The Angband Ladder: SteamtechPikachu Mk.3, Ent Swordmaster by Patashu

  [FuryBand 5.0.0 Character Sheet]

 Name  : SteamtechPikachu Mk.3  Age                381       STR!     40       
 Sex   : Male                   Height             258       INT!     32       
 Race  : Ent                    Weight              85       WIS!     34       
 Class : Swordmaster            Social Class         1       DEX!     32       
 Body  : Player                                              CON!     40       
 God   : Tulkas                                              CHR!     39       
 + To Melee Hit         144 Level             60    Hit Points     2475/  2475 
 + To Melee Damage      101 Experience  48120148    Spell Points    420/   424 
 + To Ranged Hit         57 Max Exp     48120148    Sanity          785/   785 
 + To Ranged Damage      14 Exp to Adv. 52500000    Piety               101727 
   AC                37+147 Gold         3700872    Speed           Fast (+52) 
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary[97]Perception  : Bad          Blows/Round:  14        
 Bows/Throw  : Legendary[7] Searching   : Bad          Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Fair         Disarming   : Poor                                 
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Legendary[27]Infra-Vision: 50 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       berserker 
                                                       Explor:       running   
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are a gargantuan steampunk automata, forged by the               
          dwarves as a war machine. You were forged from iron with             
          spotlights for eyes.                                                 

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 33 (1650')
        Barad-Dur: Level 66 (3300')
        Angband: Level 94 (4700')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Orodruin: Level 85 (4250')
        Cirith Ungol: Level 50 (2500')
        Heart of the Earth: Level 36 (1800')
        Orc Cave: Level 21 (1050')
        The Old Forest: Level 25 (1250')
        Moria: Level 40 (2000')
        The Small Water Cave: Level 34 (1700')
        Isengard: Level 35 (1750')

 Your body is a Player.
 You are currently in the town of Minas Anor.
 You have defeated 26633 enemies.
 The sword that was broken is now reforged.
 You saved 93 princesses.
 You found 2 of the relic pieces.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 It is currently the 28th Quelle of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You have been adventuring for 42 days.

        SlayAnimal: +...............            
        SlayUndead: +...............            
        SlayTroll : +...............            
        SlayGiant : .............+..            
        Vampiric  : +...............            
        Fire Brand: +...............            
        Cold Brand: +............+..            
        Pois.Brand: +...............            
        LightBrand: +...............            
        Dark Brand: +............+..            
        ResMorgul : +...............            
        Sentient  : +............+..            
        Sust Str  : +.......+..+....            
        Sust Int  : ................            
        Sust Wis  : ...........+....            
        Sust Dex  : ........+.......            
        Sust Con  : ....+...+..+....            
        Sust Chr  : ...........+....            
        Free Act  : .........+++....            
        Hold Life : ....++..+.......            
        Blessed   : ................            
        Reflect   : ........+.......            
        No Stun   : ................            
        Protection: ......+.........            
        Imm Acid  : *..*..+++.++....            
        Imm Elec  : *..*..+.+..+....            
        Imm Fire  : *+.*..++...+....            
        Imm Cold  : *..*..++.+......            
        Res Pois  : +......+........            
        Res Fear  : ....+......+...+            
        Res Light : +....+...+.+....            
        Res Dark  : .....+...+.+....            
        Res Blind : .........+......            
        Res Conf  : .....+.....+....            
        Res Sound : .........+......            
        Res Shard : .........+......            
        Res Neth  : ......+.+..+....            
        Res Nexus : ...........+....            
        Res Chaos : .....+.....+....            
        Res Disen : ........+..+....            
        Acid Aura : ...+............            
        Elec Aura : ...+............            
        Fire Aura : +..+............            
        Cold Aura : ...+............            
        Levitate  : +.........+.....            
        Fly       : ...+.......+....            
        Light     : +..+.+...+......            
        Digestion : +..............+            
        Regen     : +..+..+.........            
        See Invis : ++...+...+.....+            
        Invisible : +......+....+...            
        Knowledge : +...............            
        Spell-Hold: .......+........            
        Add Str   : *..............?            
        Add Int   : .......2.3...4..            
        Add Wis   : .......2.....4..            
        Add Dex   : .........34.....            
        Add Chr   : *......2.3......            
        Mul Mana  : ......+.........            
        Add Stlth.: ......42........            
        Add Search: .........3......            
        Add Speed : .***33.2.3...4.?            
        Add Blows : *...............            
        Mul life  : ....+...........            
        Add Crits : *...............            
        Add Luck  : .....3.2..4.....            
        Acidproof : .+++++++++++.+..            
        Elecproof : .+++++++++++.+..            
        Fireproof : ++++++++++++.+..            
        Coldproof : ++++++++++++.+..            
        Chargeable: +..+............            
        Activate  : .+...+.+.++.....            
        Sens Fire : ...............+            
        Drain SP  : ....+....+......            
        Cursed    : .+++............            
        Orc    ESP: .....++........+            
        Troll  ESP: +..............+            
        Giant  ESP: +...............            
        Evil   ESP: ...............+            
        Good   ESP: +...............            
        Full   ESP: ...............+            

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        50.000 [0.900]
          - Weaponmastery                        50.000 [0.950]
                   - Sword-mastery               50.000 [0.700]
                            . Critical-hits      01.300 [0.400]
                   . Axe-mastery                 00.000 [0.300]
                   . Hafted-mastery              00.000 [0.300]
                   . Polearm-mastery             00.000 [0.300]
          . Archery                              00.800 [0.600]
          . Barehand-combat                      00.000 [0.200]
          . Boulder-throwing                     01.800 [0.600]
          . Antimagic                            00.000 [0.550]
 - Sneakiness                                    17.900 [2.000]
          . Stealth                              05.200 [0.400]
          . Disarming                            11.500 [2.000]
          . Backstab                             01.000 [0.300]
          . Dodging                              03.200 [0.500]
 - Powers                                        06.370 [0.300]
          . Devices                              50.000 [1.150]
          . Maia-lore                            01.000 [0.300]
          . Runecraft                            01.000 [0.300]
 - Spirituality                                  16.400 [0.500]
          . Prayer                               07.000 [0.500]
          . Mindcraft                            50.000 [0.500]
 - Monster-lore                                  03.800 [0.500]
          . Summoning                            01.300 [0.400]
          . Symbiosis                            19.700 [0.500]
          . Mimicry                              01.000 [0.300]

 * Extra Max Blow(1)
 * Extra Max Blow(2)
 * Spread blows
 * Tree walking


You may find a Jar of Honey on level 1.
You are fated to find a Tater on level 15.
You are fated to find a Hemlock Staff of Sense Hidden on level 15.
You are fated to die on level 2.
You may find a Maple Staff of Globe of Light on level 4.
You are fated to find The Cloak of Thorongil on level 7.
You are fated to find a Wrinkled Mushroom of Cure Blindness on level 20.
You may find a Copper Speckled Potion of Poison on level 1.
You do not know all of your fate.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Chargeable Sabre 'Time Devourer' (E:13408650, L:51) (3d3) (+47,+25) (+10
        It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It can be upgraded with gold.  
    It increases your strength, charisma, attack speed and ability to
    score critical hits by 10.  It does extra damage from fire, frost, 
    light and dark.  It poisons your foes.  It drains life from your foes.
    It is especially deadly against trolls.  It strikes at undead with
    holy wrath.  It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  It
    makes you invisible.  It sustains your strength.  It provides immunity 
    to acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It provides resistance to poison
     and light.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of trolls, 
    giants and good beings.  It slows your metabolism.  It speeds your
    regenerative powers.  It produces a fiery sheath.  It identifies all
    items for you.  It can resist being shattered by morgul beings.  It
    cannot be harmed by fire.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Perplexity on level 70 of
d) The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+10,+14) (+10) {cursed, cannon}
    It can be activated for fire branding of bolts every 999 turns
     if it is being worn. It increases your speed by 10.  It provides
    resistance to fire.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It is
    cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ymir, the Ice Giant on level 65 of
e) a Ring of Speed (+16) {cursed, accelerator}
    It increases your speed by 16.  It is cursed.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You stole it from the Speed Ring Market.
f) The Chargeable Carnelian Ring 'Supercollider (+12) {cursed}
    It provides light (radius 2)
    forever.  It can be upgraded with gold.  It increases your speed by 12
    .  It provides immunity to acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It
    allows you to fly.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It produces a
    fiery sheath.  It produces an electric sheath.  It produces an acid
    sheath.  It produces an cold sheath.  It is cursed.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Nightcrawler on level 90 of Angband.
k) a Rohirric Amulet of of Life(60%) (+3 to speed) {100% off}
    It increases your speed by 3.  It increases your hit points by 60%.  
    It sustains your constitution.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to life draining.  It drains mana.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You stole it from the Black Market.
m) The Arkenstone of Thrain (+3) {pilot light}
    It can be activated for detection
    every 30+d30 turns if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 3)
    forever.  It increases your speed and luck by 3.  It provides
    resistance to life draining, light, dark and chaos.  It allows you to
    see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Eibra the Water Dragon on level 69 of
n) an Elven Psychoactive Skin (+5,+5) [10,+18](80%) (+4 to stealth)
    It reduces damages you take by 50%, physical and magical. It 
    increases your stealth by 4.  It increases your mana capacity by 80%.  
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and nether.  
    It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.  It speeds your
    regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of The Unicorn of Order on level 69 of Angband.
o) The Shadow Cloak of Luthien [6,+20] (+2) {paint coat}
    It can be activated for restore life levels every 450 turns if it is
    being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your 
    intelligence, wisdom, charisma, stealth, speed and luck by 2.  It
    makes you invisible.  It provides resistance to acid, fire, cold and 
    poison.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
p) a Shield of Deflection of Preservation (-1,-6) [10,+39] {protective plating}
    It sustains your 
    strength, dexterity and constitution.  It provides resistance to life
    draining, acid, electricity, nether and disenchantment.  It reflects
    bolts and arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Fire on level 85 of Angband.
s) The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+18] (+3) {snout}
    It can be activated for analyze monster every 500+d200 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    intelligence, dexterity, charisma, searching and speed by 3.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to cold, light
    , dark, blindness, sound and shards.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It drains mana.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 89 of Angband.
u) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {paws}
    It can be
    activated for arrows (150) every 90+d90 turns if it is being worn. It
    grants you the power of magic missile if it is being worn.  It 
    increases your dexterity and luck by 4.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid.  It allows you to
    levitate.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
x) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Lebramor [6,+16] {footpaws}
    It sustains your strength, wisdom, 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, 
    electricity, fire, light, dark, nether, nexus, chaos and 
    disenchantment.  It allows you to fly.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
z) a Master quylthulg (3000 hp)
{) The Mithril bolt 'Sulin' (E:100, L:5) (3d5) (+16,+19) (+4 to speed) {ammo}
    It increases your intelligence, 
    wisdom and speed by 4.  It does extra damage from frost and dark.  It
    is especially deadly against giants.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Sky Drake on level 85 of Angband.
|) Portable hole {cargo bay}

