The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Double Trouble by <>

High-Elf     xxxxxxx# #       # #     # #########     ###### ##+## #        ########xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Duke         xxxxxx # #       # #     # # #####         ##   ## ## #        #      xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
LEVEL     44 xxxx####+####### # #   ###+# #              '   >#+## ######   #  i    xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
EXP   172493 xxxxx     {    ### #####   # #-       #     ### ## ## ##   #   #       Uxxxxxxxxxxxx 
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INT : 18/129 xxx##  #{#     # # ## #    #########......T.#       # #        #+####### ##xxxxxxxxx 
WIS :  18/45 xxx########    # # ## #     ########..TT....######### #       ## ####### # xxxxxxxxx 
DEX : 18/*** xxx/##|\# ##   # # ## #    ....##.....^.........'     #       #  '       #  xxxxxxxx 
CON!: 18/190 xxx##+###  ##  # # ## #    ....#................#######       #  #########   xxxxxxx 
CHR : 18/160 xxx# ## ##  #  # # ## #   .....#................###############  #           xxxxxxx 
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                                                                           Fast(+9)         Lev 53
Double Trouble
Double the vaults equals double the fun ;-) And yup, I got that Special feeling!

Posted on 20.11.2005 21:42

Related character dump:
Lucky Bastard, L50 High-Elf Warrior


On 20.11.2005 22:17 wrote:
That was a lot of work. The vault on the left looks minor, but those are actually permanent glass walls. Fenris wolf (DL90) was inside, and killed. Banor=Rupart and a Kirin got the *Destruction* treatment.

The Prize? Charmed Pendant. Phoooey ;-)

On 21.11.2005 01:29 wrote:
What!? A "Restore Mana" activation effect isn't good enough for you? ;-)

On 21.11.2005 16:44 wrote:
I guess there is just no pleasing some people!

Seen 1644 times.

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