The adventures of Experiment the crash test dummy

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2576

    	int power = weight + randint1(650);
    	int chance = weight + (p->state.to_h + plus + debuff_to_hit) * 5 + p->lev * 3;
    	if (randint1(5000) > chance) {
    		*msg_type = MSG_HIT;
    		return dam;
    Ok so chance to crit goes up with weight & level. Power just weight.

    The lowest is crit is approx. 2x. It would perhaps be convenient for the weapons with 1 blow, for them to be critical-ing fairly reliably?, maybe.

    With the 15 lb lance if I *3 that would be +15 or equiv. +5 char levels?

    So damage starts going up at the high end but there's a 2/3 * monster AC in the to hits I'm still unsure of & why/when that came about. If I remove that what's the issue? the priest in the late game (which might crit higher anyway)? mage at the start? Mage being unable to-hit might be alright - play a half-orc, half-troll etc. if you want to mage melee at lvl 1....
    Last edited by wobbly; July 21, 2018, 20:12.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      Wieght is in units of 0.1lb, so 15lb corresponds to 150.


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2576

        Originally posted by Pete Mack
        Wieght is in units of 0.1lb, so 15lb corresponds to 150.
        Whoops. Thanks. Curves in between 1 & 2 blows:

          [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
         Name   Bee          Age             48          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
         Race   Dwarf        Height        4'1"   STR:     16  +2  -1  +0     17
         Class  Priest       Weight     8st 5lb   INT:     10  -3  -3  +0      4
         Title  Believer     Turns used:          WIS:     16  +2  +3  +0  18/30
         HP     13/13        Game           351   DEX:     16  -2  -1  +0     13
         SP     2/2          Standard        35   CON:     12  +2  +1  +0     15
                             Resting          0
         Level                  1    Armor        [0,+0]    Saving Throw     45%
         Cur Exp                0                           Stealth          Bad
         Max Exp                0    Melee        2d6,+2    Disarm - phys.   29%
         Adv Exp               14    To-hit        21,+0    Disarm - magic   28%
                                     Blows      1.1/turn    Magic Devices     40
         Gold                  63                           Searching        13%
         Burden           25.0 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    50 ft
         Overweight      -88.9 lb    To-hit        12,+0    Speed         Normal
         Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
         You are the only child of a Dwarven Priest.  You are the black sheep
         of the family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a two
         foot beard, and a dark complexion.
        rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
        rElec:............. Nethr:.............
        rFire:............. Chaos:.............
        rCold:............. Disen:.............
        rPois:............. pFear:.............
        rLite:............. pBlnd:............+
        rDark:............. pConf:.............
        Sound:............. pStun:.............
        Shard:............. HLife:.............
        Regen:............. Stea.:.............
          ESP:............. Sear.:.............
        Invis:............. Infra:............+
        FrAct:............. Tunn.:............+
        Feath:............. Speed:.............
        S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
        ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
         Fear:............. Might:.............
        Aggrv:............. Light:.............
          [Character Equipment]
        a) a Morning Star (2d6) (+0,+0)
             Bought from a store
             Combat info:
             1.1 blows/round.
             With +4 STR and +0 DEX you would attack a bit faster
             With +9 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             With +0 STR and +4 DEX you would attack a bit faster
             With +4 STR and +4 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             With +0 STR and +7 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
             Average damage/round: 10.2.
        f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
             An inheritance from your family
             Radius 1 light.
          [Character Inventory]
        a) a Ration of Food
        b) a Rapier (1d6) (+0,+0)
             Bought from a store
             Combat info:
             1.1 blows/round.
             With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             With +0 STR and +4 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             Average damage/round: 4.
        c) a Whip (1d3) (+0,+0)
             Combat info:
             1.1 blows/round.
             With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             With +0 STR and +4 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
             Average damage/round: 4.6.
          [Character Quiver]
        [Player history]
              Turn   Depth  Note
                 0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
          [User interface]
        Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
        Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
        Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
        Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
        Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
        Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
        Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
        Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
        Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
        Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
        Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
        Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
        Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
        Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
        Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
        Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
        Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
        Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
        Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
        Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
        Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
        Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
        Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
        Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
        Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
        Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
        Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
        Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
        Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
        Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
        Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
        Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
        Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
        Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
        Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2576