  [Character Inventory]

a) The Boulder of Entmoot {heal700}
    can be activated for heal 700 hit points every 100 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 27 of Mirkwood.
b) a Parchment ``Magic for the Layman'' {satisfy hunger}
    It can be
    activated for satisfy hunger every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of Maglor the Mighty Singer on level 50 of
c) The Gem of Time {cure insanity}
    It can be activated for cure insanity every 200 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark elven priest on level 89 of Angband.
d) a Silver Rod of the Istari of Curing (200/200)
    It can hold more mana.  It can cast spells for a lesser mana cost.  It
    can cast spells faster.  It regenerates its mana faster.  
    You found it in the remains of a Demilich on level 94 of Angband.
e) a Golden Rod of the Istari of Healing (250/250)
    can hold more mana.  It can cast spells for a lesser mana cost.  It
    can cast spells faster.  It regenerates its mana faster.  
    You found it in the remains of a Nightcrawler on level 90 of Angband.
f) a Golden Rod of Capacity of Recall (250/250) {!*}
    It can hold more mana.  
    You found it in the remains of Barney the Dinosaur on level 34 of
g) a Mithril Rod of the Istari of Restoration (320/320)
    It can hold more mana.  It can cast spells for a lesser mana
    cost.  It can cast spells faster.  It regenerates its mana faster.  
    You found it in the remains of a Demilich on level 89 of Angband.
h) a Mithril Rod of Capacity of Disarming (320/320)
    can hold more mana.  
    You found it in the remains of Hypnos, Lord of Sleep on level 71 of
i) (nothing)
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)
m) (nothing)
n) (nothing)
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Wings of Manwe [10,+4] (+5 to speed)
b) a Maiashield of Reflection [5,+18]
    It speeds your regenerative powers.  It reflects bolts and
    arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
c) a Grim Reaper Figure of Mandos [10,+7] (+3)
d) The Carved Oak Amulet 'Dindor' (+3)
    It increases your strength, 
    intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma and stealth by 
    3.  It sustains your wisdom.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to blindness, confusion and sound.  It allows you
    to see invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It
    cannot be dropped while cursed.  It can re-curse itself.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 72 of Angband.
e) a Carved Oak Amulet of Doom [+9] (+7)
    It increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, 
    constitution and charisma by 7.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  
    It can re-curse itself.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient black dragon on level 92 of
f) a Blessed Amulet of of War [+9] (+5 attacks)
    It increases your strength, wisdom, dexterity and attack speed
     by 5.  It provides resistance to life draining.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It drains mana and experience.  It has been
    blessed by the gods.  It aggravates nearby creatures.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
g) The Necklace of Girion [10,+0] (+5)
    It can be activated for grow
    mushrooms every 50+d50 turns if it is being worn. It increases your 
    charisma by 5.  It sustains your charisma.  It provides resistance to 
    poison and nexus.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark dwarven warrior on level 23 of
h) a Lucky Tortoise Shell Amulet of Charisma (+7)
    It increases your charisma and luck by 7.  It has been
    blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Halfling slinger on level 89 of Angband.
i) The Sapphire Amulet of Moron (+2)
    It generates an antimagic field.  It increases your intelligence and 
    dexterity by 2.  It sustains your charisma.  It provides resistance to 
    acid and poison.  It produces an anti-magic shell.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
j) a Demonic Amulet of the Serpents [+5] (+7) {snakepiece}
    It can be activated for venom breathing every 40+d60 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your dexterity by 7.  It provides resistance 
    to fire and poison.  It allows you to sense the presence of maiar.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
k) The Elfstone 'Elessar' (+7,+7) [+10] (+4)
    It can be activated for heal and
    cure black breath every 200 turns if it is being worn. It provides
    light (radius 3) forever.  It increases your strength, wisdom, 
    charisma and speed by 4.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to fire, poison and disenchantment.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Black reaver on level 70 of Angband.
l) The Jewel 'Evenstar' (+3)
    It can be activated for restore stats and life levels every 750 turns
     if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It 
    increases your constitution by 3.  It sustains your intelligence, 
    wisdom and constitution.  It provides resistance to life draining, 
    cold, dark and nether.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
m) a Lucky Crystal Amulet of Sustenance (+2)
    It increases your luck by 2.  It sustains your strength, 
    intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma.  It
    provides resistance to life draining.  It slows your metabolism.  It
    has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 69 of
n) a Radiant Agate Amulet of Trickery (+4)
    It grants you the power of illuminate if it is being worn.  It
    provides light (radius 5) forever.  It increases your dexterity, 
    stealth, infravision and speed by 4.  It sustains your dexterity.  It
    provides resistance to poison, light and nexus.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Nightwalker on level 75 of Angband.
o) a Blazing Amulet of Weaponmastery (+5,+6) [+4] (+3)
    provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength and 
    constitution by 3.  It sustains your strength and constitution.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to fire and disenchantment.  It produces a fiery
    sheath.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Rare Jewelry Shop.
p) a Lucky Scarab Amulet of Devotion (+5)
    It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your wisdom, charisma and luck by 5.  It
    sustains your wisdom and charisma.  It provides resistance to life
    draining, fire, light and dark.  It has been blessed by the gods.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
q) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20]
    It sustains your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides resistance to acid, 
    electricity, fire, cold and nexus.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Shooting Star the Red Dragon on level 75 of
r) a Dragon Shield of Preservation (-2,-6) [8,+37]
    It sustains your strength, dexterity and constitution.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to life draining
    , poison, nether and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 75 of Angband.
s) The Buckler of Carie [1,+8] {protective plating}
    It sustains your 
    intelligence.  It provides immunity to acid and fire.  It provides
    resistance to electricity, cold and nether.  It reflects bolts and
    arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 20 of Orc Cave.
t) a Buckler of Preservation (-3,-1) [1,+19]
    It sustains 
    your strength, dexterity and constitution.  It provides resistance to 
    life draining, electricity, blindness and disenchantment.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Snow-troll on level 59 of Barad-Dur.
u) The Shield of Deflection of Gil-galad [10,+20] (+5)
    It can be activated for starlight (75) every 75+d75 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    wisdom, charisma, searching and luck by 5.  It sustains your wisdom, 
    dexterity and charisma.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, 
    dark and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
v) The Large Mithril Shield of Fingrimar [8,+10]
    It sustains your constitution.  It
    provides immunity to electricity, fire and cold.  It provides
    resistance to life draining, poison, shards and chaos.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
w) The Shield of Deflection of Elcarion [10,+21] {protective plating}
    It provides immunity to electricity and fire.  It provides resistance 
    to poison and nexus.  It reflects bolts and arrows.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Law on level 85 of Angband.
x) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Elvenkind [2,+12] (+4)
    It increases your stealth and speed by 4.  It allows you to levitate.  
    It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  It
    cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Philosophy Teacher on level 70 of

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) 3 Hexagonal Rod Tips of Healing (120 Mana to cast)
b) 2 Short Rod Tips of Restoration (140 Mana to cast)
c) 3 Copper-Plated Rod Tips of Teleport Other (60 Mana to cast)
d) 3 Long Rod Tips of Disarming (50 Mana to cast)
e) The Star of Elendil (+1) {pilot light}
    It can be activated for light (dam 2d15) & map area every
    50+d50 turns if it is being worn. It grants you the power of detect
    curses if it is being worn.  It provides light (radius 4) forever.  It 
    increases your speed by 1.  It provides resistance to life draining.  
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Pip, the Braver from Another World on level
    40 of Moria.
f) The Palantir of Orthanc (+2)
    It can be activated for clairvoyance every 100+d100 turns
     if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 2) forever.  It 
    increases your intelligence, wisdom, searching and infravision by 2.  
    It provides resistance to blindness.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It gives telepathic powers.  It drains mana.  It aggravates
    nearby creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
g) The Key of Orthanc
    It can be activated
    for perilous identify every turn if it is being worn. It provides
    light (radius 1) forever.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
h) The Black Banner of Gondor (-3)
    It can be activated
    for summon undead every 666+d333 turns if it is being worn. It
    provides light (radius 1) forever.  It decreases your stealth by 3.  
    It makes you invisible.  It provides resistance to dark, nether and 
    chaos.  It allows you to sense the presence of undead.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ymir, the Ice Giant on level 65 of
i) The Silmaril of Flames (+2) {cursed}
    It can be activated for invulnerability (dur 8+d8) every
    1000 turns if it is being worn. It grants you the power of banish evil
     if it is being worn.  It provides light (radius 5) forever.  It 
    increases your strength by 2.  It provides resistance to fire, light, 
    dark, shards, nether, nexus and chaos.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.  It 
    drains mana and experience.  It is heavily cursed.  It can re-curse
    itself.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber on level 80
    of Angband.
j) a Psychoactive Skin of Permanence (+5,+5) [10,+24](20%) (+1 to stealth)
    It reduces damages you take by 50%, physical and magical. 
    It increases your stealth by 1.  It increases your mana capacity by 
    20%.  It sustains your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides resistance to life draining, 
    acid, electricity, fire, cold and shards.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 71 of Angband.
k) a Chargeable Great Eagle Down Coat [9,+12]
    It can be
    upgraded with gold.  It provides resistance to fire and cold.  
    You found it in the remains of Vecna, the Emperor Lich on level 94 of
l) an Elven Cloak of the Magi (-1,-5) [4,+16] (+4)
    It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your 
    intelligence, stealth, searching, speed and luck by 4.  It sustains 
    your intelligence.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
m) an Ethereal Feathered Cloak of Protection [1,+23] {paint coat}
    It can be activated for wraith-form
    every 50+d50 turns if it is being worn. It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to life draining and shards.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 30 of Mirkwood.
n) a Mumak Hide of Acid [1,+16]
    It provides
    resistance to acid.  It produces an acid sheath.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
o) a Mouse Fur of Electricity [1,+16]
p) The Metal Cap of Celebrimbor [3,+18] (+3 to searching)
    It can be activated for temporary
    ESP (dur 20+d20) every 20+d50 turns if it is being worn. It increases 
    your intelligence, dexterity, charisma, searching and spell power by 3
    .  It provides resistance to acid, fire, shards and disenchantment.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Half-troll Chieftain on level 59 of
q) The Steel Helm of Mornorn [6,+10] {snout}
    It makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to 
    cold, light, sound, shards, nether and disenchantment.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 85 of
r) a Dragon Helm of Water Breathing [8,+22]
    It provides resistance to cold.  It allows you to breathe
    underwater.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dagorrog on level 70 of Angband.
s) a Dwarven Gnomish Helm of the Noldor [5,+11] (+7)
    can be activated for detect treasure every 10+d20 turns if it is being
    worn. It increases your dexterity, constitution, searching and 
    infravision by 7.  It sustains your dexterity.  It provides resistance 
    to fire.  It allows you to sense the presence of orcs, trolls and 
    You found it in the remains of a Dread on level 94 of Angband.
t) The Gnomish Helm 'Belduath' [5,+11] (+5) {snout}
    provides light (radius 2) forever.  It increases your searching and 
    infravision by 5.  It provides resistance to poison, blindness and 
    chaos.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Old Man Willow on level 25 of The Old
u) The Set of Gauntlets of Vilin [2,+5] {paws}
    It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It provides
    resistance to acid, electricity, fire and disenchantment.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Barney the Dinosaur on level 34 of
v) The Set of Cesti of Nessil (+8 to damage) [5,+14] {paws}
    It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to cold, light and dark
    .  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
w) a Magical Dwarven Pick (+3)
x) The Bolt 'Idrein' (1d5) (+34,+16) (+2)
    It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your intelligence by 2.  It does extra damage 
    from electricity and fire.  It produces chaotic effects.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of undead.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Wyrm of Power on level 85 of

