Competition 154 (planning)
What would forced descend do?
I like the changes with the summoning. I was able to beat the Queen Ant in a vault only because her escort was limited.
I wouldn't mind if you restart the competition with better rules if it makes more sense. There's only one guy alive on the ladder, but he got super lucky with a exp potion he might be upset
I think the idea behind forced-descend is that it really puts you under the gun as far as resources. With no TO, you have less options to handle difficult areas, and with forced descent you have less chances for easy areas to spawn. This really gets at the question of whether a no TO game is viable, which starts to ask the big question on whether we should be thinking about nerfing TO. That's more of a game design concern I'm interested in, not sure whether it should affect the competition.
The counter-reason is that it's not as friendly to new players, which is why debo opposes it (i think).
Randarts and no-selling are more of a personal preference.
As long as people are having fun, I see no reason to restart the comp with a new savefile.Comment
As cool as this experiment is, I also don't want newbies to feel totally locked out of an angband comp. Forced descent is pretty brutal!
I also didn't realize that forced descent would be required to get a really good grasp on these changes, which was def an oversight on my part.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
So I'm going to play the char file attached here. It already has my play preferences and some of my autoinscriptions assigned, sorry bout that.Attached FilesComment
To answer my own question: yes it is.
For some reason this setup is tiny compared to normal 3.5.0. I am trying to make it look like 3.5.0, but changing the font size to the default of 3.5.0 (16x24X) only affects the shop numbers, it doesnt inflate the dungeon map.
Tile multiplyer is 1x1, same as in 3.5.0, so I dont want to change that. How do I get the good 3.5.0 angband size ?
Edit: posted at same time as Fizzix´s answer.
Edit 2: After getting stuck in the jungle of options for an hour, checking "enable nice graphics" seems to have done the trick.Last edited by Estie; March 21, 2014, 14:40.Comment