The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Babble Outcome by <>

The Metal Babble throw a Psycho-Spear. You are beaten by Metal Babble. -more-                                                                                 
Golem        ##################################################################                                                                               
Almighty     ##################################################################                                                                               
LEVEL     47 ##################################################################                                                                               
EXP  7715951 ##################################################################                                                                               
AU   2378103 ##################################################################                                                                               
||}=="*[(]]] ##################################################################                                                                               
STR!: 18/180 #################################+################################                                                                               
INT!: 18/160 ####################.............@.............###################                                                                               
WIS :  18/70 ###################.............................##################                                                                               
DEX : 18/202 ###################.............................##################                                                                               
CON!: 18/180 ###################.............................##################                                                                               
CHR : 18/157 ###################.............................##################                                                                               
Cur AC    94 ###################....j.........{..............##################                                                                               
HP  -93/ 865 ###################.............................##################                                                                               
[*********-] ##################################################################                                                                               
Day 30 10:32 ##################################################################                                                                               
    Arena    ##################################################################                                                                               
                                                                                                                                       Fast(+27)         Surf.
Babble Outcome
Not too surprisingly, I failed. I did manage to do a point of damage to it though! Unfortunately, when I was at 100 HP, my 300 HP healing wasn't enough for when it double-moved. :/

Posted on 11.9.2005 09:20

Related character dump:
Sexy Sukeban, L50 Golem Magic-Eater


On 11.9.2005 09:23 wrote:
In case anyone was wondering, I fired off 15 arrows, and 9 charges of 300HP healing, and the 1 charge of 500HP healing.

On 11.9.2005 21:56 wrote:
Ah, too bad. I'm curious to see if a non-wall creater can beat the babble in the arena. My archer winner went after the babble after beating the Serpent, armed with the most accurate arrows he had. The babble won, but before it did, my archer managed to fire 40 arrows. Every single one missed.

On 11.9.2005 22:23 wrote:

I now it's doable, because I was able to do it with Wey, my Barbarian Life/Chaos Priest. He was much more sustainable than Sukeban, because he had 0% Fail True Healing for 28 SP (see his dump for details)... there was probably a decent amount of luck involved, but nothing extraordinary, since he did manage to fire off more than 100 arrows, and if you extrapolate from how far Sukeban got (1/6), it's doesn't seem that unlikely.

I think we discussed this, but Accuracy on arrows matter very little against the Babble. I just brought tons of {average} arrows with me.

On 12.9.2005 03:12 wrote:
Good point on arrow accuracy. I wonder if arrow damage would matter, though. Is a +20,+20 Seeker arrow more likely to do 1 point of damage than a normal 1d4 arrow?

On 12.9.2005 04:31 wrote:
I don't know coz I've never faced one so I thought I'd ask....

My Craft Monk is up to the Black Reaver in the Arena (chlvl 41 at the moment) - I'm scratching my head as to how I'm going to deal with the Babble (assuming I have a bit of luck and get past the Wyrm) (Obviously I'm going to wait till chvlv 50 and maxxed stats) - Any ideas? Currently I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with a setup using the Mirror (reflection) and hope I get real lucky with a poison needle - I don't like his chances though - Any other thoughts? Or am I doomed to trying to find a scroll of Artifact Creation the hard way?

On 12.9.2005 04:59 wrote:
Elliot: Hm... there might be a difference between arrows and Seeker Arrows--do the latter cause more crits? If so, then it's probably worth using those.

Ralonso: Unfortunately, Craft Monks have almost nil chance of beating the Babble (even the GWoP is tough). I don't think you can get close enough to the Babble to use the Poison Needle, so I'd actually recommend to go arrows... it's soemthing like 0.1% chance versus 0.0001%. If you've found the sword "Twilight," that's actually a really good weapon to use, because it both gives +10 speed and Fire Immunity. But in general odds are pretty glum against the Babble in the Arena, unless you have Nature (Wall of Stone), Trump (Dim Door), or Life (Healing/True Healing).

And there's no such thing as "really lucky" against the Babble, I think... I at least have never gotten an insta-kill on it with the Poison Needle.

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