            [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
           Name   Grunt        Age             15          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
           Race   Half-Orc     Height        5'5"   STR:     17  +2  +1  +0  18/20
           Class  Paladin      Weight   10st 12lb   INT:     10  -1  -3  +0      6
           Title  Gallant      Turns used:          WIS:     10  +0  +1  +0     11
           HP     16/16        Game           101   DEX:     18  +0  -1  +0     17
           SP     1/1          Standard        10   CON:     10  +1  +2  +0     13
                               Resting          0
           Level                  1    Armor        [0,+1]    Saving Throw     24%
           Cur Exp                0                           Stealth          Bad
           Max Exp                0    Melee        1d5,+3    Disarm - phys.   20%
           Adv Exp               14    To-hit        27,+3    Disarm - magic   18%
                                       Blows      2.7/turn    Magic Devices     22
           Gold                  31                           Searching         8%
           Burden           34.0 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    30 ft
           Overweight     -109.9 lb    To-hit        12,+3    Speed         Normal
           Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
           Your father was an Orc, but it is unacknowledged. You are the adopted
           child of a Yeoman.  You are a well liked child.  You have brown eyes,
           wavy brown hair, and an average complexion.
          rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
          rElec:............. Nethr:.............
          rFire:............. Chaos:.............
          rCold:............. Disen:.............
          rPois:............. pFear:.............
          rLite:............. pBlnd:.............
          rDark:............+ pConf:.............
          Sound:............. pStun:.............
          Shard:............. HLife:.............
          Regen:............. Stea.:.............
            ESP:............. Sear.:.............
          Invis:............. Infra:............+
          FrAct:............. Tunn.:.............
          Feath:............. Speed:.............
          S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
          ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
           Fear:............. Might:.............
          Aggrv:............. Light:.............
            [Character Equipment]
          a) a Main Gauche (1d5) (+0,+0)
               Combat info:
               2.7 blows/round.
               With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.3 blows
               With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
               Average damage/round: 16.6.
          f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
               An inheritance from your family
               Radius 1 light.
            [Character Inventory]
          a) a Ration of Food
          b) an Awl-Pike (1d8) (+0,+0)
               Bought from a store
               Combat info:
               1.4 blows/round.
               With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
               With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
               Average damage/round: 10.9.
          c) a Lucerne Hammer (2d5) (+0,+0)
               Bought from a store
               Combat info:
               1.4 blows/round.
               With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
               With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
               Average damage/round: 13.
            [Character Quiver]
          [Player history]
                Turn   Depth  Note
                   0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
            [User interface]
          Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
          Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
          Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
          Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
          Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
          Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
          Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
          Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
          Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
          Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
          Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
          Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
          Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
          Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
          Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
          Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
          Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
          Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
          Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
          Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
          Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
          Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
          Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
          Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
          Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
          Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
          Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
          Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
          Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
          Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
          Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
          Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
          Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
          Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
          Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2576

