The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Use the Force ... (Spoiler) by <>

Based on your current abilities, here is what your weapons will do                                
  The Diamond Edge '*ZANTETSUKEN*'      The Diamond Edge '*ZANTETSUKEN*'                          
  Number of Blows: 5                    Number of Blows: 5                                        
  To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)       To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)                           
          95  93  86  79  72 (%)                95  93  86  79  72 (%)                            
(Only highest damage applies per monster. Special damage not cumulative.)                         
  Possible Damage:                      Possible Damage:                                          
   One Strike: 75-110 damage             One Strike: 75-110 damage                                
   One Attack: 375-550 damage            One Attack: 375-550 damage                               
  Force  :Attack: 460-1075 damage       Force  :Attack: 460-1075 damage                           
  Evil:   Attack: 585-1810 damage       Evil:   Attack: 585-1810 damage                           
  Undead: Attack: 705-2545 damage       Undead: Attack: 705-2545 damage                           
  Demons: Attack: 705-2545 damage       Demons: Attack: 705-2545 damage                           
 ESC) Exit building                                  Gold Remaining:   680096                     
Use the Force ... (Spoiler)
OK, *ZANTETSUKEN* was even better than I thought. Looks like Force is a 3.5x slay on top of any other slays ... WOW. I am (+118, +68) for the comparison. I've worked through the first 2 numbers to make sure my calculations are correct. The One Attack 375-550 does work out to be a 7d6 weapon, which is what I have, after all. The Force: 460-1075 works out to 24.5d6, which is exactly 3.5*(7d6). Good, I got that right before. But the other numbers are even higher. I'm guessing the Slay Evil (Force) is 49d6 ... this would be what the Serpent got a taste of (not counting vorpal hits, of course :-) while the other two slays would be 73.5d6. I'll work thru the numbers just to make sure ...

Posted on 21.7.2005 15:58

Related character dump:
Nimble Jalaan, L50 Vampire Rogue


On 21.7.2005 16:07 wrote:
That's some pretty darn spectacular damage, even better than that Death Scythe I was fearfully using earlier. I don't think I've ever even seen a diamond edge before.

On 21.7.2005 16:10 wrote:
Yup, so the Force slays work out to be 7x on evil, and 10.5x on Demons/Undead. No wonder the Serpent was such an easy kill!

FYI, here is the code on Force regarding its cost, from tot_dam_aux():

p_ptr->csp -= (1+(o_ptr->dd * o_ptr->ds / 5));
mult = mult * 3 / 2 + 20;

(The multiplier is scaled by a factor of 10 so that 2.5x slays can be calculated using integers). So each force hit was indeed costing me 9 mana points ...

On 21.7.2005 16:13 wrote:
And Elliott, the sword doesn't "talk back" the way your scythe did :-)

They are rare ... and this is probably the 4th or 5th Diamond Edge artifact I've made in my lifetime. Had one with Execute Dragon's once, but the others have all been pretty useless. This one rocks!!

On 22.7.2005 13:28 wrote:
Man, I'll second the Death Scythe sucking part. I lost a pretty good Paladin because I saw a Planetar who had Globe of Invulnerability on, and was like, "Haha! I have just the weapon to OWNZOR you!"

The angel got the last laugh when I gutted myself twice (out of 5 attacks), and saw the familiar Tombstone.

Seen 1691 times.

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