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) The Lost Works of Melian {pet}
    It can be activated for summon pet every 101 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 29 of Heart of the Earth.
b) The Crumpled Scroll of Mass Resurrection {!*}
c) The Ring of Power of The Witch-King of Angmar (+4 to speed)
    increases your constitution, stealth, infravision, speed and ability
    to score critical hits by 4.  It makes you invisible.  It sustains 
    your strength, intelligence, dexterity and charisma.  It provides
    resistance to acid, poison and shards.  It allows you to fly.  It 
    drains experience.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Witch-King of Angmar on level 89 of
d) an Elemental Black Opal Ring of Dexterity (+5)
    It increases your dexterity by 5.  It sustains your dexterity.
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and blindness.
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Halfling slinger on level 89 of Angband.
e) a Radiant Ring of Accuracy (+18)
    It can be activated for whirlwind attack every 250 turns if it is
    being worn. It grants you the power of illuminate if it is being worn.
    It provides light (radius 3) forever.  It provides resistance to light
    .  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
f) The Transparent Ring of Elentur (+11 to damage) (+5)
    It increases your intelligence and 
    ability to score critical hits by 5.  It sustains your strength.  It
    provides resistance to cold and sound.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient black dragon on level 85 of
g) an Elemental Ring of Damage (+21) {ressound}
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and 
    sound.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
h) The Granite Ring of Teilivrin (+0,+0) (+3 attacks)
    It increases your charisma, attack
    speed and ability to score critical hits by 3.  It sustains your 
    intelligence.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to cold, nether and nexus.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
i) The Granite Ring of Eldor (+0,+0) (+4% of critical hits)
    It increases your infravision and ability to score critical
    hits by 4.  It sustains your wisdom.  It provides resistance to dark
     and nexus.  It allows you to levitate.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
j) a Radiant Granite Ring of Slaying (+14,+11) {rending claws}
    It grants you the power of illuminate if it is being worn.  
    It provides light (radius 5) forever.  It provides resistance to light
     and blindness.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it in the remains of a Multi-hued drake on level 82 of Angband.
k) a Radiant Carnelian Ring of Speed of the Elements (+7)
    It grants you the power of illuminate if it is being worn.  It
    provides light (radius 4) forever.  It increases your intelligence and 
    speed by 7.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold, 
    poison, light and blindness.  It renders you vulnerable to fire.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Nightcrawler on level 90 of Angband.
l) The Ring of Ramor (+8) {!d}
    It increases your infravision and speed by 8.  It sustains your 
    strength.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance 
    to fire, poison, dark and nexus.  It slows your metabolism.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You stole it from the Speed Ring Market.
m) The Ring of Power 'Narya' (+6,+6) (+1)
    It can be activated for 
    healing (500) every 200+d100 turns if it is being worn. It increases 
    your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma
    , speed and luck by 1.  It sustains your strength, wisdom, 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides immunity to fire.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to nether.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
n) The Ring of Power 'Nenya' (+9,+9) (+2)
    It can be activated
    for healing (800) every 100+d200 turns if it is being worn. It 
    increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution
    , charisma, stealth, speed and luck by 2.  It sustains your 
    intelligence, wisdom and charisma.  It provides immunity to cold.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life
    draining and blindness.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    gives telepathic powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
o) The Ring of Power 'Vilya' (+12,+12) (+3)
    It can be activated for greater
    healing (900) every 200+d200 turns if it is being worn. It increases 
    your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma
    , speed and luck by 3.  It sustains your strength, dexterity and 
    constitution.  It provides immunity to electricity.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life draining, 
    poison and disenchantment.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows you
    to see invisible monsters.  It slows your metabolism.  It speeds your
    regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Chaos on level 92 of
p) an Elemental Alexandrite Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold, light
    , dark and blindness.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient green dragon on level 84 of
q) a Rohirric Ring of Shard Resistance (+2 to speed) {50% off}
    It increases your speed by 2.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to shards.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
r) a Blazing Ruby Ring of Shard Resistance
    It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It provides resistance to fire and shards.  It produces a
    fiery sheath.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 33 of Heart of the Earth.
s) The Chargeable Plain Ring 'The None Ring'
    can be upgraded with gold.  It provides resistance to blindness.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Halfling slinger on level 89 of Angband.
t) The Plain Ring of Kemna (+1% of critical hits)
    It increases your ability to score critical hits by 1.  It provides
    resistance to light, dark, blindness and confusion.  It allows you to
    fly.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 69 of
u) The Turquoise Ring of Anaxe (+2)
    It increases your speed and ability to score critical hits by 
    2.  It makes you invisible.  It sustains your wisdom.  It provides
    resistance to fire, cold, confusion and chaos.  It allows you to fly.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Munchkin on level 87 of Angband.
v) The Ring of Valir (+4)
    increases your constitution by 4.  It makes you invisible.  It
    sustains your charisma.  It provides resistance to cold, sound and 
    chaos.  It allows you to fly.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Jewelry Shop.
w) a Draconic Beryl Ring of Lightning (+3,+4) [+20]
    It can be activated for ball of
    lightning and resist lightning every 50+d50 turns if it is being worn. 
    It provides resistance to electricity.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of dragons.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Young multi-hued dragon on level 82 of
x) a Blessed Onyx Ring of Critical Hits [+5] (+10% of critical hits)
    It increases your wisdom and ability to score critical hits by 
    10.  It provides resistance to life draining.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient multi-hued dragon on level 79 of

  [Home Inventory - Caras Galadhon ]