            *This is a modification of the Angband-4.1.2 blows table. I have added curves into the 1-2 blow ranges. It hasn't been tested much. - MC 
            * This table is used to help calculate the number of blows the player can
             * make in a single round of attacks (one player turn) with a normal weapon.
             * This number ranges from a single blow/round for weak players to up to six
             * blows/round for powerful warriors.
             * Note that certain artifacts and ego-items give "bonus" blows/round.
             * First, from the player class, we extract some values:
             *    Warrior --> num = 6; mul = 5; div = MAX(30, weapon_weight);
             *    Mage    --> num = 4; mul = 2; div = MAX(40, weapon_weight);
             *    Priest  --> num = 4; mul = 3; div = MAX(35, weapon_weight);
             *    Rogue   --> num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(30, weapon_weight);
             *    Ranger  --> num = 5; mul = 4; div = MAX(35, weapon_weight);
             *    Paladin --> num = 5; mul = 5; div = MAX(30, weapon_weight);
             * (all specified in class.txt now)
             * To get "P", we look up the relevant "adj_str_blow[]" (see above),
             * multiply it by "mul", and then divide it by "div", rounding down.
             * To get "D", we look up the relevant "adj_dex_blow[]" (see above).
             * Then we look up the energy cost of each blow using "blows_table[P][D]".
             * The player gets blows/round equal to 100/this number, up to a maximum of
             * "num" blows/round, plus any "bonus" blows/round.
            static const int blows_table[12][12] =
            	/* P */
               /* D:   0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,   10,  11+ */
               /* DEX: 3,   10,  17,  /20, /40, /60, /80, /100,/120,/150,/180,/200 */
            	/* 0  */
            	{  100, 90, 85,  80,  70,  60,  50,  42,  35,  30,  25,  23 },
            	/* 1  */
            	{  90,  85,  70,  60,  50,  50,  42,  35,  30,  25,  23,  21 },
            	/* 2  */
            	{  85,  70,  60,  50,  50,  42,  35,  30,  26,  23,  21,  20 },
            	/* 3  */
            	{  80,  60,  50,  50,  42,  36,  32,  28,  25,  22,  20,  19 },
            	/* 4  */
            	{  75,  50,  50,  42,  36,  33,  28,  25,  23,  21,  19,  18 },
            	/* 5  */
            	{  65,  50,  42,  36,  33,  30,  27,  24,  22,  21,  19,  17 },
            	/* 6  */
            	{  50,  42,  36,  33,  30,  27,  25,  23,  21,  20,  18,  17 },
            	/* 7  */
            	{  42,  36,  33,  30,  28,  26,  24,  22,  20,  19,  18,  17 },
            	/* 8  */
            	{  36,  33,  30,  28,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  17,  16 },
            	/* 9  */
            	{  35,  32,  29,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16 },
            	/* 10 */
            	{  34,  30,  27,  25,  23,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16 },
            	/* 11+ */
            	{  33,  29,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16,  15 },
               /* DEX: 3,   10,  17,  /20, /40, /60, /80, /100,/120,/150,/180,/200 */


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2576

                [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
               Name   Runa         Age             20          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
               Race   Human        Height        6'6"   STR:     17  +0  +0  +0     17
               Class  Ranger       Weight     9st 0lb   INT:     10  +0  +2  +0     12
               Title  Runner       Turns used:          WIS:     10  +0  -2  +0      8
               HP     14/14        Game           101   DEX:     18  +0  +1  +0  18/10
               SP     0/0          Standard        10   CON:     10  +0  -1  +0      9
                                   Resting          0
               Level                  1    Armor        [0,+2]    Saving Throw     30%
               Cur Exp                0                           Stealth         Fair
               Max Exp                0    Melee        1d1,+2    Disarm - phys.   34%
               Adv Exp               13    To-hit        19,+3    Disarm - magic   22%
                                           Blows      1.4/turn    Magic Devices     34
               Gold                  21                           Searching        16%
               Burden           30.2 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision     0 ft
               Overweight      -83.7 lb    To-hit        25,+3    Speed         Normal
               Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
               You are one of several children of a Serf.  You are the black sheep of
               the family.  You have green eyes, curly black hair, and an average
              rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
              rElec:............. Nethr:.............
              rFire:............. Chaos:.............
              rCold:............. Disen:.............
              rPois:............. pFear:.............
              rLite:............. pBlnd:.............
              rDark:............. pConf:.............
              Sound:............. pStun:.............
              Shard:............. HLife:.............
              Regen:............. Stea.:.............
                ESP:............. Sear.:.............
              Invis:............. Infra:.............
              FrAct:............. Tunn.:.............
              Feath:............. Speed:.............
              S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
              ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
               Fear:............. Might:.............
              Aggrv:............. Light:.............
                [Character Equipment]
              f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
                   An inheritance from your family
                   Radius 1 light.
                [Character Inventory]
              a) a Ration of Food
              b) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0)
                   Bought from a store
                   Combat info:
                   1.4 blows/round.
                   With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
                   With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
                   Average damage/round: 6.3.
              c) a Tulwar (2d4) (+0,+0)
                   Bought from a store
                   Combat info:
                   1.1 blows/round.
                   With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
                   With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
                   Average damage/round: 8.3.
              d) a Pike (2d5) (+0,+0)
                   Bought from a store
                   Combat info:
                   1.1 blows/round.
                   With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
                   With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
                   Average damage/round: 9.7.
                [Character Quiver]
              [Player history]
                    Turn   Depth  Note
                       0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
                [User interface]
              Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
              Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
              Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
              Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
              Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
              Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
              Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
              Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
              Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
              Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
              Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
              Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
              Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
              Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
              Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
              Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
              Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
              Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
              Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
              Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
              Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
              Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
              Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
              Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
              Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
              Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
              Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
              Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
              Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
              Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
              Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
              Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
              Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
              Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
              Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


