The Entroband Screenshots Gallery: Mass Genocide by <>

Target:a Jewel {unidentified} [q,t,p,m,+,-,<dir>]                              
Half-Titan   ::                                                     # #  ..%   
Inquisitor   :#########  ###        ## ####         #'           ### ###'#.#.. 
LEVEL     43 :#  ###  #  # #        ####### #....           #       ## .....%# 
EXP   657978 .# ## ####  '          ###     #..#...        # ##      '..%...##:
AU    436583 ####     #::#          ### #####......          ##   #%##%#..%....
\) =="*((]]] ####         #         #   #####.......               ## #%.....#.
STR : 18/*** :###     #  #       #    ## ##@#..'....                  #......# 
INT :     11 :# #### +#  #       #   ### ####......##  #           # ' %.%%#%# 
WIS!: 18/***  #### ####  #       +  ## # ####......## # #      ##       %%#    
DEX!: 18/170  #########  '#'#'#' #  ## #  ##...##..####  #     ##<# %%#    + # 
Con : 18/***                        ## #  # ....               ## #    ::    # 
CHR : 18/195                        ####  ' #     ###### #           # # ## %  
Cur AC   131              ######    #  ??####     #                     #    :x
HP  910/ 981 :            ########     #*)]##     # ## #####      ####### # ##x
SP  324/ 380              ##    ##   ## ?####     # #                   #^###xx
                         ##      '   ### ####     # #                   #  ::xx
[----------]             #       #   ### ####:::::# #                   + #::xx
                         #           ###########::# #                   # #xxxx
                         ##     ##  ##  ### ###:: # #                   # #xxxx
                         ###  ####::##  ### ###: :   #################### #xxxx
Day277 23:00 ::::::::::::# ####  #::#       #####:#                       #xxxx
Dragon's lair#############       ####           ###########################    
                   PassWall Regen                       Fast(+24)  Stud  Lev 72
Mass Genocide
Case in point with regard to ?MassGenocide vs. the spell. I busted Fiona, and got a really nasty blood curse. Cyberdemon, Solar, Gerard and some other nasties. I teleported and killed Gerard (Thank goodness for Sacred Knights!), and got another nasty blood curse (Lord of Change and other assorted nasties). Teleport again, and land near the cyberdemon. I jumped into the walls to hide, activated a rod of detection, and espied the glowing jewel of judgment! Yay! I just need to rest a bit ... Mistake! Over comes the Solar to battle the Cyberdemon, and its like 50+ angels of the Archon/Solar variety vs. the evil rocket launcher, and no way for me to get to my Jewel! So I read my ?MassGenocide that I just happened to pick up on this level and every single monster disappeared. Thats like 10x more powerful than the spell ever would be ... Normally you need to run thru your mana 5x casting it over and over, and still there will be monsters left over that are immune. Especially cyberdemons!

Posted on 9.9.2009 00:22

Related character dump:
Patient Valdor, L50 Half-Titan Priest


On 9.9.2009 00:41 wrote:

Scroll of Genocide and Mass Genocide have power 300. The spells have power plevel + 50 (ie. 100 is the max). A monster will resist if its level is greater than a random number between 0 and the power:

else if (player_cast && (r_ptr->level > randint0(power))) resist = TRUE;

Cyberdemons are level 77 monsters, so I would expect the spell to work better than it seems to (I'm running off memory from my high mages since I don't have the spell yet).

There's also this line:
if (one_in_(13)) m_ptr->mflag2 |= MFLAG2_NOGENO;

So if a monster does resist, there's a 1 in 13 chance it will become immune to genocide, which is a nice balancing touch, I think.

I definitely remember having a very hard time vs. cyberdemons with the spell ... We'll have to see how good my memory actually is :)

Oh, and it is nice to know that the scrolls are 3x as powerful as the spell, so I wasn't just imagining things! Personally, I think the spell should be as powerful as the scroll, say 6 * plevel? Death has few enough good spells as it is ...

On 9.9.2009 00:45 wrote:
Speaking of which, anybody remember the old death spell Omnicide? I miss that one :)

On 9.9.2009 03:32 Djabanete wrote:
Does that do what I think it does?

On 9.9.2009 15:04 wrote:
Yup ... Mass Genocide for the entire level, back at a time when monsters did not resist. It was a great way to focus on uniques :)

Of course, the danger was always that you would kill your self casting it. You still took damage for every monster that got removed.

Seen 1501 times.

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