In a competition based on XP/turn, is stair scum diving legal in this competition?
If you just stair scum 2 levels down, 1 level up, and repeat, you'll obviously get to the depth you want in a lot fewer turns than if you have to find a new down staircase on every level in order to descend.
It's better than recall, because you can go to precisely the level you would like (instead of your deepest dive), and maybe find a few items along the way.
It's better than recall, because you'll always be safely on a staircase. The turns you would normally wait for recall to kick in, could be used to stair scum to the level you'd like, so you really lose nothing.
If you just stair scum 2 levels down, 1 level up, and repeat, you'll obviously get to the depth you want in a lot fewer turns than if you have to find a new down staircase on every level in order to descend.
It's better than recall, because you can go to precisely the level you would like (instead of your deepest dive), and maybe find a few items along the way.
It's better than recall, because you'll always be safely on a staircase. The turns you would normally wait for recall to kick in, could be used to stair scum to the level you'd like, so you really lose nothing.