              • wobbly
                • May 2012
                • 2576

                  [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
                 Name   Sneak        Age             18          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                 Race   Kobold       Height        2'6"   STR:     14  -1  +0  +0     13
                 Class  Rogue        Weight     4st 7lb   INT:     14  -1  +1  +0     14
                 Title  Vagabond     Turns used:          WIS:     10  +0  -3  +0      7
                 HP     14/14        Game           161   DEX:     18  +2  +3  +0  18/50
                 SP     0/0          Standard        16   CON:     10  +2  -1  +0     11
                                     Resting          0
                 Level                  1    Armor        [8,+3]    Saving Throw     29%
                 Cur Exp                0                           Stealth    Very Good
                 Max Exp                0    Melee        2d4,+0    Disarm - phys.   62%
                 Adv Exp               14    To-hit        19,+4    Disarm - magic   58%
                                             Blows      1.4/turn    Magic Devices     39
                 Gold                   2                           Searching        31%
                 Burden           37.9 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    50 ft
                 Overweight      -52.0 lb    To-hit        26,+4    Speed         Normal
                 Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
                 You are the largest of a litter of 5 pups. Your father was a hunter,
                 and your mother was a prisoner of war. You have light brown eyes, a
                 dark brown hide, and small, sharp teeth.
                rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
                rElec:............. Nethr:.............
                rFire:............. Chaos:.............
                rCold:............. Disen:.............
                rPois:............+ pFear:.............
                rLite:............. pBlnd:.............
                rDark:............. pConf:.............
                Sound:............. pStun:.............
                Shard:............. HLife:.............
                Regen:............. Stea.:.............
                  ESP:............. Sear.:.............
                Invis:............. Infra:............+
                FrAct:............. Tunn.:.............
                Feath:............. Speed:.............
                S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
                ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
                 Fear:............. Might:.............
                Aggrv:............. Light:.............
                  [Character Equipment]
                a) a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0)
                     Bought from a store
                     Combat info:
                     1.4 blows/round.
                     With +6 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.0 blows
                     With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.6 blows
                     Average damage/round: 7.3.
                f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
                     An inheritance from your family
                     Radius 1 light.
                g) Soft Leather Armour [8,+0]
                     An inheritance from your family
                  [Character Inventory]
                a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners]
                b) 2 Rations of Food
                c) a Scroll of Word of Recall
                d) 2 Wooden Torches (5000 turns)
                     An inheritance from your family
                     Radius 1 light.
                e) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0)
                     An inheritance from your family
                     Combat info:
                     2.0 blows/round.
                     With +6 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.7 blows
                     With +2 STR and +1 DEX you would get 2.3 blows
                     With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 2.3 blows
                     Average damage/round: 5.
                f) a Spear (1d6) (+0,+0)
                     Bought from a store
                     Combat info:
                     2.0 blows/round.
                     With +7 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.3 blows
                     With +6 STR and +1 DEX you would get 2.3 blows
                     With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 2.3 blows
                     Average damage/round: 7.
                  [Character Quiver]
                [Player history]
                      Turn   Depth  Note
                         0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
                  [User interface]
                Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
                Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
                Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
                Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
                Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
                Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
                Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
                Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
                Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
                Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
                Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
                Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
                Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
                Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
                Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
                Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
                Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
                Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
                Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
                Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
                Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
                Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
                Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
                Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
                Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
                Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
                Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
                Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
                Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
                Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
                Start with a kit of useful gear              : yes (birth_start_kit)
                Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
                Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
                Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
                Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


