The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Magic-Eater's Arsenal, Page 2 by <>

(*=List, ESC=exit) Use which power?                                                                                                                           
                            Charges Fail                            Charges Fail                                                                              
a) Heal Monster               4/ 4   0% s) Fire Bolts                22/22   0%                                                                               
b) Haste Monster              8/ 8   0% t) Frost Bolts               37/37   0%                                                                               
c) Clone Monster              8/ 8   0% u) Acid Balls                 8/ 8   0%                                                                               
d) Teleport Other            47/47   0% v) Lightning Balls           99/99   0%                                                                               
e) Disarming                 14/14   0% w) Fire Balls                 4/ 4   0%                                                                               
f) Trap/Door Destruction     25/25   0% x) Cold Balls                32/32   0%                                                                               
g) Stone to Mud              11/41   0% y) Wonder                    49/49   0%                                                                               
h) Light                     24/24   0% z) Disintegrate               9/19   0%                                                                               
i) Sleep Monster             26/26   0% 0) Dragon's Flame            15/15   0%                                                                               
j) Slow Monster              18/18   0% 1) Dragon's Frost            13/13   0%                                                                               
k) Confuse Monster           15/15   0% 2) Dragon's Breath           14/14   0%                                                                               
l) Scare Monster              9/ 9   0% 3) Rockets                    5/14   0%                                                                               
m) Drain Life                10/10   0% 4) Striking                  27/27   0%                                                                               
n) Polymorph                 17/17   0%                                                                                                                       
o) Stinking Cloud            32/32   0%                                                                                                                       
p) Magic Missile             43/43   0%                                                                                                                       
q) Acid Bolts                60/60   0%                                                                                                                       
r) Tame Monster              13/13   0%                                                                                                                       
              ##       ####4####     ####3####     ####2####     ####1####       ##                                                                           
Day 37 19:51              ...           ...           ...                                                                                                     
   Telmora    ##                                                                 ##                                                                           
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              ##          ...           ...           ...           .            ##                               ####                                        
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              ##  #####         +#####      .....     ...          ########      ##                                                                           
              ##                ######       ...                   ########      ##                                                                           
              ##                ######      ##@##                  ####+###      ##                                                                           
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              ####                                                             ####                                                                           
                                                         PrtEvl StnSkn Hero                                                            Fast(+34)         Surf.
Magic-Eater's Arsenal, Page 2
Page 2. The most useful ones on this page were Rockets, Disintegration, and Teleport Other, with special props to Disintegration because I found it early, and it's unresistable damage. Lightning Balls were my stock mid-game ranged attack, which is why I topped out on it, while the rest I didn't bother picking up after a certain point. Striking and Dragon's Breaths were very large disappointments to me. The former kept getting bounced back and damaging me, and the latter got resisted by just about everything.

Posted on 7.11.2005 03:32

Related character dump:
Sexy Sukeban, L50 Golem Magic-Eater


On 7.11.2005 18:05 wrote:
Now if only there was a rod/staff/wand that did Rune of Protection. :P

Seen 1526 times.

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