New memorable randarts

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  • Thraalbee
    Best cloak?

    On finding a cloak instead of Razorback you might wish you were on standarts. But as randart cloaks go, this one is actually quite nice.

    the Elven Cloak 'Arodorost' <+4>
    A mantle made of curious silken material by the Galadrim that wondrously takes
    on the hues and shapes of its surroundings.

    +4 strength.
    +4 wisdom.
    +4 constitution.
    +4 stealth.
    +4 speed.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, frost, chaos.
    Provides protection from fear.
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Slows your metabolism.

    When activated, it inscribes a glyph of warding beneath you, which monsters
    cannot move onto.
    Takes 164 to 240 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 71.1%

    Min Level 67, Max Level 127, Generation chance 6, Power 446, 0.4 lbs
    Based on Razorback.

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  • bertoid
    Fire immunity at level 32!

    Jewel Encrusted Crown of Isildisse [0,+9] <+3>:
    Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1600 feet (level 32)
          +3 intelligence.                                                                                                      
          +3 dexterity.                                                                                                         
          Provides immunity to fire.                                                                                            
          Provides resistance to acid.                                                                                          
          Provides protection from blindness.
          Cannot be harmed by acid.

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by Pete Mack
    I made a copy of the save file and tried to do a spoiler dump so I could find out. Unfortunately I get:
    Failed assertion obj-known
    at line 547 obj-identify.c in function object_know_all_but_flavor
    Yeah, sorry about that - several things involving fake objects are a bit dodgy in current master. As I said elsewhere, there are fixes in the run-based ID branch, which I should be getting out for testing soon.

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  • Pete Mack
    I made a copy of the save file and tried to do a spoiler dump so I could find out. Unfortunately I get:
    Failed assertion obj-known
    at line 547 obj-identify.c in function object_know_all_but_flavor

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  • Estie
    Best boots; way better than the +10speed/+10 other stat type. Do take a look at what they are based on when youre done with that character.

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  • Pete Mack
    By the prickling in my toes/something wicked this way goes.

    l) the Pair of Leather Boots of Hirinden [2,+15] <+10>
    Dropped by a Nether wraith at 3600 feet (level 72)
    +10 speed.
    Provides resistance to lightning.
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Sustains wisdom.
    Feather Falling. Grants telepathy.

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  • Estie
    Originally posted by Derakon
    Honestly, I'd be tempted to try to figure out how to use that weapon anyway. 6d8 + 40 damage and it slays basically everything, plus tons of useful intrinsics -- if you could make that work despite the massive stat penalties, you'd have a pretty awesome character. (EDIT: for example, if you could hit 5 blows/round, this weapon would on average deal 470 damage/round on average against evil enemies, purely on its own before off-weapon damage bonuses are considered). Grond itself is 9d9 but only +25. Plus, Grond aggravates and is therefore completely useless.
    Yes. Like I said in my op, I´d want the crown to fix the stats and a big RoS +20 or so to fix the speed, then it should beat the MoD +2 attacks.

    Without the crown, it will be hard; the str/dex loss alone means youre probably not getting anyhere near max blows.The One Ring would help with balancing the stats, but then youre again aggravating

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  • bio_hazard
    This is extremely nitpicky of the smallest details, but something that both aids vision (See Invis) and reduces infravision seems weird.

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  • Derakon
    Originally posted by Estie
    Youre all too obsessed with the "value". The job of the randart generator is to make exciting items to find in the dungeon, and I for my part am happy with its performance.
    Honestly, I'd be tempted to try to figure out how to use that weapon anyway. 6d8 + 40 damage and it slays basically everything, plus tons of useful intrinsics -- if you could make that work despite the massive stat penalties, you'd have a pretty awesome character. (EDIT: for example, if you could hit 5 blows/round, this weapon would on average deal 470 damage/round on average against evil enemies, purely on its own before off-weapon damage bonuses are considered). Grond itself is 9d9 but only +25. Plus, Grond aggravates and is therefore completely useless.

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by PowerWyrm
    That's the problem with the randart generator: it took the only negative modifier (-1 to stealth) to generate its pval, overcharged the negative value (since only positive values trigger power/inhibit checks), then overcompensated with a ton of positive stuff to reach the desired power.
    The randart generator was never updated for multiple pvals, so there are some easy improvements that can be made. There will certainly be some changes for 4.1, but probably fairly cautious.

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  • Estie
    Youre all too obsessed with the "value". The job of the randart generator is to make exciting items to find in the dungeon, and I for my part am happy with its performance.

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  • PowerWyrm
    Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
    Based on Dor-Lomin and gets positive power rating with that bad stat, speed etc. penalties?? Something is wrong with randart generator. That should be far in negative rating.

    My arbitrary count of points / ability gives that around -400. -700 from speed and stats, +300 from resistances, immunity, slays/brands and big dice & damage.
    That's the problem with the randart generator: it took the only negative modifier (-1 to stealth) to generate its pval, overcharged the negative value (since only positive values trigger power/inhibit checks), then overcompensated with a ton of positive stuff to reach the desired power.

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  • Timo Pietilä
    Originally posted by Estie
    the Mattock 'Lingrin' (6d8) (+10,+40) [+34] <-10>
    -10 strength.
    -10 intelligence.
    -10 wisdom.
    -10 dexterity.
    -10 constitution.
    -10 stealth.
    -10 infravision.
    -10 tunneling.
    -10 speed.
    Slays orcs, demons (powerfully), giants, animals, dragons (powerfully), trolls,
    evil creatures, undead (powerfully).
    Branded with lightning, fire, acid, poison, cold.
    Provides immunity to frost.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, sound, shards, chaos,
    Provides protection from blindness.
    Blessed by the gods. Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
    paralysis. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things.

    When activated, it allows you to breathe the elements for 250 damage.
    Takes 164 to 240 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 71.7%

    Min Level 50, Max Level 127, Generation chance 5, Power 310, 20.2 lbs
    Based on Dor-Lómin.

    If I had Morgoth´s crown and a RoS +20, I´d probably use this.
    Based on Dor-Lomin and gets positive power rating with that bad stat, speed etc. penalties?? Something is wrong with randart generator. That should be far in negative rating.

    My arbitrary count of points / ability gives that around -400. -700 from speed and stats, +300 from resistances, immunity, slays/brands and big dice & damage.

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  • Estie
    the Mattock 'Lingrin' (6d8) (+10,+40) [+34] <-10>
    -10 strength.
    -10 intelligence.
    -10 wisdom.
    -10 dexterity.
    -10 constitution.
    -10 stealth.
    -10 infravision.
    -10 tunneling.
    -10 speed.
    Slays orcs, demons (powerfully), giants, animals, dragons (powerfully), trolls,
    evil creatures, undead (powerfully).
    Branded with lightning, fire, acid, poison, cold.
    Provides immunity to frost.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, sound, shards, chaos,
    Provides protection from blindness.
    Blessed by the gods. Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
    paralysis. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things.

    When activated, it allows you to breathe the elements for 250 damage.
    Takes 164 to 240 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 71.7%

    Min Level 50, Max Level 127, Generation chance 5, Power 310, 20.2 lbs
    Based on Dor-Lómin.

    If I had Morgoth´s crown and a RoS +20, I´d probably use this.

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  • Estie
    That one is sweet; especially as found with a warrior who can get 6 base blows with it. Now enjoy the rest of your run
    The activation can be useful too if you dont forget about it the way I usually do.

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