a) The Gem of Ghosts {hallucination}
    It can be activated for hallucination every 10 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Vampire ogre on level 89 of Angband.
b) The Chargeable Broken Dagger 'Shard' (1d1) (+11,+10)
    It can be upgraded with gold.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 89 of
c) a Dagger of Gondolin (1d5) (+16,+15) (+2)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It is easy to throw. It 
    increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It is especially
    deadly against dragons.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It
    strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy
    fury.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to dark.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings
    .  It cannot be harmed by acid.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
d) The Dagger of Samwise (E:10, L:1) (1d5) (+4,+6)
    It can be activated for fire bolt
    (9d8) every 8+d8 turns if it is being worn. It provides light (radius
    1) forever.  It is easy to throw. It does extra damage from fire.  It
    provides resistance to fire and chaos.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
e) The Dagger of Peregrin (E:10, L:1) (1d5) (+4,+6)
    It can be activated for frost bolt
    (6d8) every 7+d7 turns if it is being worn. It is easy to throw. It
    does extra damage from frost.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ancalagon the Black on level 70 of Angband.
f) The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d5) (+12,+15) (+3) {paws}
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your intelligence, 
    dexterity and speed by 3.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It
    is especially deadly against giants.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
g) The Sabre 'Careth Asdriag' (2d7) (+7,+8) (+2 to speed)
    It increases your 
    dexterity, constitution, speed and attack speed by 2.  It is
    especially deadly against dragons.  It is especially deadly against
    orcs.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially
    deadly against giants.  It is especially deadly against natural
    creatures.  It allows you to sense the presence of animals.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
h) a Broad Sword of the Noldor (4d3) (+14,+16) [+15] (+3 to stealth)
    It increases your wisdom, dexterity, 
    constitution and stealth by 3.  It is very sharp and can make your
    foes bleed.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It sustains your 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    provides resistance to life draining, acid, electricity, fire, cold, 
    poison and confusion.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows you to
    see invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It has
    been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
i) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+11,+15) [+5] (+4)
    It can be activated for ball of fire
    (72) every 400 turns if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It is easy to throw. It increases your strength, dexterity
     and luck by 4.  It does extra damage from fire.  It is especially
    deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It sustains your dexterity.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to fire and disenchantment.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
j) a Katana (*Defender*) (3d4) (-12,+2) [+2] (+3 to stealth) {paws}
    It should be wielded
    two-handed.  It increases your wisdom, dexterity, constitution and 
    stealth by 3.  It sustains your wisdom.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to life draining, acid, electricity
    , fire, cold, poison and disenchantment.  It allows you to levitate.  
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
k) a Deathly Two-Handed Sword (4d6) (+24,+50) [-24](-20%)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It
    decreases your mana capacity and hit points by -20%.  It does extra
    damage from death.  It aggravates nearby creatures.  It carries an
    ancient foul curse.  It can re-curse itself.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 69 of
l) a Spectral Executioner's Sword of *Slay Evil* (4d5) (+10,+12) (+2)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It can be activated for 
    wraith-form every 50+d50 turns if it is being worn. It increases your 
    wisdom by 2.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It fights against
    evil with holy fury.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to life draining.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of evil beings.  It drains life.  It has been blessed by the
    You found it in the remains of a Vampire lord on level 65 of Barad-Dur.
m) a Blade of Chaos of Westernesse (6d5) (+11,+15) (+1)
    It increases your strength, dexterity and constitution by 1.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It
    is especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to 
    chaos.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to
    sense the presence of orcs, trolls and giants.  It can resist being
    shattered by morgul beings.  
    You found it in the remains of Tevildo, Prince of Cats on level 80 of
n) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2 attacks) {!d}
    It increases your strength, constitution and attack speed by 2
    .  It produces chaotic effects.  It drains life from your foes.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life
    draining, confusion, nether, nexus and chaos.  It prevents
    teleportation.  It aggravates nearby creatures.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Stormbringer on level 57 of Barad-Dur.
o) a Chargeable Bluesteel Blade of Slaying (3d8) (+12,+11) {5.3m AU needed}
    It can be upgraded with gold.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It is
    very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Bile Worm on level 85 of Angband.
p) The Stiletto of Nenele (2d3) (+7,+15) (+4 to speed)
    It is easy to throw. It increases your intelligence, charisma and 
    speed by 4.  It poisons your foes.  It produces chaotic effects.  It
    is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It is a great bane of
    dragons.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It is a great bane of
    undead.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Santa Claus on level 69 of Angband.
q) a Spectral Wakizashi of Spinning (3d3) (+9,+12) (+2)
    can be activated for spinning around every 50+d25 turns if it is being
    worn. It increases your strength and dexterity by 2.  It can cause
    damaging strikes.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It provides
    resistance to life draining.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.
    It drains life.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 23 of The Old Forest.
r) a Long Bow of Lothlorien (x5) (+15,+9) (+2)
    increases your dexterity by 2.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    allows you to levitate.  It fires missiles with extra might.  It has
    been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  It cannot be
    harmed by fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Forest troll on level 63 of Barad-Dur.
s) The Light Mithril Crossbow of Hariond (x6) (+8,+12) (+3 to speed)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength, 
    intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma and speed by 3
    .  It fires missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Surtur, the Fire Giant on level 83 of
t) a Chargeable Small Metal Boomerang of Unmagic (3d4) (+10,+13)
    It generates an antimagic field.  It can be upgraded with
    You found it in the remains of a Dark elven shade on level 89 of Angband.
u) a Chargeable Small Metal Boomerang of the Maiar (E:1208, L:10) (3d4)
    It provides light (radius 2) forever.  It can be upgraded with gold.  
    It increases your stealth and ability to score critical hits by 2.  It
    does extra damage from electricity.  It poisons your foes.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to nether.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    allows you to sense the presence of trolls, giants and evil beings.  
    It speeds your regenerative powers.  It has been blessed by the gods.  
    It induces random teleportation.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Multi-hued drake on level 82 of Angband.
v) The Metal Boomerang of Beor (4d5) (+8,+12) (+4 to speed)
    It increases your dexterity and speed by 4.  It provides resistance to 
    acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
w) The Rod of Annuminas (+4)
    It can be activated for rune of
    protection every 400 turns if it is being worn. It can be used to
    store a spell.  It increases your charisma and luck by 4.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to confusion.  It has
    been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Daoloth, the Render of the Veils on level
    72 of Angband.
x) The Key of Thorin
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.

  [The Museum Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Thirteenth Eye of Sauron {teleport}
    It can be activated
    for teleport (range 100) every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Random Number Generator on level 17 of
    Orc Cave.
b) The Bottomless Bottle {cure poison}
    It can be activated for cure poison every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Random Number Generator on level 18 of
    The Old Forest.
c) Radagast's Compendium of Strange Behaviour {cure poison}
    It can be activated for cure poison every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Zog on level 14 of The Old Forest.
d) Gandalf's Portable Pandemonium
    can be activated for death.  
    You found it in the remains of a Lesser Barrow wight on level 10 of
e) a Chargeable Zircon Ring of Constitution (+3)
    It can be upgraded with gold.  It increases your 
    constitution by 3.  It sustains your constitution.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Halfling slinger on level 85 of Angband.
f) a Turquoise Ring of Invisibility {smeagol's}
    It makes you invisible.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Smeagol on level 17 of The Old Forest.
g) The Pewter Amulet of Airyon (+2)
    It increases your constitution by 2.  It sustains your strength and 
    constitution.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and chaos.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
h) The Amulet of Faramir (+18,+0) [+8] (+5)
    It can be activated for word of recall every 200 turns if it is being
    worn. It increases your stealth by 5.  It sustains your dexterity.  It
    provides resistance to confusion.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Boldor, King of the Yeeks on level 14 of
    Orc Cave.
i) a Wooden Torch of the Shadows (with 1749 turns of light) {pilot light}
    It provides light (radius 1) when fueled.  It makes you
    invisible.  It provides resistance to dark.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 25 of The Old Forest.
j) an Everburning Torch {pilot light}
k) a Dwarven Lantern of Fading (with 0 turns of light)
    provides light (radius 2) when fueled.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Guardian yeek on level 25 of The Old
l) The Partial Plate Armour 'Alossil' (-3 to accuracy) [22,+1]
    It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It provides immunity 
    to electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
m) The Galvorn Plate Mail of Eol (-4 to accuracy) [40,+20] (+2)
    It can be activated for heal 1000 hit points every 888 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your constitution by 2.  It sustains your 
    constitution.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to life draining, acid, cold, dark, confusion, nether, 
    nexus and chaos.  It allows you to sense the presence of undead.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Fire on level 75 of Angband.
n) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {hull}
    It increases your dexterity and speed by 3.  It provides resistance to 
    acid, shards and nexus.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
o) The Cloak 'Holcolleth' [1,+8] (+2) {paint coat}
    It can be activated
    for sleep nearby monsters every 55 turns if it is being worn. It 
    increases your intelligence, wisdom, stealth and speed by 2.  It
    provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
p) The Large Leather Shield of Talingbar [4,+11] {protective plating}
    It sustains your 
    intelligence, wisdom and dexterity.  It provides immunity to 
    electricity.  It provides resistance to confusion and shards.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Shelob, Spider of Darkness on level 50 of
    Cirith Ungol.
q) The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+15]
    It can be activated for lightning bolt (4d8) every 6+d6
    turns if it is being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It
    provides resistance to electricity.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
r) The Reaper Axe 'Brimo' (3d4) (+9,+11) (+1 to speed)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It 
    increases your wisdom and speed by 1.  It does extra damage from acid, 
    electricity and dark.  It produces chaotic effects.  It drains life
    from your foes.  It is a great bane of undead.  It is especially
    deadly against natural creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Venom Wyrm on level 80 of Angband.
s) The Rapier 'Forasgil' (2d4) (+12,+19)
    It does extra damage from frost.  It is especially deadly against
    natural creatures.  It provides resistance to cold and light.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 20 of Orc Cave.
t) The Two-Handed Sword 'Anglachel' (4d6) (+13,+17) (+2)
    It must be
    wielded two-handed.  It increases your strength by 2.  It does extra
    damage from fire.  It poisons your foes.  It can cause damaging
    strikes.  It is a great bane of dragons.  It is especially deadly
    against trolls.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to fire and poison.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    dragons.  It slows your metabolism.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It drains life.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Thunder on level 80 of
u) The Dark Sword 'Mormegil' (E:45, L:3) (6d7) (+0,+0) [-20] (+2 to speed)
    It generates an antimagic field.  It increases your speed and 
    attack speed by 2.  It does extra damage from fire and dark.  It is
    especially deadly against dragons.  It provides immunity to fire.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to chaos and 
    disenchantment.  It drains mana, life and experience.  It aggravates
    nearby creatures.  It is heavily cursed.  It carries an ancient foul
    curse.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Ice Worm on level 80 of Angband.
v) The Jutte 'Naras' (2d7) (+8,+11) (+3)
    It increases your constitution by 3.  It does extra damage from acid, 
    electricity, frost and dark.  It poisons your foes.  It fights against
    evil with holy fury.  It is especially deadly against natural
    creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
w) The Long Bow of Legolas (x6) (+17,+19) (+3)
    It increases your dexterity, stealth
     and infravision by 3.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows
    you to sense the presence of orcs.  It fires missiles with extra
    might.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
x) Calvin's corpse
    It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Calvin on level 14 of The Old Forest.
a) Vort the Kobold Queen's corpse
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Vort the Kobold Queen on level 17 of The
    Old Forest.
b) Jurt the Living Trump's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Jurt the Living Trump on level 89 of

