Based on your current abilities, here is what your weapons will do                                
  The Diamond Edge '*ZANTETSUKEN*'      The Diamond Edge '*ZANTETSUKEN*'                          
  Number of Blows: 5                    Number of Blows: 5                                        
  To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)       To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)                           
          95  93  86  79  72 (%)                95  93  86  79  72 (%)                            
(Only highest damage applies per monster. Special damage not cumulative.)                         
  Possible Damage:                      Possible Damage:                                          
   One Strike: 75-110 damage             One Strike: 75-110 damage                                
   One Attack: 375-550 damage            One Attack: 375-550 damage                               
  Force  :Attack: 460-1075 damage       Force  :Attack: 460-1075 damage                           
  Evil:   Attack: 585-1810 damage       Evil:   Attack: 585-1810 damage                           
  Undead: Attack: 705-2545 damage       Undead: Attack: 705-2545 damage                           
  Demons: Attack: 705-2545 damage       Demons: Attack: 705-2545 damage                           
 ESC) Exit building                                  Gold Remaining:   680096