                • wobbly
                  • May 2012
                  • 2576

                   [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
                   Name   Speedy       Age             30          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                   Race   Half-Troll   Height        7'4"   STR:     18  +4  +3  +0  18/70
                   Class  Warrior      Weight    17st 4lb   INT:     10  -4  -2  +0      4
                   Title  Rookie       Turns used:          WIS:     10  -2  -2  +0      6
                   HP     21/21        Game           201   DEX:     17  -4  +2  +0     15
                   SP     0/0          Standard        20   CON:     10  +3  +2  +0     15
                                       Resting          0
                   Level                  1    Armor        [0,+1]    Saving Throw     11%
                   Cur Exp                0                           Stealth          Bad
                   Max Exp                0    Melee        1d6,+4    Disarm - phys.   23%
                   Adv Exp               12    To-hit        31,+2    Disarm - magic   16%
                                               Blows      3.1/turn    Magic Devices     10
                   Gold                  47                           Searching         2%
                   Burden           23.0 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    30 ft
                   Overweight     -156.9 lb    To-hit        16,+2    Speed         Normal
                   Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
                   Your father was a Stone-Troll Warrior.  You have puke-yellow eyes,
                   oily sea-weed green hair, and blue scabby skin.
                  rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
                  rElec:............. Nethr:.............
                  rFire:............. Chaos:.............
                  rCold:............. Disen:.............
                  rPois:............. pFear:.............
                  rLite:............. pBlnd:.............
                  rDark:............. pConf:.............
                  Sound:............. pStun:.............
                  Shard:............. HLife:.............
                  Regen:............+ Stea.:.............
                    ESP:............. Sear.:.............
                  Invis:............. Infra:............+
                  FrAct:............. Tunn.:.............
                  Feath:............. Speed:.............
                  S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
                  ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
                   Fear:............. Might:.............
                  Aggrv:............. Light:.............
                    [Character Equipment]
                  a) a Spear (1d6) (+0,+0)
                       Bought from a store
                       Combat info:
                       3.1 blows/round.
                       With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.3 blows
                       With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 3.4 blows
                       Average damage/round: 23.4.
                  f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
                       An inheritance from your family
                       Radius 1 light.
                    [Character Inventory]
                  a) a Ration of Food
                  b) a Flail (2d6) (+0,+0)
                       Bought from a store
                       Combat info:
                       1.6 blows/round.
                       With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.0 blows
                       With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 2.0 blows
                       Average damage/round: 18.5.
                    [Character Quiver]
                  [Player history]
                        Turn   Depth  Note
                           0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
                    [User interface]
                  Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
                  Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
                  Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
                  Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
                  Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
                  Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
                  Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
                  Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
                  Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
                  Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
                  Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
                  Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
                  Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
                  Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
                  Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
                  Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
                  Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
                  Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
                  Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
                  Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
                  Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
                  Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
                  Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
                  Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
                  Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
                  Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
                  Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
                  Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
                  Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
                  Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
                  Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
                  Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
                  Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
                  Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
                  Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2576