  [The Museum Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) The Maiablade of Gothmog (7d6) (+13,+13) (-20)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It decreases your luck
     by 20.  It does extra damage from fire.  It poisons your foes.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil
    with holy fury.  It can re-curse itself.  It can resist being
    shattered by morgul beings.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ultra-elite paladin on level 89 of
b) The Ring of Power of Adunaphel the Quiet
    It makes you invisible.  It sustains your wisdom and dexterity
    .  It provides resistance to poison, confusion and nexus.  It drains 
    experience.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Adunaphel the Quiet on level 65 of
c) The Aquamarine Ring of Melloroth [+15] (+4 to searching)
    It can be activated for ball of fire and resist fire every
    50+d50 turns if it is being worn. It increases your charisma and 
    searching by 4.  It sustains your intelligence.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to electricity, fire, nexus and chaos.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
d) The Jade Ring 'Lorion'
    It can be activated for whirlwind attack every 250 turns if
    it is being worn. It makes you invisible.  It sustains your strength.  
    It provides resistance to fire and confusion.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Adunaphel the Quiet on level 65 of
e) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2)
    It can be activated for protection from evil (dur level*3 +
    d25) every 225+d225 turns if it is being worn. It increases your 
    constitution by 2.  It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
f) The Amulet of Ingwe (+3)
    It can be activated for dispel evil (level*5) every 300+d300
    turns if it is being worn. It increases your intelligence, wisdom, 
    charisma, searching and infravision by 3.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity and cold.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Tselakus, the Dreadlord on level 68 of
g) The Phial of Galadriel (+4) {pilot light}
    It can be activated for light area (dam 2d15) every 10+d10
    turns if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 3) forever.  It
    prevents stuns. It increases your searching and luck by 4.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark dwarven warrior on level 20 of
h) The Metal Brigandine Armour of Echolwe (-44,-22) [19,+1](20%)
    It increases your hit points by 20%.  It sustains your 
    strength and dexterity.  It provides immunity to fire.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to sound and nether.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Khamul, the Black Easterling on level 80 of
i) The Splint Mail of Normen (-2 to accuracy) [19,+10]
    It sustains your constitution.  It provides immunity to acid
     and electricity.  It provides resistance to fire, nexus and chaos.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 93 of
j) The Splint Mail of Oberrin (-2 to accuracy) [19,+1]
    It sustains your wisdom.  It provides immunity to acid.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to sound.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
k) The Metal Lamellar Armour of Quenen (-3 to accuracy) [23,+0]
    It sustains your intelligence.  It provides immunity to cold.  It
    provides resistance to electricity, fire and poison.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
l) The Mithril Chain Mail 'Earthilin' [28,+0]
    It sustains your charisma.  It provides resistance to dark, confusion
     and nexus.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
m) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4)
    It increases your stealth and searching by 4.  It provides
    resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and dark.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Emperor wight on level 44 of Barad-Dur.
n) The Hard Studded Leather 'Lothlost' (-1 to accuracy) [7,+1] {hull}
    It sustains your dexterity and charisma.  It provides immunity to acid
     and cold.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance 
    to light.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Blubbering idiot, agent of black
    market, Simon the weak on level 12 of Mirkwood.
o) The Mumak Hide Armour 'Fauglith' (-67,-27) [8,+0](40%)
    It increases your hit
    points by 40%.  It sustains your intelligence.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It provides resistance to fire and sound.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
p) The Padded Armour of Nornume (-70,-15) [4,+13](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It sustains your 
    strength and wisdom.  It provides immunity to cold.  It provides
    resistance to electricity and poison.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Law on level 92 of Angband.
q) The Leather Scale Mail of Rhuin (-1 to accuracy) [11,+6]
    It sustains your strength.  It provides immunity to acid and cold.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life
    draining and nether.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Dread on level 38 of Moria.
r) The Jedi Robe of Obi Wan Kenobi [1,+15] (+3)
    prevents stuns. It increases your intelligence, dexterity, 
    constitution and speed by 3.  It sustains your dexterity.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to disenchantment.  It
    allows you to fly.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
s) The Large Leather Shield of the Haradrim [4,+15] (+2)
    It can be activated for berserk strength every 50+d50 turns
     if it is being worn. It increases your strength and constitution by 2
    .  It sustains your strength and constitution.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to poison and blindness.  
    It aggravates nearby creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Witch-King of Angmar on level 89 of
t) The Large Leather Shield of Carech [4,+13]
    It sustains your wisdom and charisma.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to electricity, light and chaos.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient blue dragon on level 92 of
u) The Small Mithril Shield of Marim [5,+20]
    It sustains your charisma.  It provides immunity to acid.  It
    provides resistance to nether.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Spectral tyrannosaur on level 86 of
v) an Adamantite Crown of Lordliness [0,+8] (+3)
    It increases your wisdom and charisma by 3.  It sustains your 
    wisdom and charisma.  It makes you completely fearless.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
w) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2)
    It increases your strength and 
    constitution by 2.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Bloodletter of Khorne on level 49 of
x) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+15]
    It can be activated for fire bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns if
    it is being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It provides
    resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs on
    level 93 of Angband.
a) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' [2,+15]
    It can be activated for acid bolt (5d8) every 5+d5
    turns if it is being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It
    provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient red dragon on level 93 of
b) The Bearded Axe 'Nimria' (E:10, L:1) (1d6) (+15,+10) (+1 attack)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It is easy to throw. It 
    increases your wisdom, dexterity, charisma and attack speed by 1.  It
    does extra damage from electricity, fire and dark.  It produces
    chaotic effects.  It drains life from your foes.  It can cause
    damaging strikes.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of Maiar.  It is
    a great bane of undead.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It is
    especially deadly against natural creatures.  It has been blessed by
    the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Algroth Priest on level 55 of Barad-Dur.
c) The Bearded Axe 'Eneldanen' (1d6) (+5,+8) (+1 to speed)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It is easy to throw. It increases 
    your dexterity and speed by 1.  It does extra damage from acid.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It drains life from your foes.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
d) The Chargeable Double Axe ... (3d6) (+12,+8)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It can be upgraded with gold.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ethereal dragon on level 42 of Barad-Dur.
e) The Double Axe of Aroste (3d6) (+10,+9) (+1 to speed)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It provides light (radius 1) forever.  
    It increases your speed and attack speed by 1.  It poisons your foes.  
    It is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It is a great bane of
    undead.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Water troll Priest on level 80 of Angband.
f) The Light War Axe 'Cam-tal-crist' (2d5) (+12,+15) (+4)
    It increases your dexterity by 4.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It
    is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Lygrog on level 44 of Barad-Dur.
g) The Broad Axe 'Orchast' (2d7) (+20,+14) (+4)
    should be wielded two-handed.  It can be activated for detect orcs
    every 10 turns if it is being worn. It increases your dexterity and 
    searching by 4.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mummified orc on level 36 of Moria.
h) The War Pick of Manna (2d10) (+11,+3)
    must be wielded two-handed.  It produces chaotic effects.  It strikes
    at demons with holy wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It
    is especially deadly against natural creatures.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
i) The Dagger of Oroth (1d5) (+1,+3)
    It is easy to throw. It produces chaotic effects.  It is especially
    deadly against dragons.  It induces random teleportation.  It
    aggravates nearby creatures.  It fills you with the Black Breath.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Many Colours on level 86 of
j) The Short Sword 'Gilettar' (1d7) (+3,+7) (+2)
    It increases your attack speed by 2.  It is especially deadly
    against natural creatures.  It provides resistance to disenchantment.  
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It slows your metabolism.  
    It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark dwarven priest on level 57 of
k) The Long Sword 'Herugrim' (3d5) (+8,+9) (+2)
    It can be activated for cure insanity every 200 turns if it
    is being worn. It increases your intelligence by 2.  It can cause
    damaging strikes.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to dark and confusion.  It allows you to sense the presence 
    of evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it in the remains of The Serpent of Chaos on level 92 of Angband.
l) The Two-Handed Sword of Erimlos (4d6) (+1,+6)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It does extra damage from electricity.
    It poisons your foes.  It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is
    especially deadly against giants.  It strikes at demons with holy
    wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It fights against evil
    with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
m) The Shadow Blade of Borgon (2d5) (-2,+0) (+3 to speed)
    It increases your stealth and speed by 3.  It does extra
    damage from dark.  It poisons your foes.  It produces chaotic effects.
    It is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It is especially
    deadly against dragons.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It provides resistance to dark.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Witch-King of Angmar on level 89 of
n) The Shadow Blade 'Almar' (2d5) (+10,+9) (+4 to stealth)
    It increases your intelligence, charisma and stealth by 4.  It
    does extra damage from dark.  It produces chaotic effects.  It is very
    sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It is a great bane of dragons.  
    It is especially deadly against orcs.  It provides resistance to dark.
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Amrod, Son of Feanor on level 49 of
o) The Curved Lightsaber of Count Dooku (E:140, L:6) (6d6) (+12,+12) [10,+0]
    It can be activated for mass charm every 750 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 2) forever.  It increases your 
    intelligence, dexterity, charisma, stealth and spell power by 6.  It
    can cause damaging strikes.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to fire, poison
    , shards and chaos.  It reflects bolts and arrows.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Mandor, Master of the Chaos on level 61 of
p) The Doublended Lightsaber of Darth Maul (E:500, L:10) (9d9) (+10,+12) [10,+0]
    It can be activated for teleport away every 200 turns if it
    is being worn. It provides light (radius 2) forever.  It increases 
    your strength, dexterity, speed and spell power by 4.  It can cause
    damaging strikes.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you
    completely fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, fire, cold and 
    poison.  It reflects bolts and arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Thunder on level 80 of
q) The Wakizashi of Ilthornie (3d3) (+7,+11) (+1 attack)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    strength and attack speed by 1.  It does extra damage from electricity
    .  It poisons your foes.  It produces chaotic effects.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of Maiar.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dracolich on level 64 of Barad-Dur.
r) The Awl-Pike of Erent (1d8) (+0,+8) [9,+0] (-2) {cursed}
    should be wielded two-handed.  It decreases your charisma by 2.  It
    does extra damage from fire.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  
    It induces random teleportation.  It aggravates nearby creatures.  It
    is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Munchkin on level 69 of Angband.
s) The Halberd of Delberas (3d7) (+9,+10) [10,+0]
    should be wielded two-handed.  It does extra damage from frost.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It is a great bane of dragons.  It is a great bane of undead.  
    It fights against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
t) The Quarterstaff 'Eriril' (1d9) (+3,+5) (+4)
    It can be activated for identify spell every 10 turns if it is being
    worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your intelligence
     and wisdom by 4.  It does extra damage from light and pure magic.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It provides resistance to light.  
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Witch-King of Angmar on level 89 of
u) The War Hammer of Edheleth (3d5) (+11,-6) (+1 attack)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your constitution and attack speed by 1.  It
    does extra damage from electricity.  It can cause earthquakes.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Hagen, son of Alberich on level 45 of
v) The Flail of Menyar (5d3) (+8,-7) (+4)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your 
    dexterity, constitution and charisma by 4.  It does extra damage from 
    frost.  It drains life from your foes.  It is especially deadly
    against dragons.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights
    against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Munchkin on level 69 of Angband.
w) The Shovel of Urgun (+7 to accuracy) (+3)
    increases your constitution and ability to tunnel by 3.  It does extra
    damage from acid.  It drains life from your foes.  It is a great bane
    of dragons.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
x) The Short Willow Bow of Amras (x3) (+12,+15) (+1 to speed)
    It increases your intelligence, wisdom, dexterity and speed by 1.  It
    provides resistance to electricity, fire and cold.  It slows your
    metabolism.  It fires missiles with extra might.  It fires missiles
    excessively fast.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Medusa, the Gorgon on level 40 of Moria.
a) The Short Magic Bow of Amrod (x4) (+12,+15) (+2)
    It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It provides
    resistance to electricity, fire and cold.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It fires missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ymir, the Ice Giant on level 65 of
b) The Long Yew bow of Marwaras (x3) (+10,+20) (+3 to stealth)
    It increases your intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, charisma
     and stealth by 3.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dracolich on level 75 of Angband.
c) The Sheaf Arrow 'Boronedh' (E:25, L:2) (1d5) (+31,+20)
    does extra damage from frost and light.  It is a great bane of
    dragons.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It strikes at
    demons with holy wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Green Thunderlord on level 90 of Angband.
d) The Sheaf Arrow of Heren (1d5) (+16,+18)
    It does extra damage from acid and light.  It is especially deadly
    against dragons.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It is a
    great bane of Maiar.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient gold dragon on level 86 of
e) The Small Wooden Boomerang of Eanglad (1d4) (+8,+11)
    It does extra damage from acid, light and dark.  It is
    especially deadly against giants.  It fights against evil with holy
    fury.  It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 56 of
f) The Wooden Boomerang 'Cirnorth' (1d8) (+21,+4)
    It does extra damage from dark.  It strikes at undead with
    holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
g) The Small Metal Boomerang of Falach (3d4) (+7,+1)
    It does extra damage from acid, electricity and frost.  It is a great
    bane of Maiar.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It fights
    against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
h) The Horn of Helm (+2)
    It can be activated for sound ball (300) every 300 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It
    provides immunity to cold.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to nether.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 89 of Angband.
i) The Sceptre of Numenor (-3 to speed) {cursed}
    It can be
    activated for dispel good (level*5) every 300+d300 turns if it is
    being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It decreases your 
    strength, constitution, charisma, speed and luck by 3.  It renders you
    incorporeal.  It is heavily cursed.  It can re-curse itself.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Keeper of Secrets on level 58 of
j) Groo, the Wanderer's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Groo, the Wanderer on level 40 of Moria.
k) The Lernaean Hydra's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Lernaean Hydra on level 58 of Barad-Dur.
l) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst on level 89
    of Angband.
m) The Mage Staff of Saruman (1d4) (+5,+5)(80%) (+4)
    It can be activated for ball of cold (48) every 400 turns
     if it is being worn. It grants you the power of weigh magic if it is
    being worn.  It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your 
    intelligence, speed and spell power by 4.  It increases your mana
    capacity by 80%.  It does extra damage from dark and pure magic.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Lesser black reaver on level 89 of
n) The Mage Staff of Habarn (1d4) (+0,+0)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It does extra damage from 
    pure magic.  It sustains your intelligence and wisdom.  It provides
    resistance to blindness and confusion.  It allows you to fly.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
o) a Mage Staff of Mana (1d4) (-14,-9)(100%)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It can be used to store a spell.  It
    increases your mana capacity by 100%.  It does extra damage from pure
    You found it in the remains of a Lesser black reaver on level 44 of

