The T.o.M.E. Screenshots Gallery: Maze of the Wyrm - Dead Wyrm (LoR 39) by <>

You see a Great Ice Wyrm corpse [q,t,p,m,+,-,'dir']                             
High-Elf            .  | /  ~(~      ~ ~#   ###~   ~ ~#~    ###########.####~~  
Loremaster   ~   ~ ~      ~     ~     ~ ~    # #~  # # #~~# ~#..............  ~ 
Lorekeeper        ~ ~   ~~  \    ~~   ~ ~ #~~~      ~~ ~~~ # #.............## # 
LEVEL     35   ~ ~ ~     ~~    ~    ~   ~     ###  ~   #~ ~# #.............+    
EXP   944053  ############################### ##  #~#~   ### #.............#    
AU   1672257 ~#/ =~ {   /        !      #   #  # ##[|~~## ~# #..............    
              #####|###!############### ### # ~ .|}~|# ~ # ~ #.............##   
STR:      40  #[! #  ^#=#^   ^#~      # #  ?# -|*/]/(  ~~    #.............#~   
INT:      28  #)### ### #     # ###/# #|### #*~\|T{${ #~  #  #.............#    
WIS:      30  # /   # # #     # #   # #  T $#$!|*{{{# ~#  ~# #.............##   
DEX!      40  #{##### # #     # # #########T#\$~/#~@#     ~~~##########'#####   
CON:      31 |#/-/!-  # #  ^  #{#   #,"   $-# $]{....                           
CHR!      34 *[######## #     ##### #|###### T T.#~...~  ## ###########.###.### 
Cur AC   172 |#   #     #        G# {       #  . ~.#.~.#    ............}....#  
HP  522/ 522 ~# ### ### #   ################# ~ ..#####  # ~#................#  
SN  390/ 390  #- ^# #~# #  ^#       # "TTT# ##~~ ~#    # ~ ~#^...............#~ 
SP  125/ 125  # ### # # ########### # ##### #               .................'  
Pt     80245 ~#||  ~ ~#^              #^    #  T#  #~# # #  #................#~ 
MH  343/ 343 ~###############################~ ~ ~ ~~ ~     #................#  
                         ~  ~# ## ~##~ #~ ##  ~ #~          #................## 
             ~~#   ~   ~      ~ ~ ~  ~   ~ #  # ~#~~##~#  #~#.######^########## 
                  # ##  #!~      ###      ~  ~ ##~~~~~#   ~ # ~    # ~          
                                DTrap            Fast (+32)              LoR 39 

Maze of the Wyrm - Dead Wyrm (LoR 39)
Screenshot 4 of 4... I also lured the Great Wyrm of Ice out of its maze, but I lost many pet trolls as that happened. Fortunately, Agrelaa '@' has cold immunity and more speed than the Wyrm. The battle became a contest of ranged attacks; the Wyrm's attacks had no effect against Agrelaa, but Agrelaa shot Arrows of Cuiancar until the Wyrm fell. It dropped its corpse '~' four squares to the north of Agrelaa '@' in this screenshot.

Posted on 18.12.2007 05:30

Related character dump:
Agrelaa, L36 High-Elf Loremaster


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