The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Worm Garden by <>

Map sector [0,2], which is East of your sector. Direction?                      
Thunderlord  ################################################################## 
Sorceror     ################################################################## 
Conjurer     .......####..._........................>....###################### 
LEVEL     26 .......####.!.w.!....?...?..........*.......###################### 
EXP    20234 .......####.w..?!....!.!?.-..........!!.....###################### 
AU     63201 .......####.^.....w....w_.........._*!......###################### 
STR:      15 .......####.....~.w?.ww."..?*....?~!.!.~.!..###################### 
INT:   18/50 .......####.[..............!...?.......*!...###################### 
WIS:      11 ##.########.-..w....w?...-....~..........?..###################### 
DEX:   18/30 ...w..#####.w..=...-......w..|.......?.".,..###################### 
CON:   18/10 w........@ww.w?,"..ww!?w..w.w...~.[(......!.###################### 
CHR:   18/60 ##.########....?.w.??.w..?...*..!......!.-..###################### 
Cur AC   121 ###########.-~..-w..[..?-.....\?.....!...?..###################### 
HP  158/ 158 .........##...?.?..w..."..!...........!.(.-.###################### 
SN  135/ 135 .#######.##w.).??...w.....*w?......._...?._.###################### 
SP  197/ 225 .#######.##...?!?w.?ww......?.*?,!?_(?~.....###################### 
Full                            DTrap            Fast (+6)  Skill        SwL 28 
Worm Garden
While doing some site-seeing in the Sandworm Lair (first time visit), I happened upon this fun room. I wonder if I'll get any souvenirs...

Posted on 9.7.2003 06:43

Related character dump:
Chorelin, L38 Thunderlord Sorceror


On 9.7.2003 07:06 wrote:
I did get some souvenirs: 2 !oIntelligence, 2!oWisdom, a !ofConstitution, a nice fireproff staff of healing[3|26], and some other junk. I wouldn't recommend visiting, though. The garden's other visiters are really rude. Some kept belching and breathing gas on me. And some were even mating right there in the open!

On 9.7.2003 14:04 wrote:
How rude!
Good thing that you were passing by to teach them some maners!

Seen 2012 times.

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