  [The Museum Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) The Maiahorn of Gothmog [2,+13] (-5)
    It provides light (radius 2) forever.  It decreases your 
    charisma by 5.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows
    you to sense the presence of maiar.  It slows your metabolism.  It
    speeds your regenerative powers.  It can re-curse itself.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dread on level 83 of Angband.
b) The Shining Star of Varda of Minda [10,+10] (+3)
    provides light (radius 5) forever.  It increases your wisdom and 
    charisma by 3.  It provides resistance to light and dark.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
c) The Shard of Pottery that is Not Junk
    It can be activated
    for teleport (range 100) every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Byakhee on level 71 of Angband.
d) The Ring of Power of Akhorahil the Blind
    makes you invisible.  It sustains your intelligence and dexterity.  It
    provides resistance to light, dark, shards and nexus.  It drains 
    experience.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Akhorahil the Blind on level 90 of Angband.
e) The Black Opal Ring of Eglion (+5)
    It increases your dexterity and searching by 5.  It sustains your 
    dexterity.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows you to fly.  
    It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
f) The Transparent Ring 'Tardanel' (+4)
    It increases your wisdom, searching and infravision by 4.  It sustains 
    your dexterity.  It provides resistance to acid and sound.  It allows
    you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
g) The Transparent Ring of Kemna (+4)
    It increases your wisdom by 4.  It sustains your strength and 
    constitution.  It provides resistance to shards.  It speeds your
    regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
h) The Ring of Barahir (+1)
    It can be activated for dispel small life every 55+d55 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, 
    dexterity, constitution, charisma, stealth and searching by 1.  It
    provides resistance to poison and dark.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Scatha the Worm on level 61 of Barad-Dur.
i) a Sorcerous Bone Amulet of Wisdom (-44,-67)(160%) (+8)
    It increases your wisdom and spell power by 8.  It increases your mana
    capacity by 160%.  It sustains your wisdom.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark elven shade on level 70 of Angband.
j) an Everburning Torch of the Ethereal Eye
    It grants you the power of magic map if it is being worn.  It provides
    light (radius 1) forever.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 72 of Angband.
k) The Silmaril of the Seas (+2) {cursed}
    It can be
    activated for word of recall every 200 turns if it is being worn. It
    grants you the power of banish evil if it is being worn.  It provides
    light (radius 5) forever.  It increases your intelligence by 2.  It
    provides resistance to light, dark, nether, nexus and chaos.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of evil beings.  It drains life and experience.  It is
    heavily cursed.  It can re-curse itself.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
l) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
    It increases your strength, dexterity and speed by 2.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, 
    electricity, fire, cold, confusion and sound.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
m) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+1)
    It increases your constitution by 1.  It provides resistance 
    to acid, electricity, fire, cold, confusion, sound and nexus.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Santa Claus on level 69 of Angband.
n) The Mithril Chain Mail 'Belegennon' (-1 to accuracy) [28,+20] (+4 to
    can be activated for heal (777), curing and heroism every 300 turns if
    it is being worn. It increases your intelligence, wisdom and stealth
     by 4.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to 
    life draining, acid, electricity, fire, cold, poison and dark.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Unicorn of Order on level 69 of Angband.
o) The Mithril Chain Mail of Arumorm [28,+1]
    It sustains your dexterity and constitution.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to life draining, poison and dark.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Akhorahil the Blind on level 90 of Angband.
p) The Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn (-3) [35,+25] (+4)
    It can be activated for genocide every 500 turns if it is being worn. 
    It increases your strength and charisma by 4.  It provides resistance 
    to acid, electricity, fire, cold, dark, chaos and disenchantment.  It
    allows you to sense the presence of orcs.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 85 of
q) The Cord Armour 'Elemmin' (-38,-8) [6,+22](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It provides immunity to 
    fire.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Chaos drake on level 85 of Angband.
r) The Jedi Master Robe of Yoda [1,+25] (+10)
    can be activated for invulnerability (4+d8) every 800 turns if it is
    being worn. It prevents stuns. It increases your intelligence, wisdom, 
    dexterity, charisma, searching, speed and luck by 10.  It sustains 
    your wisdom.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to disenchantment.  It allows you to fly.  It allows you to
    sense the presence of evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
s) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' [2,+15] (+4)
    It can be activated
    for frost bolt (6d8) every 7+d7 turns if it is being worn. It can be
    used to store a spell.  It increases your constitution by 4.  It
    sustains your constitution.  It provides resistance to cold.  It
    speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Fenghuang on level 83 of Angband.
t) The Bearded Axe of Adorfing (1d6) (+29,+11)
    should be wielded two-handed.  It is easy to throw. It produces
    chaotic effects.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It is a great bane
    of undead.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Ice Worm on level 89 of Angband.
u) The Beaked Axe of Dain Ironfoot (2d6) (+8,+10) (+3)
    It can be activated for drain life (120) every 400 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your wisdom and constitution by 3.  It is
    especially deadly against dragons.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of undead and evil beings.  It slows your metabolism.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Bloodthirster on level 71 of Angband.
v) The Lochaber Axe of Gothmog (4d6) (+14,+19) (-4) {cursed}
    It can be activated for fire ball (300) every 200+d200 turns if it is
    being worn. It decreases your charisma by 4.  It does extra damage 
    from fire.  It provides immunity to fire.  It is cursed.  It carries
    an ancient foul curse.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Munchkin on level 87 of Angband.
w) The Slaughter Axe 'Lavandagnir' (5d7) (+31,+27) (+3)
    can be activated for dispel monsters (300) every 200+d200 turns if it
    is being worn. It increases your strength by 3.  It is especially
    deadly against natural creatures.  It sustains your strength.  It
    provides resistance to shards and nexus.  It allows you to levitate.  
    It drains life.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it in the remains of Great Cthulhu on level 70 of Angband.
x) The Main Gauche of Azaghal (2d5) (+12,+14)
    is a great bane of dragons.  It provides immunity to fire.  It makes
    you completely fearless.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    dragons.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Swamp Worm on level 85 of Angband.
a) The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (2d5) (+10,+11) (+3)
    It increases your dexterity and stealth by 3.  It provides resistance 
    to acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It allows you to levitate.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It speeds your regenerative
    powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Ice Worm on level 75 of Angband.
b) The Broad Sword 'Guthwine' (4d4) (+6,+7) (+1)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your ability to
    score critical hits by 1.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to blindness.  It allows you to
    sense the presence of orcs.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
c) The Broad Sword 'Belengol' (4d3) (+8,+7) (+1)
    It increases your wisdom by 1.  It does extra damage from fire
    .  It produces chaotic effects.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It is
    especially deadly against dragons.  It is a great bane of undead.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Sky Drake on level 85 of Angband.
d) The Long Sword 'Elvagil' (3d4) (+5,+7) (+2)
    increases your dexterity, charisma and stealth by 2.  It is especially
    deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It
    allows you to levitate.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    allows you to sense the presence of orcs and trolls.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Great Cthulhu on level 70 of Angband.
e) The Hand and a Half Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (-20,+20) (+5) {cursed}
    should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your constitution by 5.  
    It is a great bane of dragons.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil
    with holy fury.  It provides resistance to disenchantment.  It allows
    you to sense the presence of dragons and maiar.  It drains life.  It
    aggravates nearby creatures.  It is heavily cursed.  It can re-curse
    itself.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient white dragon on level 73 of
f) The Two-Handed Sword of Falch (4d6) (-2,+6) (+2)
    It must be wielded two-handed.  It increases your strength and 
    constitution by 2.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It strikes at
    undead with holy wrath.  It is especially deadly against natural
    creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 74 of Angband.
g) The Shadow Blade of Nastoloki (2d5) (+14,+18) (+1 attack)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength, 
    intelligence, stealth and attack speed by 1.  It does extra damage 
    from electricity, fire and dark.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It provides resistance to dark.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature black dragon on level 72 of
h) The Lightsaber of Obi Wan Kenobi (E:650, L:11) (5d5) (+10,+10) [10,+0] (+5)
    It can be activated for protection from evil (dur level*3 +
    d25) every 225+d225 turns if it is being worn. It provides light
    (radius 2) forever.  It increases your intelligence, dexterity, 
    constitution, charisma, speed and spell power by 5.  It can cause
    damaging strikes.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to electricity, fire, poison and dark.  It reflects bolts
    and arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Chaos on level 73 of
i) The Halberd 'Osondir' (3d7) (+6,+9) (+3)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your charisma
     by 3.  It does extra damage from fire.  It is especially deadly
    against giants.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It provides
    resistance to fire and sound.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows
    you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    giants.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Venom Wyrm on level 73 of Angband.
j) The Whip of Gothmog (3d6) (+15,+16) (-2) {cursed}
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It decreases your intelligence, 
    dexterity and infravision by 2.  It does extra damage from fire.  It
    can cause damaging strikes.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It is especially deadly
    against natural creatures.  It provides resistance to fire and light.  
    It allows you to sense the presence of spiders and maiar.  It speeds
    your regenerative powers.  It drains life.  It aggravates nearby
    creatures.  It is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Man of Harad on level 71 of Angband.
k) The Quarterstaff of Legnil (3d3) (+19,+8) [5,+0] (+5)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your constitution by 5.
    It does extra damage from acid.  It poisons your foes.  It produces
    chaotic effects.  It is a great bane of dragons.  It is especially
    deadly against giants.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Greater Balrog on level 71 of Angband.
l) The War Hammer of Glinent (3d5) (+18,+11) (+4 to speed)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your strength and speed
     by 4.  It drains life from your foes.  It can cause earthquakes.  It
    is especially deadly against dragons.  It strikes at undead with holy
    wrath.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
m) The Long Yew bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) (+3)
    It increases your dexterity and stealth by 3.  It provides
    resistance to disenchantment.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Venom Wyrm on level 73 of Angband.
n) The Long Magic Bow of Bard (x5) (+17,+19) (+2)
    It increases your dexterity and luck by 2.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It allows you to sense the presence of dragons.  It fires
    missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Fire on level 75 of Angband.
o) The Heavy Magic Crossbow of Feing (x6) (+17,+16)(40%) (+2 to speed)
    It increases your strength, intelligence, dexterity, constitution and 
    speed by 2.  It increases your mana capacity by 40%.  It fires
    missiles with extra might.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Balance on level 75 of
p) a Heavy Crossbow of Siegecraft (x5) (+18,+11) [+20]
    It renders you immovable.  It reflects bolts and arrows.  It
    fires missiles with extra might.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient multi-hued dragon on level 71 of
q) The Arrow of Niruini (1d4) (+16,+18) {ammo}
    It does extra damage from electricity, fire and light.  It 
    poisons your foes.  It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
    It is a great bane of undead.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
r) The Arrow of Valin (1d4) (+15,+18)
    It does extra damage from electricity, 
    fire and light.  It poisons your foes.  It is especially deadly
    against giants.  It is a great bane of Maiar.  It fights against evil
    with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it in the remains of a Great Worm of Fire on level 85 of Angband.
s) The Seeker Arrow of Gondor (10d8) (+10,+20)
    It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with
    holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature multi-hued dragon on level 70 of
t) The Vorpal Arrow of Gwilondor (3d3) (+13,+16)
    It does extra damage from dark.  It can cause damaging
    strikes.  It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is especially
    deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
u) The Small Wooden Boomerang 'Dalairia' (1d4) (+7,+0)
    It is a great bane of dragons.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It is a great bane of Maiar.  It is a great bane of undead.  
    It fights against evil with holy fury.  It is especially deadly
    against natural creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 71 of Angband.
v) The Wooden Boomerang of Erahar (1d8) (+4,+2)
    It does extra damage from frost and light.  It is especially deadly
    against orcs.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It fights
    against evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Adunaphel the Quiet on level 70 of Angband.
w) The Horn of Boromir (+3)
    It can be activated for mass human summoning every 1000 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength and constitution by 3.  It
    makes you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to fire.  It
    aggravates nearby creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Grand master mystic on level 82 of
x) The Mage Staff 'Angor' (1d4) (+16,+15) {cursed}
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It can be used to store a
    spell.  It does not yet affect your mana capacity by 0%.  It does
    extra damage from pure magic.  It provides resistance to blindness and 
    confusion.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It prevents
    teleportation.  It drains experience.  It aggravates nearby creatures.
    It is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord on level 89 of

