The Angband Ladder: Vireek, Yeek Mimic by <>
[TomeNET 4.3.0 @ Character Dump] Name : Vireek Age 16 STR: 18/*** Sex : Male Height 92 INT: 18/*** Race : Yeek Weight 141 WIS: 18/*** Class : Mimic Social Class 33 DEX: 18/*** Body : Greater Balrog Con: 18/*** 18/*** Mode : Everlasting (infinite lives) Chr: 18/*** 18/*** +To MHit 66 Level 72 Max Hit Points 1925 +To MDamage 69 Experience 95187141 Cur Hit Points 1901 +To RHit 74 Max Exp 95187141 Max SP (Mana) 238 +To RDamage 47 Exp to Adv. 97200000 Cur SP (Mana) 238 + To AC 140 Gold 119860 Cur Sanity Sound Base AC 42 (Miscellaneous Abilities) Fighting : Legendary Perception : Very Good Blows/Round: 4 Bows/Throw : Legendary Searching : Fair Shots/Round: 5 Saving Throw: Legendary Disarming : Very Good Spells/Round: 2 Stealth : Legendary Magic Device: Superb Infra-Vision: 1290 feet You are at -100ft of (33, 58). (Character Background) You are one of several children of a Yeoman. You are a credit to the family. You have dark brown eyes, curly red hair, and an average complexion. Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 43.800 [0.800] - Weaponmastery 01.000 [0.750] . Sword-mastery 00.000 [0.630] . Axe-mastery 00.000 [0.630] . Hafted-mastery 00.000 [0.630] . Polearm-mastery 00.000 [0.630] - Archery 50.000 [0.600] . Sling-mastery 00.000 [0.300] . Bow-mastery 50.000 [0.250] . Crossbow-mastery 00.000 [0.250] . Boomerang-mastery 00.000 [0.350] . Martial Arts 00.000 [0.550] - Magic 04.430 [0.700] . Magic-device 19.400 [0.800] . Mimicry 43.300 [0.900] - Sneakiness 07.472 [0.800] . Stealth 02.000 [0.500] . Disarming 00.000 [0.500] - Dodging 07.200 [0.500] . Calmness 50.000 [0.700] . Interception 00.000 [0.600] - Health 01.000 [1.000] . Training 03.000 [1.000] . Swimming 00.000 [0.900] . Digging 00.000 [1.200] . Climbing 00.000 [0.025] . Free Action 00.000 [0.025] . Confusion Resistance 00.000 [0.025] [Character Equipment] a) The Dagger 'Narog' {+,46} (2d4) (+30,+19) (+9) {!*} b) The Long Bow 'Pelori' {+,35} (x4) (+20,+35) {!*} c) an Indestructible Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,46} (+13) {!*} d) an Indestructible Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,44} (+13) {!*} e) a Copper Amulet of Trickery {+,29} (+4) {!*} f) a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness {+,42} {dark !*} g) Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail {+,35} (-2) [30,+17] {@w7!k!d!s!v!=} h) a Shadow Cloak of Invisibility {+,40} [6,+23] (+5) {!*} i) a Shield of Deflection of the Avari {+,47} [10,+27] (+2) {!*} j) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth {+,45} [0,+0] (+125) {cursed} k) The Set of Gauntlets of Hador {+,49} (+6,+6) [2,+21] (+4) {!*} l) a Pair of Witan Boots of Speed {+,40} [8,+22] (-2) (+10) {!*} m) The Seeker Arrow 'Hollin' {+,35} (4d4) (+0,+2) {@O!*} n) Climbing Set {+,?} {!*} [Character Inventory] a) 6 Metallic Blue Potions of Cure Serious Insanity {+,14} b) 2 Blue Potions of Speed {+,6} {on sale} c) 94 Pungent Potions of *Healing* {+,0} {@q0!*} d) 5 Orange Speckled Potions of Life {+,26} {@q0@q9!*} e) 9 Green Potions of Restore Life Levels {+,8} {@q8!*} f) 32 Yellow Speckled Potions of Resistance {+,0} {@q2!*} g) 37 Scrolls "nis bit temmur" of Teleportation {+,3} {@r0!*} h) 19 Scrolls "hatab uun" of Satisfy Hunger {+,1} {@r4!*} i) 10 Scrolls "pay wahrol" of Holy Prayer {+,8} {@r2!*} j) a Tungsten Rod of Perception of the Istari {+,28} {@z4!*} k) a Bronze Rod of Recall of the Istari {+,24} (charging) {@R!*} l) a Long Rod of Enlightenment {+,24} {@z3!*} m) an Iron Rod of Healing of Charging {+,39} {@z2!*} n) an Iron Rod of Healing {+,35} (charging) {@z9!*} o) an Aluminium Rod of Speed {+,30} {@z5!*} p) an Uridium Rod of Disarming of the Istari {+,27} {@z1!*} q) a Short Rod of Trap Location of Simplicity {+,16} {@z0!*} r) an Indestructible Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,41} (+8) s) a Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,40} (+8) [Last Messages] You have The Seeker Arrow 'Hollin' {+,35} (4d4) (+0,+2) {@O!*}. (x7) You feel yourself slow down. You have The Seeker Arrow 'Hollin' {+,35} (4d4) (+0,+2) {@O!*}. (x38) Moltor has entered the game. The air about you becomes charged... [chat:Vireek] recallin You see a Small Sword {?} (1d6). |
Posted on 17.2.2005 17:02
12. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)
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