The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Optimism (pt 2) by <>

Based on your current abilities, here is what your weapons will do                                                                                            
  The Death Scythe  'Optimism'          The Executioner's Sword 'Slayer'                                                                                      
  Number of Blows: 6                    Number of Blows: 9                                                                                                    
  To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)       To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)                                                                                       
          90  83  69  56  43 (%)                90  83  69  56  43 (%)                                                                                        
(Only highest damage applies per monster. Special damage not cumulative.)                                                                                     
  Possible Damage:                      Possible Damage:                                                                                                      
   One Strike: 89-179 damage             One Strike: 67-83 damage                                                                                             
   One Attack: 534-1074 damage           One Attack: 603-747 damage                                                                                           
  Force  :Attack: 684-2574 damage       Evil:   Attack: 639-927 damage                                                                                        
  Animals:Attack: 996-5724 damage       Human:  Attack: 657-1017 damage                                                                                       
  Evil:   Attack: 894-4674 damage       Undead: Attack: 675-1107 damage                                                                                       
  Human:  Attack: 996-5724 damage                                                                                                                             
  Undead: Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Demons: Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Orcs:   Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Trolls: Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Giants: Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Dragons:Attack: 1104-6774 damage                                                                                                                            
  Acid:   Attack: 996-5724 damage                                                                                                                             
  Elec:   Attack: 996-5724 damage                                                                                                                             
  Fire:   Attack: 996-5724 damage                                                                                                                             
 ECold:xitAttack: 996-5724 damage                    Gold Remaining:  1048985                                                                                 
  Poison: Attack: 996-5724 damage                                                                                                                             
Optimism (pt 2)
Look at those beautiful numbers :)

Posted on 15.12.2005 13:01

Related character dump:
Lazy Candide, L50 Archon Priest


On 15.12.2005 14:43 wrote:
Wow! Those numbers are insane!

I wonder if the Force brand counts on those return strikes! Probably not.

Also, you are an Archon, so none of the slays will count against you either. And you have ready healing to boot. Perhaps you can pull this off? At least long enough to get the stick, which will probably seem like a let down after this. Keep us posted on the return strikes ...

On 15.12.2005 15:07 wrote:
That's quite impressive. I'm a bit disappointed it doesn't have *slay* dragon, because then we'd see some real damage! Plus, keep in mind that Death Scythe's are vorpal, so a vorpal hit or a critical, or, even more impressively, both, would stack on top of the numbers up there, boosting them even further. I don't remember the multipliers, but a maiming great hit on, say, a dragon, would probably do 3,000-3,500 with a single blow! Unfortunately, and not to be a party pooper, but this is probably the worst weapon in the entire game. Why? Because if the force brand does indeed stack on damage against you (and I'm willing to bet that it does), you can be at full health and still kill yourself in a single return blow. Those happen 10% of the time or so, so using this weapon would be extremely dangerous. I don't think even a half-titan berserker could survive wielding it long enough to get up to skilled.

On 15.12.2005 15:11 wrote:
A tremendous lost opportunity just occured to me. Its a shame Candide isn't a rogue. If you landed a maiming great hit with that weapon, and it was a sneak attack from a rogue (that's an extra x5, right?), you could do 15,000 damage in a single blow! Killing Oberon with one blow would be worth a screenshot, I'd think.

On 15.12.2005 20:09 wrote:
Ok, testing this weapon out, I have some good news and some bad news:

Good news: I can take out a Great Storm Wyrm consistently in 2 turns, without even having to rely on crits or vorpal hits.

Bad news: A non-crit return blow did 300 damage. As I've seen return blows that "cut deep into yourself," this makes me a little bit worried. Hm...

On 15.12.2005 20:16 wrote:
Ok, time for data analysis:

Crit ("your weapon cuts deep into yourself!) return damages, while SP is high:
300, 660 (!)

Non-crit return damages, while SP is high:
300, 220, 290, 290, 280

Non-crit return damages, while SP is out:

So, it does look like Crits and Force also stack and are effective against yourself.

I thought better of using it after the 660 damage attack, which brought me down from 820 to 150 HP, while testing it out against a Bloodthirster in Dragon Caves.

Still, interesting "novelty" item.

On 15.12.2005 20:20 wrote:
Incidentally, Elliot, I was smart enough to train up on Death Scythe Skill before artifacting it to the max of 4000. All of the numbers above were single blow damages! If it managed to return twice, that would for sure have been the end for Candide (killed by Optimism... somewhat poetically fitting, but wouldn't make me happy ^^).

On 16.12.2005 01:29 wrote:

[1] A miss with the scythe will return 1 in 3. So actually, a berserker that hits all the time might not do too bad.

[2] Racial Slays:
Yeek, Klackon, Human, Amberite, Dunadan, Barbarian, Beastman = 2.5x
Half Orc, Half Troll, Half Ogre, Half Giant, Half Titan, Cyclops, Imp, Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Spectre, Demon, Draconian = 3x.

Being an Archon, no problem here.

[3] Elemental Slays. If you don't resist all of Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid and Poison = 2.5x

[4] Alignment. If you are evil = 2.0x (Actually code reads "p_ptr->align < 0" ... I'm guessing that is evil).

[5] Force (Unless you are a Samurai, but Force weapons don't work for Samurai) = 3.5x *Cumulative*. Other slays were take the max.

[6] Vorpal. 1 hit in 6 is vorpal. Multiplier is 2x, but add 1x to that as long as a 1 in 4 die roll passes. This works out mathematically to be 1.22x, but that assumes averaging, and here we are talking about a single hit death ... definitely some discrete math.

[7] Critical Hits. I'm not too good with this aspect of the code, so I can't give probabilities. "Good" hits are 2x + 5 damage, "Great" hits are 2x + 10, "Superb" hits are 3x + 15, "*GREAT*" hits are 3x + 20.

So, Dave, I was actually writing to warn you about the Force, but I see you found this out for yourself already. Being a good little Archon with all resists means the weapon is merely 3.5 * (10d10) * vorpal * critical + 79 (based on your last dump). 272 average damage for a non-critical, non-vorpal hit. A 2x vorpal would score 464 average and a 2x critical slightly higher. Combine a good critical (2x) with a 2x vorpal gives 849 average. This happens enough that you will just die eventually.

Now lets have some fun. Assume you are a Zombie or one of the many 3x slay races. 3x slay with a 3.5x force, so average hits are 3*3.5*(10d10) + 79 = 657 average. A 2x vorpal would score 1234 average and a critical slightly more. Combine the 2 for a whopping 2389 average. Yikes!

I had a buff Zombie berserker die in a single round on multiple return strikes once ... haven't touched a death scythe since ;-)

On 16.12.2005 10:40 wrote:
Eeps! And those are just averages!

Let's see, uniform D10 has standard deviation 2.87, so 10D10 would have standard deviation 9.08. Multiplying by 3.5 for the Force, that's 31.78.

So for me, damage is merely 272 +- 31.78. If I had chosen Draconian instead (and I was considering it), then the variance would be 95.34 on average hits, so that's 657 += 95.34. Since both Draconian and Archon are 11 HD races, HP would be the same.

2 standard deviations is about 2.75% likely, so even disregarding vorpals and crits, each Force return blow would have a non-trivial chance of doing 848 damage! I don't know about you guys, but I'm rarely completely topped out on HP, so in most cases that would be instant death (considering the monsters would also have had a chance to attack). Yikes!!

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