The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Knocked Out! by <>

It casts a fearful illusion. You refuse to be frightened. -more-                
Dwarf        #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ 
Axemaster    #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   :       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ 
Lord         #^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    
LEVEL     50 #^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ 
EXP ******** #^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^: +.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ^ '  
AU   5833226 #^^^^^^^^^^^^^     _                ^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ^+ 
             #^^^^^^^^^^^^^             + = ^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            
STR!  18/*** #^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^             
Int!   18/85 #>                             ^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^             
WIS!  18/140 #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              
DEX!  18/140 #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^    
CON!  18/*** #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^@^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    
Chr!  18/115 #^^^^^^^^^^^^../.............|.LA^^^^^.=...................!=^^    
Cur AC   233 #^^^^^^^^^^^^...............~.(Z.^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^    
HP  652/1369 #^^^^^^^^^^^^................~Z~.^^^^^.^[....{...?"=.......^.^^    
SN  605/ 605 #^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...............=...^^^^^.^.........{.........^.^^    
SP   61/  83 #^^^^^^^^^^^^ ..................P^^^^^_^.....?.....~.........^^    
Pt     86325 #^^^^^^^^^^^^ -..................^^^^^.^......**.?......_..^?^^    
             #^^^^^^^^^^^^  ..................^^^^^.^?..........*.......^?^^    
[*******---] #^^^^^^^^^^^^   .................^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^.^^    
             #^^^^^^^^^^^^   .................^ ..........................^  ^^ 
Knocked out  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
                                DTrap            Fast (+20)              LoM 61 

Knocked Out!
LoM 61: Don't know exactly what and why it happened. While I was checking my new axe, I had to drop my shield and swap armour temporarly. The result was -2 speed, lower AC and lower Dex. Maybe that was too much. Finally I could move again and recovered in the rocks (as shown in the screenshot "Healing in the Rocks"

Posted on 6.11.2003 00:58

Related character dump:
Hailin, L50 Dwarf Axemaster


On 6.11.2003 07:36 wrote:
Could've been those Plasma Hounds (is that what they are?) that you were fighting. If you haven't got resistance to Sound, they can knock you out pretty easily.

Maybe it's also due to your standing on that stone. I avoid fighting things while standing on walls/stone ever since a warrior of mine got *obliterated* by a Hru (must've been 900 dmg/plus) in one round while standing on a hard stone (boots of Thror).

In any case, consider yourself lucky ;)

On 6.11.2003 07:37 wrote:
Hm, but it appears from your dump that you do have resist sound.

Very curious...

On 6.11.2003 15:07 wrote:
My character dump doesn't show my stats from that incident: I was using my Great Axe of Durin to that time and, as a side-effect, had to drop my shield. And now look, where r_sound is coming from...
Seems that your first comment hits the nail!
I didn't know what can happen w/o r_sound, since I already had it before, but not at this time!
Thanks a lot. :-)
Uhuuu, LoM 60+ probably isn't the best place for a n00b learning the basics. *shock*

Seen 1876 times.

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