                     [Angband 4.1.2 Character Dump]
                     Name   Zap          Age             29          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                     Race   Hobbit       Height       2'10"   STR:     16  -2  -3  +0     11
                     Class  Mage         Weight    3st 10lb   INT:     16  +2  +3  +0  18/30
                     Title  Novice       Turns used:          WIS:     10  +1  +0  +0     11
                     HP     7/7          Game           131   DEX:     16  +3  +0  +0  18/10
                     SP     2/2          Standard        13   CON:     12  +2  -2  +0     12
                                         Resting          0
                     Level                  1    Armor        [0,+2]    Saving Throw     49%
                     Cur Exp                0                           Stealth    Very Good
                     Max Exp                0    Melee        2d5,+0    Disarm - phys.   49%
                     Adv Exp               14    To-hit         8,+3    Disarm - magic   55%
                                                 Blows      1.1/turn    Magic Devices     58
                     Gold                  65                           Searching        17%
                     Burden           35.0 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    40 ft
                     Overweight      -42.9 lb    To-hit        13,+3    Speed         Normal
                     Max Depth           Town    Shots        0/turn
                     You are one of several children of a Hobbit Tavern Owner.  You are a
                     credit to the family.  You have brown eyes, straight black hair, and
                     an average complexion.
                    rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
                    rElec:............. Nethr:.............
                    rFire:............. Chaos:.............
                    rCold:............. Disen:.............
                    rPois:............. pFear:.............
                    rLite:............. pBlnd:.............
                    rDark:............. pConf:.............
                    Sound:............. pStun:.............
                    Shard:............. HLife:............+
                    Regen:............. Stea.:.............
                      ESP:............. Sear.:.............
                    Invis:............. Infra:............+
                    FrAct:............. Tunn.:.............
                    Feath:............. Speed:.............
                    S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
                    ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
                     Fear:............. Might:.............
                    Aggrv:............. Light:.............
                      [Character Equipment]
                    a) a Long Sword (2d5) (+0,+0)
                         Bought from a store
                         Combat info:
                         1.1 blows/round.
                         With +12 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
                         With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
                         Average damage/round: 7.2.
                    f) a Wooden Torch (5000 turns)
                         An inheritance from your family
                         Radius 1 light.
                      [Character Inventory]
                    a) a Ration of Food
                    b) an Awl-Pike (1d8) (+0,+0)
                         Bought from a store
                         Combat info:
                         1.1 blows/round.
                         With +13 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
                         With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
                         Average damage/round: 5.4.
                    c) a Whip (1d3) (+0,+0)
                         Bought from a store
                         Combat info:
                         1.1 blows/round.
                         With +7 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.4 blows
                         With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 1.2 blows
                         Average damage/round: 2.3.
                      [Character Quiver]
                    [Player history]
                          Turn   Depth  Note
                             0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
                      [User interface]
                    Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
                    Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
                    Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
                    Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
                    Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
                    Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
                    Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
                    Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
                    Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
                    Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
                    Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
                    Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
                    Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
                    Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
                    Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
                    Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
                    Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
                    Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
                    Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
                    Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
                    Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
                    Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
                    Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
                    Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
                    Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
                    Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
                    Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
                    Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
                    Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
                    Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
                    Start with a kit of useful gear              : no  (birth_start_kit)
                    Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
                    Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
                    Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
                    Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)


                    • PowerWyrm
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 2941

                      With this system, I guess you have to look up at the weapon description to see which stat, STR or DEX, will benefit the most when raised, make a pit stop at 750ft and scum for the corresponding potion (brawn vs nimbleness), hoping you don't get many decreases with the other stat.
                      PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2576

                        Originally posted by PowerWyrm
                        With this system, I guess you have to look up at the weapon description to see which stat, STR or DEX, will benefit the most when raised, make a pit stop at 750ft and scum for the corresponding potion (brawn vs nimbleness), hoping you don't get many decreases with the other stat.
                        possibly but I suspect not. The curves tuck back towards the edges, it still moves fastest down the TL -> BR corners and starts turning back along the TR -> BL. At some pt str is going to be king through the way the damage bonus gets multiplied by the blows. Plus I never removed the old dagger pattern warriors have, I just bumped some combinations that used to be hell into survivability. You could be hit with the old nexus swap and still find something viable with the right weapon.

                        Plus it has to flex back into the old system somewhere around 2.5 blows, just because the old table starts bending & you start hitting exponential strs. It gets harder to do radial curves with an already bent line.

                        Edit: Oh yeah, didn't read that properly. Maybe. I still think the str bonuses start ruling above a point
                        Last edited by wobbly; July 23, 2018, 11:10.


