The PosChengband Screenshots Gallery: Wand of Frost Bolts (7 charges) {75% off} at clvl 1 by HugoTheGreat2011

You bought a Wand of Frost Bolts (7 charges) {75% off} for 367 gold. -more-                                                                                              
Final Offer :  367                                                                                                                                                       
          Cthoaloth the Mystic (Mindflayer)       Magic Shop (20000)                                                                                                     
   Item Description                                         Weight      Price                                                                                            
a) ? an Arcane Spellbook [Minor Arcana] {75% off}              3.0         89                                                                                            
b) ? 2 Arcane Spellbooks [Major Arcana]                        3.0       1419                                                                                            
c) ? 2 Sorcery Spellbooks [Beginner's Handbook]                3.0        141                                                                                            
d) - a Wand of Light (17 charges)                              1.0        425                                                                                            
e) - a Wand of Polymorph (12 charges)                          1.0        794                                                                                            
f) - a Wand of Magic Missile (16 charges)                      1.0        416                                                                                            
g) - 4 Wands of Frost Bolts (34 charges)                       1.0       1536                                                                                            
h) - a Wand of Frost Bolts (7 charges) {75% off}               1.0        367                                                                                            
i) _ a Staff of Perception (15 charges)                        5.0        768                                                                                            
j) _ a Staff of Light (14 charges)                             5.0        485                                                                                            
k) _ a Staff of Treasure Location (10 charges)                 5.0        357                                                                                            
l) _ a Staff of Object Location (11 charges)                   5.0        387                                                                                            
m) _ a Staff of Trap Location (9 charges)                      5.0        682                                                                                            
n) _ a Staff of Trap Location (8 charges)                      5.0        661                                                                                            
o) _ a Staff of Door/Stair Location (15 charges)               5.0        744                                                                                            
p) _ a Staff of Detect Invisible (16 charges)                  5.0        425                                                                                            
q) _ a Staff of Detect Invisible (14 charges)                  5.0        407                                                                                            
r) ` a Magical Figurine of a Novice mage                       5.0        141                                                                                            
                                                     Gold Remaining:      168                                                                                            
You may:                                                                                                                                                                 
 ESC) Exit from Building.     p) Purchase an item       i/e) Inventry/Equipment list                                                                                     
                              s) Sell an item           w/t) Wear/Take off equipment                                                                                     
                              x) eXamine an item          b) Buyout store                                                                                                
Wand of Frost Bolts (7 charges) {75% off} at clvl 1

Posted on 10.1.2015 21:56

Related character dump:
Chris$oul 9000T, L27 Possessor Monster


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