The Sil Screenshots Gallery: When Angband Wants You Dead by protopulse

Str        4                                                                    
Dex        2                                                                    
Con        6                                                                    
Gra        3                                                                    
Exp    6,921                               ###########        ######            
                                           #         ##########     #           
Health 59:59                               #  ,      .        +     #           
Voice  34:34                  fT.          #         #########%%% %%#           
                              T.fsRR########         #        %%% %%            
   (+17,3d9)                   .s.'..@..   +         #         %% %%            
    (+3,2d8) #                  '.########### # ###'##         %% %%            
  [+18,5-12]  #                             # ##  # #          %% %%            
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                                          %   ###########.  # # #            #  
                                          #####           .##.#+#            #  
                                                         ##.=...#       %%%%%#. 
Full                                                                     700 ft 
When Angband Wants You Dead

Posted on 17.4.2017 17:03

Related character dump:
Athrin, L15083751 Naugrim Nogrod no-class


On 17.4.2017 17:05 protopulse wrote:
Was exploring the level and found it eerily quiet. Then open a door and find a kennel full of greater werewolves (200 feet out of depth) and werewolves. Managed to make it alive out of that. A while later, after a couple scary encounters with Gilim and Umuiyan, I open a find this.

Ururauko on 700 feet. Halp.

On 17.4.2017 17:11 protopulse wrote:
That attack is just terrifying. (+26, 4d10). Even with flanking, that's 5 over my evasion, which is around 70% hit rate. For 4d10.

Maaaybe if I met him on 800 feet, I'd have the stats to take him on. But 200 feet out of depth? That's a bit too much methinks.

On 17.4.2017 17:32 protopulse wrote:
Oh, everything in that picture is out of depth.
emerald serpent - 750 feet
cat warrior - 750 feet
cave troll - 750 feet
kemenrauko - 800 feet
ururauko - 900 feet

On 17.4.2017 17:59 protopulse wrote:
Wait...if I get really lucky maybe the Kemen and Emerald Serpent can kill him in the crossfire?

On 19.4.2017 13:51 protopulse wrote:
That wasn't so bad! Funny thing was the Kemenrauko walked through first, and I isolated and killed him where the door was, so his body blocked the rest of the crowd there. Good thing too because he alone got me half HP. So that gave me a chance to rest up before taking out the rubble and going at it one on one with the ururauko. He didn't even get a swing at me. I one shot him. I dumped all my XP into melee beforehand though, so if I see a forge, oops.

Seen 547 times.

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