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2576

                          So you can bend the corners a little more right up to where it flexs, I don't know what the flex is for so I don't want to touch it. Note I haven't tried to see what this does:

                          static const int blows_table[12][12] =
                          	/* P */
                             /* D:   0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,   10,  11+ */
                             /* DEX: 3,   10,  17,  /20, /40, /60, /80, /100,/120,/150,/180,/200 */
                          	/* 0  */
                          	{  100, 90, 85,  80,  70,  60,  55,  42,  35,  30,  25,  23 },
                          	/* 1  */
                          	{  90,  85,  70,  60,  50,  50,  42,  35,  30,  25,  23,  21 },
                          	/* 2  */
                          	{  85,  70,  60,  50,  50,  42,  35,  30,  26,  23,  21,  20 },
                          	/* 3  */
                          	{  80,  60,  50,  42,  42,  36,  32,  28,  25,  22,  20,  19 },
                          	/* 4  */
                          	{  75,  50,  50,  42,  36,  33,  28,  25,  23,  21,  19,  18 },
                          	/* 5  */
                          	{  65,  50,  42,  36,  33,  30,  27,  24,  22,  21,  19,  17 },
                          	/* 6  */
                          	{  55,  42,  36,  33,  30,  27,  25,  23,  21,  20,  18,  17 },
                          	/* 7  */
                          	{  42,  40,  33,  30,  28,  26,  24,  22,  20,  19,  18,  17 },
                          	/* 8  */
                          	{  40,  33,  30,  28,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  17,  16 },
                          	/* 9  */
                          	{  35,  32,  29,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16 },
                          	/* 10 */
                          	{  34,  30,  27,  25,  23,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16 },
                          	/* 11+ */
                          	{  33,  29,  26,  24,  22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16,  15 },
                             /* DEX: 3,   10,  17,  /20, /40, /60, /80, /100,/120,/150,/180,/200 */
                          The 1st line you have to be really careful with because that '0' pt is the hobbit mage above no matter what weapon weight. It's also a half troll warrior with a heavy enough weapon.
                          Last edited by wobbly; July 23, 2018, 17:42.


                          • wobbly
                            • May 2012
                            • 2576

                            Ok Rolyn the standard roller is my new dummy. Looks like reasonable stats except straight away the game punishes you because maces aren't a sane weight or apparently you're not meant to play the game this way. Ok somethings not right, looks like it's incompatible with 4.1.3 or I mucked something.

