The Sil Screenshots Gallery: Pursued by wolves? by Scatha

Str        2                                                                    
Dex        2                                                                    
Con        0                                                                    
Gra        3                                                                    
Exp    2,402                                                                    
Health 20:20                                                                    
Voice  34:34                                                                    
  (+15,2d12)                                ######.##                           
    (+2,1d8)                       #...     #.C.....#                           
  [+13,4-12]                       #........#CCC....#                           
                                                                          650 ft
Pursued by wolves?
I used a down shaft figuring that I could always take the experience boost and retreat, and before my next turn this pack of Wargs turned up, displacing me from the way back up to (relative) safety!

Posted on 30.1.2012 00:02

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Gorlim, L14088999 Edain Beor no-class


On 30.1.2012 00:54 half wrote:
That is awful luck. You should definitely think about spending that experience on something that will save you in this very fight. Points of song perhaps? There is a good chance they will flee up the stairs which would be nice. If you are going to sing rather than fight, there is a question of whether to spend the first turn singing, or drinking the potion of quickness. Later turns are probably best spent running while singing. Also, spending a turn wielding the kite shield may be something to consider, but I doubt it beats the other things here.

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