  [The Museum Inventory - Caras Galadhon ]

a) The Pendulum of Immortality {csw}
    It can be activated for cure serious wounds every 75 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Floating orb on level 27 of Mirkwood.
b) The Black Candle of Ered Mithrin
    It can be activated for death.  
    You found it in the remains of a Bat of Gorgoroth on level 35 of Heart of
    the Earth.
c) The Bag of Magic Toys {cure cuts}
    It can be activated for cure cuts every 100 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 32 of Heart of the Earth.
d) The Clay Tablets of Antiquity {cure cuts}
    can be activated for cure cuts every 100 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 20 of Mirkwood.
e) a Parchment ``Concerning Hobbits'' {light absorption}
    It can be
    activated for light absorption every 80 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Random Number Generator on level 18 of
    The Old Forest.
f) a Parchment ``On Beren and Luthien'' {cure fear}
    It can be activated for cure fear every 100 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Serpent man on level 32 of Moria.
g) The Sixteenth Eye of Sauron {csw}
    can be activated for cure serious wounds every 75 turns.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 28 of Heart of the Earth.
h) The Ultimate Slime Mold {clw}
    can be activated for cure light wounds every 50 turns.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark elven priest on level 78 of Angband.
i) The Bolt Trap Set of the Edain (+25,+15) [+30] (+3)
    It is well-hidden. It rearms itself.  It fires missiles with extra
    might.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Physics Teacher on level 69 of Angband.
j) a Well-hidden Bolt Trap Set for Demons (+38,+19) [+18] (+5)
    It is well-hidden. It can only be set off by Maiar.  It fires missiles
    excessively fast.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Richard Wong, Master of Time on level 82 of
k) a Rohirric Zircon Ring of Constitution (+8)
    It increases your constitution and speed by 8.  It sustains 
    your constitution.  It makes you completely fearless.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
l) a Wooden Torch of Illumination (with 4000 turns of light)
    It grants you the power of 
    illuminate if it is being worn.  It provides light (radius 1) when
    You bought it from the General Store.
m) a Brass Lantern of Warmth (with 12553 turns of light) {pilot light}
    It provides light (radius 2) when
    fueled.  It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by fire.
    You bought it from the General Store.
n) a Feanorian Lamp of Fading (with 0 turns of light)
    It provides light (radius 3) when
    fueled.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 35 of Heart of the Earth.
o) The Pearl 'Nimphelos' (+1) {pilot light}
    grants you the power of dazzle if it is being worn.  It provides light
    (radius 3) forever.  It increases your searching and infravision by 1.
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
p) The Chain Mail of Peregrin Took (+3,+5) [14,+11] (+2)
    It can be activated for rays of fear
    in every direction if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your strength by 2.  It sustains your strength.
    It makes you completely fearless.  It allows you to sense the presence 
    of trolls.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Physics Teacher on level 69 of Angband.
q) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
    It increases your strength and charisma by 2.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold, 
    shards and nexus.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of Gachapin on level 26 of Mirkwood.
r) The Full Plate Armour of Talirya (-3 to accuracy) [25,+0]
    sustains your strength, intelligence and constitution.  It provides
    immunity to acid and electricity.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  
    It provides resistance to poison, dark and nether.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
s) The Full Plate Armour 'Arique' (+2 to accuracy) [25,+9] {cursed}
    It provides immunity to acid and fire.  It provides resistance to life
    draining.  It induces random teleportation.  It fills you with the
    Black Breath.  It is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature green dragon on level 80 of
t) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [4,+20]
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold, light
    , dark and blindness.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Dark elven priest on level 78 of Angband.
u) a Large Metal Shield of Preservation (-8,-1) [5,+27]
    It sustains your strength, dexterity and constitution.  It provides
    resistance to life draining, confusion and disenchantment.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Spectral tyrannosaur on level 79 of
v) The Iron Crown of Beruthiel [0,+20] (-5)
    It decreases your strength, dexterity and constitution by 5.  
    It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It gives telepathic powers.  It can re-curse itself.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient black dragon on level 80 of
w) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
    It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It provides
    resistance to blindness and chaos.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of orcs, trolls and evil beings.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Olog on level 82 of Angband.
x) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
    increases your wisdom, charisma and luck by 3.  It provides resistance 
    to confusion.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Half-troll on level 35 of Heart of the
a) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2)
    It can be activated for detection every 55+d55 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your intelligence, wisdom and searching by 2.
    It provides resistance to blindness.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
b) The Iron Helm of Gorlim (+25,+25) [5,+10] (-5) {cursed}
    It can be activated for rays of fear
    in every direction if it is being worn. It decreases your intelligence
    , wisdom and searching by 5.  It provides immunity to cold.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to acid, fire, poison and disenchantment.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It produces an anti-magic
    shell.  It drains life.  It induces random teleportation.  It is
    heavily cursed.  It carries an ancient foul curse.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Vampire ogre on level 32 of Moria.
c) The Third Eye of Edhwe [1,+16] (+2 to stealth)
    increases your stealth, searching and spell power by 2.  It sustains 
    your strength, intelligence and wisdom.  It provides resistance to 
    electricity, poison, light, nether and disenchantment.  It allows you
    to sense the presence of evil beings and good beings.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" on level
    80 of Angband.
d) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {paws}
    It can be activated for magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns
     if it is being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It
    sustains your constitution.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It
    provides resistance to light.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the floor of a special level.
e) The Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (2d6) (+13,+19) (+3)
    It should be
    wielded two-handed.  It increases your constitution by 3.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It fights against
    evil with holy fury.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Young blue dragon on level 27 of Mirkwood.
f) The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d8) (+4,+3) (+1)
    It can be activated for cure serious wounds every 3+d3 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength and dexterity by 1.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Skaven on level 30 of Moria.
g) The Lochaber Axe of the Dwarves (4d6) (+12,+17) (+10 to searching)
    It should
    be wielded two-handed.  It increases your searching, infravision and 
    ability to tunnel by 10.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It makes you completely fearless.
    It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Vermicious Knid on level 50 of Cirith
h) The Lochaber Axe of Haramar (4d6) (+18,+13) (+1)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It increases your intelligence
     and dexterity by 1.  It does extra damage from fire.  It poisons your
    foes.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ogre Priest on level 80 of Angband.
i) The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3)
    It can be activated for stinking cloud (12), rad. 3, every 4+d4 turns
     if it is being worn. It is easy to throw. It poisons your foes.  It
    is especially deadly against orcs.  It provides resistance to poison
     and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of a Vermicious Knid on level 50 of Cirith
j) The Main Gauche of Anduind (2d3) (+6,+11)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It poisons your foes.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It is a great bane of dragons.  It is especially deadly
    against orcs.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It is
    especially deadly against natural creatures.  It has been blessed by
    the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
k) The Scimitar 'Haradekket' (4d3) (+9,+11) (+2 attacks)
    It increases your intelligence, wisdom and attack speed by 2.  It is
    especially deadly against dragons.  It strikes at demons with holy
    wrath.  It strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It fights against evil
    with holy fury.  It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  
    It provides resistance to nexus, chaos and disenchantment.  It allows
    you to see invisible monsters.  It slows your metabolism.  It has been
    blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient blue dragon on level 80 of
l) The Scimitar of Thilin (4d3) (+19,+10) (+2)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    charisma by 2.  It does extra damage from frost.  It produces chaotic
    effects.  It drains life from your foes.  It can cause damaging
    strikes.  It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is a great bane
    of Maiar.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Fenghuang on level 94 of Angband.
m) The Claymore 'Serie' (2d8) (+20,+14)
    should be wielded two-handed.  It provides light (radius 1) forever.  
    It does extra damage from acid.  It can cause damaging strikes.  It
    has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Ghoul on level 83 of Angband.
n) The Two-Handed Sword 'Erast' (4d6) (+8,+19) (+4)
    It must
    be wielded two-handed.  It increases your constitution by 4.  It does
    extra damage from acid.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It
    strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy
    fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ethereal dragon on level 82 of Angband.
o) The Shadow Blade of Dunglas (2d5) (-6,+6) (+4 to speed)
    It increases your wisdom, stealth and speed by 4.  It does extra
    damage from acid and dark.  It is very sharp and can make your foes
    bleed.  It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is especially
    deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It is a
    great bane of Maiar.  It is especially deadly against natural
    creatures.  It provides resistance to dark.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great unclean one on level 89 of Angband.
p) The Dark Sword 'Niendur' (3d6) (+10,+19) (+2 to speed)
    It generates an antimagic field.  It increases your strength, 
    intelligence, charisma and speed by 2.  It does extra damage from acid
    , electricity and dark.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is a great bane of undead.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Metal Babble on level 77 of Angband.
q) The Glaive of Rostir (3d5) (+3,+0) [5,+0]
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It does extra damage from 
    electricity.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially
    deadly against trolls.  It strikes at demons with holy wrath.  It
    strikes at undead with holy wrath.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Golgarach, the Living Rock on level 36 of
    Heart of the Earth.
r) The Light Crossbow of Brand (x3) (+5,+7) (+10)
    It can be activated for explosive rune every 200
    turns if it is being worn. It increases your stealth by 10.  It
    provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Santa Claus on level 69 of Angband.
s) The Heavy Mithril Crossbow of Celorolf (x7) (+9,+5) (+3 to speed)
    provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength, 
    intelligence, wisdom, constitution, charisma and speed by 3.  It fires
    missiles with extra might.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Golden drake on level 37 of Barad-Dur.
t) The Heavy Mithril Crossbow of Dorth (x7) (+14,+34) (+3)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength, 
    wisdom, constitution and charisma by 3.  It fires missiles with extra
    might.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Hrungnir, the Stone Giant on level 82 of
u) a Wooden Boomerang of Westernesse (1d8) (+10,+6) (+1)
    It increases your strength, dexterity and constitution by 1.  
    It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It is especially deadly against giants.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you
    to sense the presence of orcs, trolls and giants.  It can resist being
    shattered by morgul beings.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
v) The Harp of Thorin (+2 to stealth)
    It can be activated for mass charm
    every 750 turns if it is being worn. It grants you the power of remove
    fear if it is being worn.  It increases your charisma, stealth, 
    infravision, ability to tunnel and luck by 2.  It sustains your 
    charisma.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Shelob, Spider of Darkness on level 50 of
    Cirith Ungol.
w) Slappy, Abbess of Pain's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Slappy, Abbess of Pain on level 32 of
x) Ashram, the Ebony Knight's corpse
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ashram, the Ebony Knight on level 40 of
a) The Mage Staff of Emnog (1d4) (+4,+4) [+3] (+1)
    It should be wielded two-handed.  It can be used to store a
    spell.  It increases your intelligence and spell power by 1.  It does
    extra damage from pure magic.  It sustains your intelligence and 
    wisdom.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to 
    blindness.  It allows you to fly.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Daoloth, the Render of the Veils on level
    72 of Angband.

