The Angband Ladder: Strider, Dunadan Ranger by <>

  [Angband 3.0.5 Character Dump]

 Name   Strider                                  Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male              Age        65   STR:     17  +1  +2  +2  18/40
 Race   Dunadan           Height     73   INT:     10  +2  +2  +0     14
 Class  Ranger            Weight    203   WIS:     10  +2  +0  +0     12
 Title  Tracker           Status      6   DEX:     17  +2  +1  +8 18/100
 HP     -2/237            Maximize    Y   CON:     13  +3  +1  +2  18/10
 SP     5/26              Preserve    Y   CHR:     12  +2  +1  +0     15

 Level           25       Armor     [28,+44]     Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp      35916       Fight     (+5,+13)     Stealth       Very Good
 Max Exp      35916       Melee    (+13,+18)     Fighting         Heroic
 Adv Exp      36750       Shoot    (+12,+17)     Shooting      Legendary
 MaxDepth    Lev 20       Blows       3/turn     Disarming     Excellent
 Gold         34252       Shots       2/turn     Magic Device     Superb
                                                 Perception         Fair
 Burden   113.6 lbs       Infra         0 ft     Searching          Fair

 You are one of several children of a Townsman.  You are the black
 sheep of the family.  You have brown eyes, straight brown hair, and a
 very fair complexion.

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:....+..+..... Blind:.............
 Elec:.......+..... Confu:.............
 Fire:.......+..... Sound:.............
 Cold:.......+..... Shard:.............
 Pois:.......+..... Nexus:...........+.
 Fear:............. Nethr:.............
 Lite:..........+.. Chaos:.............
 Dark:............. Disen:.............

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:............. Stea.:.............
Feath:...........+. Sear.:.............
PLite:..........+.. Infra:.............
Regen:............. Tunn.:.............
Telep:............. Speed:.............
Invis:+............ Blows:.............
FrAct:+.........+.. Shots:.............
HLife:............. Might:.............

  [Last Messages]

> The Wyvern misses you.
> The Wyvern bites you.
> The Wyvern misses you.
> The Warg misses you.
> It points at you and curses horribly.
> You resist the effects!
> The Cave spider bites you.
> You have no staff to use.
> You hit the Warg. <2x>
> You have slain the Warg.
> The Wyvern bites you.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Scimitar of Westernesse (2d5) (+8,+5) (+2)
   It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 2.  It slays 
   orcs, trolls, and giants.  It grants you immunity to paralysis and the
   ability to see invisible things.  
b) a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+7,+17)
c) a Rhodonite Ring of Damage (+10)
d) a Marble Ring of Dexterity (+6)
   It increases your dexterity by 6.  It sustains your dexterity.  
e) an Azure Amulet of Resist Acid
   It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
f) The Phial of Galadriel {Lesser Vault, Lvl 14}
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It activates for illumination every
   10+d10 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) Chain Mail (-2) [14,+2]
h) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {Bolg son of Azog, Lvl. 17}
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and poison.  It
   activates for resistance (20+d20 turns) every 111 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
i) a Small Metal Shield [3,+5]
j) a Metal Cap [3,+1]
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Wormtongue}
   It provides resistance to light.  It sustains your constitution.  It 
   lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  
   It activates for magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Stability [6,+5]
   It provides resistance to nexus.  It makes you fall like a feather.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {!k!d!v!s}
b) a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {!k!d!v!s, 25% off}
c) a Book of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {k!d!v!s}
d) a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] {k!d!v!s}
e) 2 Dark Blue Potions of Speed
f) 3 Azure Potions of Healing
g) 3 Scrolls titled "snocos ivbie" of Phase Door {50% off}
h) 3 Scrolls titled "bar bytyerg" of Teleportation {75% off}
i) 3 Scrolls titled "amar po wah ri" of Teleport Level {25% off}
j) 5 Scrolls titled "wed fablaa" of Word of Recall {10% off}
k) a Scroll titled "ittab niseep" of Magic Mapping
l) a Dagger (1d4) (+2,+4)
m) a Long Sword (2d5) (+2,+3)
n) 12 Arrows of Flame (1d4) (+8,+6)
   It is branded with fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
o) 10 Arrows of Slay Undead (1d4) (+6,+4)
   It slays undead.  
p) 74 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0)

  [Home Inventory]

a) The Dagger 'Dethanc' (2d4) (+4,+6)
   It is branded with electricity.  It provides resistance to lightning.  
   It activates for lightning bolt (4d8) every 6+d6 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
b) a Pike (Holy Avenger) (2d5) (+14,+9) [+3] (+4)
   It increases your wisdom by 4.  It slays demons, undead, and all evil
   creatures.  It provides resistance to fear.  It sustains your strength.
   It is blessed by the gods.  It grants you the ability to see invisible


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 19.2.2006 06:12

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14745. on the Ladder (of 19132)
5496. on the Angband Ladder (of 6579)
Second best for this player (


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