i would say that approximately 1 out of 3 randart sets has either a +blows or a +shots. i have as of yet to find a +2 blows while playing a warrior, or a +2 shots while playing a ranger.
Sky is going through the randarts after their games and saying "I didn't find this one, but it's pretty [s]cool[/s]powerful." As long as generated randarts with off-weapon blows are rare, we're fine.
well, the extra blows tend to be mostly on rings of power and dragon armors, more on the former. however, i've noticed that rings have become more common than they used to be. most standart games i'd only have the ring of fire, but since 4.1 i've been pretty much finding every ring in every set, assuming i make it far enough.
armors on the other hand have become scarcer, i've done whole games finding maybe 3 artifact armors.
the Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Daron [8,+16] <+18>
+18 speed.
Provides resistance to cold.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Min Level 65, Max Level 127, Generation chance 5, Power 422, 4.0 lbs
Random boots of power 422.