The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Poison Needle Test 1... by <>

The Greater titan ('P')/('P'):  [r,q,t,p,o,+,-,<dir>]                                                          
No battles to the death are recalled.                                                                          
A forty foot tall humanoid that shakes the ground as it walks.  The power radiating from its frame shakes your 
courage, its hatred inspired by your defiance.                                                                 
He moves quickly.  He is magical, casting spells intelligently which heal-self, teleport to or summon monsters;
1 time in 5.  He can open doors, bash down doors, push past weaker monsters and pick up objects.  he won't     
evolve.  He takes a while to see intruders, which he may notice from 300 feet.  He may carry up to 8 good      
objects.  He can hit to confuse with damage 12d12, hit to confuse with damage 12d12, hit to confuse with damage
12d12, and hit to confuse with damage 12d12.                                                                   
DEX : 18/120  xxxxxxxxx                 ##########...#+#'######                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CON : 18/200  xxxxxxxxx                       ####...#...                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CHR :     16  xxxxxxxxx                       ####.....#####           +           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cur AC   114  xxxxxxxxx                        ####+##.######         '             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HP  721/ 727  xxxxxxxxx                         ###.#.########                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxx                        ###.#./......####                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxx                        ####/.=.......#'#                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[**********]  xxxxxxxxxx                         ##...,........#                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxx              ##       ####..=...?....+ '                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxx              ##########..............#                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxx               ##...##...##...........+                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Day 14 16:10  xxxxxxxxxxxx              #..#....#####.........##                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dragon's lair xxxxxxxxxxx             ###.########  #........#..#                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxx          # ##...####  ##  ###.....#####                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxx          ####.####          #######                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx          ##..##                                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx          ##.###                                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx           #..#                                            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx           ##.#                                            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx           ##.#                                            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxx          ###.#                                            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxx         #...#                                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxx        ##.###                #                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxx      ###'..##       #########                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ####..##..#       #.....####                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ##......'#.#       #....@####                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxx #........#.###### ##...P..###                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx####............#.........###                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx####-...................####                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx####-.?...........##########                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #....>..#################                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx###.####################                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ### #############  ###                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         ###                                 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          ##                               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                          PassWall Acid Bless Hero Stealth                              Fast(+19)        Lev 60
Poison Needle Test 1...
Wasn't sure about this to start but figured with hide in mud (staying in wall) should be safe enough to see if I could get lucky and bring down a Greater Titan with a needle quickly. The answer - is on the next screenshot :-)

Posted on 23.8.2005 13:01

Related character dump:
Nimble Grimblade, L35 Half-Titan Ninja


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