The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Shards of ? by divinecloudburst

In your pack: The Light War Axe 'Arsil' (2d5) (+16,+11) (+4 to speed) (s).                
Axes are melee weapons.                                                                   
A broad-bladed axe, suited for battle.                                                    
It increases your dexterity, charisma and speed by 4.  It does extra damage from          
electricity and frost.  It drains life from your foes.  It is especially deadly against   
trolls.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It 
cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.                                        
Using it you would have 9 blows and do an average damage per turn of 513 against trolls,  
513 against undead, 513 against demons, 513 against non cold resistant creatures, 675     
against cold susceptible creatures, 513 against non lightning resistant creatures, 675    
against lightning susceptible creatures, 405 against other monsters.                      
You found it in the remains of a Great Wyrm of Thunder on level 74 of Angband.            
                                                     Gold Remaining:   878137             
You may:                                                                                  
 ESC) Exit.       a) Research item (1300gp)     h) Town history                           
                  l) Race legends               p) Purchase an item                       

Shards of ?
Methinks Andúril was not reassembled properly...

Posted on 12.2.2004 07:05

Related character dump:
Thengel, L50 RohanKnight Polearmmaster


On 12.2.2004 07:26 wrote:
I guess they forgot the shard with the "N" rune on it.

On 12.2.2004 12:57 wrote:

On 13.2.2004 05:12 wrote:
Maybe it's a specialized weapon for the Knights who say "Niii!!!!" ;-)

Seen 2221 times.

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