The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Druj quest by AmyBSOD

You hear a rapid-shifting wail, and a Skull druj appears! You identified the trap as Trap of Calling Out. -more-               
Gnome        #          ^#######%#####             # # ^^+####       ####                     #       #                        
Warrior      #          ^                          %^#     +<           ^                     #       #                        
Duke         #          ^ ###%%#%######       ## %%# '    ############# #                     #     + #                        
LEVEL     42            # #           #       ## # % #### #           # #                     # ## ####                        
EXP   149474            # #           ########## % % #  # #           ^ #                     # ## #                           
AU    391515            # #                    # # % #  # #           ^ ^                 ##### ## #                           
                        # #                  ### #%% #  # #     ####### ################# # <   ^# #                           
STR!      35            # #                  #       ^  # #     #                       # ^ ###^^^ #                           
INT:      26            # #                  # # ##%##  # #     # ^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^ #^# ^    # ^                           
WIS!      25            # #  #######         # # #      # #     # ^                   ^     ^   ## #############               
DEX!      34 ############'####     ##%%####### # #      # ^     # ^                   ^ #####^^##              #               
CON!      40                <'     '    + +    ^ %      # ^     # ^                   ^                        #               
CHR!      32 ########^###^####     #####^+%%#### %      ^ #     # ^                   ^ #####^###              #               
Cur AC   109                 #######    ^ %    # %      ^##     # ^                   ^ #       ## ##### #######               
HP 1018/1018                            ^ %    # #              # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^##     # #   # #                     
SN  362/ 362                            ^ ^%#% % *%             #          r r  C          ^     # ^   # ^                     
SP   73/  82                            ^    % #^ %             ########## # #r#####'##### #     ^ #   # ^                     
Pt     73856                            ^^#% %%%% %                      ^ ^ # #   #^#   # #     # ##### #################     
                                           %    % %%%#                   # # # #   # #   # ^     #                <      #     
                            *        *     #%%       #                   # # # #   # #   # ^     # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #     
                                           %% #   % %%        ##%#########C#q# #   # #   ^ ^     # ^                   ^ #     
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                                          # ##    # %       #.....C.${~$...       ...#   #       ' '                   ^ #     
                                          ^ ##    % %       #.#######~####.# #######.#   # ####### ^                   ^ #     
                                          ^^ #    # % ^%####^ #     #### # ^ #     ###   ###     # ^                   ^ #     
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                             ###       # ##           ###           ####^# ^'^^ ^# #    ^ #      #           +#        # #     
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                                DTrap            Fast (+10) Skill                                                       Mdr 53 

Druj quest
My Warrior trying to solve a druj quest with the help of a trap. It didn't work as intended - this was the first skull druj out of 12, and it instantly cast create traps as its first action, overwriting the Best Trap Ever(TM) with another one so I couldn't just make them all come out. Eventually I had to reset the quest and try again.

Posted on 26.10.2015 08:26

Related character dump:
Wicayldric, L50 Gnome Warrior


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