The Oangband Screenshots Gallery: Morgoth's upstairs neighbors by HallucinationMushroom

Beorning            ##################    ###################################    ###################             ########                        #####                              ######     #####             
Warrior      #####  #    #  ##     ? ### ##                          #      #    #   #######       #           ###      #                     ####   #                          #####    #    ## = ##########    
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Full DTrapFast (+12)                                                                                                                     [t][h][f][Mgc][Rest][Inv][Std][Rpt][Spc][Ent][ESC] 4950 ft              
Morgoth's upstairs neighbors
YES. This is exactly what I've been needing. Just, out of the blue, a THEMED LEVEL. At level 99, no less. I see EXECUTIONERS SWORDS that might be CRISDURIAN, I see glaives that might be PAIN, I see SCYTHES OF SLICING that might randart well, I see BLADES OF CHAOS that might also rock, HEY IS THAT A PIKE? Those randart well too, OH LOOK, a 4d5 LONGSWORD, PLEASE OH PLEASE RNG DELIVER ME FROM TOTILA. If this were Nethack, I could just dig straight down and flood Morgoth's level with lava. Game over I win. It's good to be fire immune. I'll have to be wary of Balrogs.

Posted on 12.3.2014 20:56

Related character dump:
F@ck Bear, L50 Beorning Warrior


On 12.3.2014 21:55 Nick wrote:
I love that level. I first met it playing an O comp, and it had Tevildo on it (technically a demon), and I killed him using mainly the Staff of Winds. Comp was for deepest unique, and that won it for me, only win ever.

I cleared it out completely, it felt like I was there forever.

On 12.3.2014 22:55 Philip wrote:
Best of lucking finding the nice stuff. Any interesting non-weapons you can see?

On 12.3.2014 23:05 debo wrote:

Seen 966 times.

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