Bugfix release for 3.2?
If it isn't close, the savefiles need to change. I thought all bytes and shorts should have been changed to 32 bit values when moving to 3.1. Saving a few bytes here and there isn't worth dealing with these issues.
When I originally coded increased gold drops, I got some extra bits by using the number in addition to the pval. That's an additional size of * 99 at the cost of ugly code.Comment
Would you be willing to open a ticket on trac.rephial.org and attach the savefile? Thanks!
As an aside, I've decided I personally don't care for "no selling," as it creates more emphasis on gathering gold. With selling, whether you dive or don't dive you still end up having more than enough gold by the time you reach DL40. With no selling, that hasn't been the case, though I'm not yet past DL50. I get more excited about seeing a pile of adamantite than an unIDed potion or an ego slightly-too-heavy-for-me-to-currently-use weapon. Just my personal taste.Comment
Is this your first game with no selling? Usually it takes 3 or 4 games to let go of the old habits and preconceptions. If you still dislike it after 4 games, please make sure that I know.Comment
For my part, I'm enjoying the hell out of no-selling. My inventory is full of actually useful things, since I only need to maintain maybe two slots for stuff I find while exploring. And I haven't experienced a shortage of money; several times I've bought useful stuff from the black market. Plus I don't feel obliged to return to town every time my backpack fills up.
If anything, money is too available to no-selling players. I'm at 2200' right now and I have almost 200k gold. I think part of what's going on here is that with no-selling, you don't need to return to town anywhere near as often as you do with selling on, so you have fewer opportunities to drop cash on stuff. For example, I have yet to buy a stat potion this game, because I've only been to town...oh, five, six times since I started being able to afford them, and the BM has yet to stock ones I want.
I should note I'm playing the nightlies here. One thing I've noticed is that C*W potions seem to be far more common now. I haven't bought a single one all game and yet I have 18 in my inventory.Comment
Sorry if that came off as complaining - not my intent. Mages also aren't to my taste, but they're fine for other people. I haven't played much besides the last 3.2 comp, though if I play any more "no selling" games after the current comp I'll repost my thoughts.
a pile of money you can pick up that does not cost a slot?Comment
Sorry if that came off as complaining - not my intent. Mages also aren't to my taste, but they're fine for other people. I haven't played much besides the last 3.2 comp, though if I play any more "no selling" games after the current comp I'll repost my thoughts.
I don't think this is a fair argument, as in selling games, I start worrying about slots significantly after I stop worrying about gold.
I don't know if it counts if you play 3 no selling games spread out among 20. That might screw up the adjustment process. I've been pushing this hard, for years. I want to be able to say that no one who has given no_selling a fair shot has ever said it was a bad idea. If you are the first, I need to know, but only if you give it a fair shot.Comment
The bmp and prf being distributed with 3.2 aren't up to date.
Go to www.mediafire.com/buzzkill. You should be able to figure out the rest.
Yes, RePos has the same problem. Yes, I am working on fixing and filling in the holes in the RePos tileset.
The files over there are even older than the 3.2.0 version of angband.Comment
I can assure you that the files contained therein are 'newer' than those currently distributed with Vanilla 3.2 standard, I checked both. They will solve the 'deep descent' problem, and also contain new tiles for a few monsters such as wolves.www.mediafire.com/buzzkill - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.Comment
Oh well, cute little blink doggies and howling wolves. ^^Comment
My char is currently clvl 50 down on dlvl 99 and I didn't see a single artifact cloak. Not even one.
I hope they haven't been wiped from the code. ^^
So there may be something wrong with the probability of artifact cloak generation.
Btw - the same for artifact daggers, haven't seen a single one of them either.Last edited by Mondkalb; February 25, 2011, 17:56.Comment