got superb level feelings for all three. All hail the RNG, I guess.

      The one that looked like a quest with the OOD monsters and long hallways was the one that I was confused by; having read this thread it wasn't anything you described, but have seen at least two of them playing the nightlies over the last week. Don't recall ever seeing anything quite that path controlling before. Cavern levels are sometimes like that, with the one or two down staircases at the far end from where you start, so thought it might be related.
      Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:55.


      • d_m
        Angband Devteam member
        • Aug 2008
        • 1516

        Originally posted by Taha
        The Law DSM was on a cavern level. The other two very out of depth items were on normal levels. Neither was in a vault of any sort, typical rooms. Got superb level feelings for all three. All hail the RNG, I guess.

        The one that looked like a quest with the OOD monsters and long hallways was the one that I was confused by; having read this thread it wasn't anything you described, but have seen at least two of them playing the nightlies over the last week. Don't recall ever seeing anything quite that path controlling before. Cavern levels are sometimes like that, with the one or two down staircases at the far end from where you start, so thought it might be related.
        If you see another, you should either explore the whole thing, or save, backup your savefile, and then use debug commands to light/map the entire dungeon and post a screenshot (or just a savefile).

        If it doesn't have some irregular walls then the odds of it being a cavern are *very* low, and if it's a labyrinth it should be obvious. It's possible that other refactors to the default generator made levels like this more likely.


        • cattwister
          • Mar 2011
          • 1

          labyrinth generation: sets[] array not tracking the cave correctly


          First ever post so bear with me... possibly I'm posting this in the wrong place...

          In the labyrinth_gen() function, when a wall gets turned into an area of floor, the sets[] array value for that location is not being updated. The cells on either side of the wall-just-destroyed are now linked and are correctly updated in the sets[] array but not the position that lies in between the linked cells (and used to be a wall). I did a bit of digging and think that the second line here needs to be added:

          cave_set_feat(c, y + 1, x + 1, FEAT_FLOOR);
          sets[j] = sa; /* <== add this line */
          if (lit) c->info[y + 1][x + 1] |= CAVE_GLOW;

          Note the presence or absence of this line has no discernable side-effect on the generation routine itself. I *think* it should be in though... to make sure that the sets[] array tracks the labyrinth area correctly at all times during the generation process.

          Hope this makes sense...



          • d_m
            Angband Devteam member
            • Aug 2008
            • 1516

            Originally posted by cattwister
            Note the presence or absence of this line has no discernable side-effect on the generation routine itself. I *think* it should be in though... to make sure that the sets[] array tracks the labyrinth area correctly at all times during the generation process.
            I think I remember leaving that out because it wasn't *needed* but you're right that I might as well keep the data structures consistent.

            I'll take a look this weekend. Thanks for looking into it!


            • Taha
              • Jun 2009
              • 128

              Not sure if this is new level related or not, but it is one of the new rooms. I just went down disconnected stairs, and ended up in one of the new big oval rooms with a square in the center. It is completely disconnected from the rest of the level, and has no stairs. Is this intentional? I thought the only disconnected areas were vaults. This isn't a vault, and you shouldn't be able to start in those anyway.

              Save in place is attached.
              Marijuana Dispensaries
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:58.


              • Taha
                • Jun 2009
                • 128

                And another one, this one is a smaller room much further away from everything else. This time it does have stairs in it though, and I portal'd in, didn't start out there. Save attached.
                buttsex Cams
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:58.


                • d_m
                  Angband Devteam member
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 1516

                  Originally posted by Taha
                  And another one, this one is a smaller room much further away from everything else. This time it does have stairs in it though, and I portal'd in, didn't start out there. Save attached.
                  Thanks for this.

                  I think you've demonstrated that the code for connecting rooms isn't working well with the new circular rooms. I'll try to post a fix for you to test as soon as I figure out what's going on.


                  • Max Stats
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 316

                    Originally posted by d_m
                    Thanks for this.

                    I think you've demonstrated that the code for connecting rooms isn't working well with the new circular rooms. I'll try to post a fix for you to test as soon as I figure out what's going on.
                    Oh, so this isn't intentional? I've seen lots of these rooms and just assumed that they were a challenge for characters with no stone-to-mud and poor tunneling. I once teleported away a monster that I couldn't handle and it ended up in one of these rooms. I thought they were nice that way if you could be lucky.
                    If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?


                    • scud
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 320

                      Originally posted by Taha
                      And another one, this one is a smaller room much further away from everything else.
                      I jumped into a small stair-less room, a good 20 spaces from anywhere else.

                      I'm not sure I like the new, sparser levels. A lot of of them feel sort of inconsequential.


                      • Taha
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 128

                        Not sure if it will show up here or not, but the attached screen dump is from a level where three separate areas were generated, on level 96. No connections at all. Fortunately, as a priest that presents no issues. But it looks interesting, nonetheless.
                        Web shows
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:58.


                        • Derakon
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8820

                          I'd say the best way to view that dump is to pretend to make a new post, paste the dump text into it, and hit "preview". Don't actually post it, though, because it'll horribly break the page width.


                          • TJS
                            • May 2008
                            • 460

                            I really like the cave type maps, they look so much more interesting. Would it be possible to have levels that are a mixture of cave and normal types?

                            Not sure about the labyrinth ones though, it doesn't really look right to me. Perhaps they could be a type of vault in an ordinary level?


                            • scud
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 320

                              Originally posted by TJS
                              Not sure about the labyrinth ones though, it doesn't really look right to me.


                              • TJS
                                • May 2008
                                • 460

                                Heh I thought they looked a bit familiar. They might look a bit nicer if the corridors are two tiles wide instead of one tile.

                                One problem I have with them is that if your character is relying on archery or magic to kill monsters then you can't do much about monsters that can pass through walls.