                             [Angband 4.1.3 Character Dump]
                             Name   Rolyn        Age             42          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
                             Race   Dwarf        Height        4'6"   STR:     14  +2  -1  +0     15
                             Class  Priest       Weight    8st 13lb   INT:     13  -3  -3  +0      7
                             Title  Acolyte      Turns used:          WIS:     15  +2  +3  +0  18/20
                             HP     55/55        Game         40186   DEX:     11  -2  -1  +0      8
                             SP     9/12         Standard      4030   CON:     15  +2  +1  +0     18
                                                 Resting         25
                             Level                  7    Armor        [4,+0]    Saving Throw     52%
                             Cur Exp              231                           Stealth          Bad
                             Max Exp              231    Melee        2d4,+0    Disarm - phys.   35%
                             Adv Exp              280    To-hit        25,+0    Disarm - magic   34%
                                                         Blows      1.0/turn    Magic Devices     46
                             Gold                 441                           Searching        21%
                             Burden           73.0 lb    Shoot to-dam     +0    Infravision    50 ft
                             Overweight      -28.9 lb    To-hit        16,+0    Speed         Normal
                             Max Depth      400' (L8)    Shots        1/turn
                             You are a dwarf priest standard roller. You roll
                            rAcid:............. Nexus:.............
                            rElec:............. Nethr:.............
                            rFire:............. Chaos:.............
                            rCold:............. Disen:.............
                            rPois:............. pFear:.............
                            rLite:............. pBlnd:............+
                            rDark:............. pConf:.............
                            Sound:............. pStun:.............
                            Shard:............. HLife:.............
                            Regen:............. Stea.:.............
                              ESP:............. Sear.:.............
                            Invis:............. Infra:............+
                            FrAct:............. Tunn.:............+
                            Feath:............. Speed:.............
                            S.Dig:............. Blows:.............
                            ImpHP:............. Shots:.............
                             Fear:............. Might:.............
                            Aggrv:............. Light:.............
                              [Character Equipment]
                            a) a Mace (2d4) (+0,+0)
                                 An inheritance from your family
                                 Combat info:
                                 You are too weak to use this weapon.
                                 1.0 blow/round.
                                 With +17 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 With +6 STR and +7 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 Average damage/round: 3.
                            b) a Sling (x2) (+0,+0)
                                 Found lying on the floor at 100 feet (level 2)
                            f) a Wooden Torch (820 turns)
                                 An inheritance from your family
                                 Radius 1 light.
                            g) a Robe [2,+0]
                                 Dropped by a small kobold at 200 feet (level 4)
                            j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0]
                                 Dropped by an acolyte at 250 feet (level 5)
                              [Character Inventory]
                            a) 4 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginners Handbook] {@m1}
                            b) a Holy Book of Prayers [Words of Wisdom] {@m2}
                            c) 11 Rations of Food
                            d) a Flask of oil
                            e) 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds {@q1}
                            f) a Potion of Boldness
                            g) a Potion of Infravision
                            h) 2 Potions of Slime Mold Juice
                            i) 3 Scrolls of Phase Door
                            j) a Scroll of Treasure Detection
                            k) a Scroll of Detect Invisible
                            l) 3 Scrolls of Blessing
                            m) a Scroll of Monster Confusion
                            n) a Wand of Confuse Monster (4 charges)
                            o) 3 Wooden Torches (5000 turns)
                                 Radius 1 light.
                            p) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0)
                                 Found lying on the floor at 150 feet (level 3)
                                 Combat info:
                                 1.0 blow/round.
                                 With +9 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 With +0 STR and +7 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 Average damage/round: 0.
                            q) a Whip (1d3) (+0,+0)
                                 Bought from a store
                                 Combat info:
                                 1.0 blow/round.
                                 With +9 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 With +0 STR and +7 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
                                 Average damage/round: 0.
                              [Character Quiver]
                            0) 27 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0)
                            1) 20 Arrows (1d4) (+5,+5)
                            [Player history]
                                  Turn   Depth  Note
                                     0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
                                     4      0'  -- Note: you are too weak to use this weapon
                                   485     50'  Reached level 2
                                  1605     50'  Reached level 3
                                  1930    150'  Reached level 4
                                  2670    100'  Reached level 5
                                  3612    200'  Reached level 6
                                  3747    250'  Reached level 7
                              [User interface]
                            Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
                            Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
                            Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
                            Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
                            Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
                            Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
                            Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
                            Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
                            Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
                            Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
                            Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
                            Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
                            Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
                            Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
                            Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
                            Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
                            Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
                            Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
                            Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
                            Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
                            Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
                            Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
                            Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
                            Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
                            Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
                            Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
                            Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
                            Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
                            Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
                            Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
                            Start with a kit of useful gear              : yes (birth_start_kit)
                            Monsters learn from their mistakes           : no  (birth_ai_learn)
                            Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
                            Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
                            Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)
                            Last edited by wobbly; July 23, 2018, 18:43.


                            • PowerWyrm
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 2941

                              It's just that you have 8 DEX
                              PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2576

                                Ah ok that explains it. So there's a minimum dex for weight and random dwarf priest can fall under it for mace? Seems not good to me. It not just the standard roller, which should work: always been part of the game, serves like a random choice some games have. It's also a limit on how big a variation you can have in races etc.

                                So currently what does that bad range serve? Stat drain? Maybe some cursed stuff? I'll go through the lot of them including weight. Not sure what I'll do with them in the end. Maybe throw it into a coffee break angband, I probably need to know how most of the vanilla stuff works.