Posted on 1.12.2007 10:20
Last updated on 15.1.2008 11:45

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49. on the Ladder (of 19198)
48. on the FuryBand Ladder (of 163)
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On 1.12.2007 10:20 wrote:
Okay, let's NOT screw up horribly and die this time. Sound good? (The previous character I had going was doing well; I got a satisfy hunger junkart and a permanent light source and explored the world, then I got ambushed in one of those green swamps and DARKGOD was there. Not doing that again, thanks.)

On 1.12.2007 12:01 wrote:
Just a quick update so it's better sorted; nothing really changed.

On 2.12.2007 06:31 wrote:
Deathwatch - cleared. Off to check the one dungeon town in Old Forest again then Mirkwood is my next stop.

On 2.12.2007 10:58 wrote:
Quick update.

On 2.12.2007 12:51 wrote:
Awwright, found the Phial, and my home storage is steadily growing. If any of you want to recommend equipment changes at any point, feel free.

On 3.12.2007 08:30 wrote:
Oops, I accidently sold a Ring of Lordly Protection [+24]. <.< I cleared the heart of the earth, however, then went back to finally nab that ring of speed +7 from the Old Forest dungeon town. Nice!

On 5.12.2007 09:11 wrote:
Alright, Mirkwood's clear...where next? Also, I found out that that speed ring market on Old Forest 14 can stock up to +9, so I'll be going back there again a biiit later...

On 9.12.2007 02:35 wrote:
Well, I finally did it. I pumped my dex to 34 and stole a speed ring market/jewellery shop blind. I feel kinda dirty, but look at all that stuff...

On 14.12.2007 08:00 wrote:
First update in a while. I'd appreciate gear suggestions at this point; I'm not entirely sure how I should be setting up. That portable hole I'm carrying is a home inventory, but it weighs as much as its contents. It's got a bunch of potions, a bunch of scrolls and a restore stats/life levels junkart in it currently.

On 15.12.2007 02:49 wrote:
Cool, found a satisfy hunger junkart.

On 15.12.2007 15:41 wrote:
Shuffled some equipment around to cover all resists but sound plus leave the body slot open for something interesting and scummed the speed ring market for better rings. My speed and stats are lower overall but I'm content anyhow. So, the question is what I want for my body armour...egoless psychoactive skin, cold imm?

On 18.12.2007 05:57 wrote:
Alright, snagged the +10 speed crossbow. What I need now are some nice ego rods, silver and how do I get those?

On 20.12.2007 01:31 wrote:
Wow. Apon entering the Crypt in Angband, guess who was there to greet me? Great Cthulhu and Ancalagon the Black (who summoned a Great Wyrm of Power!) Even with a ridiculously overpowered Elven Psychoactive Skin covering me I had to burn through 20-30 potions of healing and a potion of resistance to survive the encounter. The rest of the level was fairly problem-free, except for the very end. I finally found a good chargeable item I can use (!) so it's time to pump it!

On 20.12.2007 09:42 wrote:
Chargeable items are more restricted then they used to be, so I got the flags I wanted on my weapon then made it sentient and sat back to watch what happens. Sentience got it a nice pval and tohit/todam, as well as the vampiric/poison/cold brand flags (among others)

On 21.12.2007 01:22 wrote:
Chargeable weapon's almost maxed out...found a chargeable ring too, but it doesn't offer me anything I need. Also, you know what I hate? How almost all artifacts seem to be a weapon or shooter even though there are two weapon slots and 10-12 slots for everything else. Also, if my inventory seems bare it's because I'm keeping most things in my porto-hole.

On 24.12.2007 09:12 wrote:
Oh wow. Well, the next special level in Angband, Dimgates, didn't disappoint either. Wanna know what happened this time? Great wyrm summoning storm in that big room in the bottom right of the main area. Hundreds and hundreds. I tried wading and slashing through them, mindwaving them, runes of protection, growing molds, and finally absurd usage of grow trees gave me enough cover to not have ancient dragons piling on me every time I cleared my surroundings. Even with the fire, acid and chaos breaths I ended up with far, far more artifacts and nice egos then I could ever haul home, even with a portable hole equipped. This is what I have right now; I'll sort the loot later.

On 14.1.2008 14:29 Patashu wrote:
Whew. Big update; I ferried items back and forth and sorted -all- my homes.
Here is the current contents of my portable hole home:
a) a Runestone {protection sphere 3}
b) a Runestone {protection radius 3}
c) The Gem of Knowledge {mass geno}
d) The Crystal Ball of The Witch-King of Angmar {acquirement}
e) 20 Potions of Cure Critical Insanity
f) 25 Brown Potions of Healing
g) 9 Silver Speckles Potions of *Healing*
h) 14 Scrolls titled "ionturs" of Teleport Level
i) 32 Scrolls of *Identify*
j) 10 Scrolls titled "coswhon ereion" of Remove Curse
k) 8 Scrolls titled "abod vom nag" of Reset Recall
l) a Silver Rod of Cheapness of Nothing (100/100)
a) a Mithril Rod of Capacity of Nothing (320/320)
b) a Tilkal Rod of Quickness of Nothing (200/200)
c) a Partial Totem of a Great Wyrm of Balance
d) a Partial Totem of a Great Wyrm of Thunder
e) a Partial Totem of a Great Wyrm of Power
f) The Anchor of Space-Time {gravity well}
g) a Dwarven Pick of Digging (+7) {mining claws}
h The Red Arrow of Gondor

On 15.1.2008 04:33 Djabanete wrote:
I just absolutely love how all your @'s are mechanical engines of death. Very entertaining. Good luck on this char --- I don't know Furyband from a hole in the ground but it looks like he's doing all right so far! ^ ^

On 15.1.2008 11:45 Patashu wrote:
Levelled up once, got a cure insanity junkart and some new rods, got a bit deeper, did another lost temple quest (I'll have to do this one too), got a cool ring.

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