The Angband Ladder: Virmic, Yeek Mimic by <>

  [TomeNET 4.0.0 @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Virmic           Age                 15       Str: 18/*** 18/***
 Sex         : Male             Height              60       Int: 18/*** 18/***
 Race        : Yeek             Weight             181       Wis: 18/*** 18/***
 Class       : Mimic            Social Class        39       Dex: 18/*** 18/***
 Body        : Archon                                        Con: 18/*** 18/***
                                                             Chr: 18/*** 18/***
 +To MHit           62      Level             72    Max Hit Points      1801   
 +To MDamage        43      Experience  34494626    Cur Hit Points       -33   
 +To RHit           62      Max Exp     37398312    Max SP (Mana)        228   
 +To RDamage         0      Exp to Adv. 36980000    Cur SP (Mana)        228   
 + To AC           137      Gold          924282    Cur Sanity          100%   
   Base AC          27                                                         
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary    Perception  : Superb       Blows/Round:  11        
 Bows/Throw  : Legendary    Searching   : Superb       Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Legendary    Disarming   : Very Good    Spells/Round: 2         
 Stealth     : Legendary    Magic Device: Superb       Infra-Vision: 1280 feet 
 You are at -2100ft of (35, 39).                                               
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child of a               
          Guildsman.  You are a credit to the family.  You have dark           
          brown eyes, straight brown hair, and an average complexion.          

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         50.000 [0.800]
     - Weaponmastery                              01.750 [0.750]
         . Sword-mastery                          00.000 [0.630]
         . Axe-mastery                            00.000 [0.630]
         . Hafted-mastery                         00.000 [0.630]
         . Polearm-mastery                        00.000 [0.630]
     - Archery                                    01.000 [0.600]
         . Sling-mastery                          00.000 [0.500]
         . Boomerang-mastery                      00.000 [0.500]
     . Martial Arts                               50.000 [0.550]
 - Magic                                          04.577 [0.700]
     . Magic-device                               15.400 [0.800]
     . Mimicry                                    50.000 [0.900]
 - Sneakiness                                     50.000 [0.800]
     . Stealth                                    00.000 [0.700]
     . Backstabbing                               09.100 [0.700]
     - Dodging                                    14.500 [0.500]
         . Calmness                               00.000 [0.700]
 - Health                                         38.750 [1.000]
     . Training                                   10.000 [1.000]
     . Swimming                                   00.000 [0.900]

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
b) (nothing)
c) an Indestructible Ring of Extra Attacks {+,37} (+3) {@2@0}
d) a Ring of Speed {+,45} (+9)
e) a Bronze Amulet {+,45} (+3)
f) a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness {+,20}
g) Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail {+,40} (-2) [30,+15] {50% off}
h) an Elven Cloak of Protection {+,26} [4,+26] (+3) {on sale}
i) (nothing)
j) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth {+,23} [0,+0] (+125) {cursed}
k) The Set of Leather Gloves of Lothlorien {+,28} [1,+21] (+3)
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Barahir {+,45} [2,+21] (+4)
m) (nothing)
n) a Gnomish Shovel of Digging {+,27} (1d2) (+13,+8) (+2) (+5)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 5 Potions of Cure Critical Insanity {+,16} {@q5}
b) 7 Potions of Cure Insanity {+,22} {@q5@q6}
c) 10 Potions of Speed {+,5} {@q3}
d) 26 Potions of Healing {+,10} {@q1@q2}
e) 9 Potions of *Healing* {+,27} {@q1@q2@q9}
f) 6 Potions of Restore Life Levels {+,10} {on sale}
g) 12 Potions of Resistance {+,14} {@q4}
h) 10 Scrolls of Teleportation {+,9} {@r2}
i) 17 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger {+,1} {on sale}
j) a Rod of Recall {+,21} {@z5@R}
k) a Rod of Enlightenment of the Istari {+,44} {@z2}
l) a Rod of Speed {+,39} {@z4}
m) a Gnomish Rod of Disarming {+,27} {@z3}
n) a Rod of Trap Location of Quickness {+,18} {@z6}
o) a Staff of *Destruction* of Plenty {+,33} (5 charges) {@u1!*}

  [Last Messages]

You hit Tik'srvzllat for 69 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
Tik'srvzllat flees in terror!
You miss Tik'srvzllat. (x2)
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a circle kick.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 57 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You miss Tik'srvzllat.
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a flying kick.
It was a superb hit!
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 120 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
Tik'srvzllat flees in terror!
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a Crushing Blow.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 98 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You miss Tik'srvzllat.
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a Crushing Blow.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 95 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a Crushing Blow.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 76 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You miss Tik'srvzllat.
You uppercut Tik'srvzllat.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 52 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You kick Tik'srvzllat in the ankle.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 51 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You miss Tik'srvzllat.
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a circle kick.
It was a superb hit!
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 130 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
Tik'srvzllat flees in terror!
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a Dragon Fist.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 85 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You hit Tik'srvzllat with a circle kick.
You hit Tik'srvzllat for 73 damage.
Tik'srvzllat is covered in acid!
You feel much saner.
You have 7 Potions of Cure Insanity {+,22} {@q5@q6}.
Tik'srvzllat gazes at you for 62 damage.
You're not as powerful as you used to be...
You die.
**You have been killed by Tik'srvzllat.**
Gee, where'd everybody go?

Posted on 13.5.2003 19:50
Last updated on 28.5.2003 15:45

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14. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)


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On 13.5.2003 19:50 wrote:
A goof char yeek mimic with only MA. Rocks like hell in melee vs non acid immune creatures =)
Kinged with inzanes unbeliever 'Silverberg' after beating Morgy in the fourth round =) first round inz ran away while I was cheering because morgy summoned kobolds (!) =)
Second fight he summoned wyrms which taught me why disenchantment res is good =) 2*500dam from breaths and morgy and 2 wyrms meleeing brought me to 34 hp=)
3rd round morgy summoned wyrms when we had him on 4 stars, again we had to run.
4th round quickly we regrouped and managed to lure morgy out (practically lures himself) and got him alone with 2 stars missing (man he heals *fast*)
when we again had him at about 5 stars he summoned Headless, again I cheered =)
Then I was less impressed when I found I was still wearing the ethereal DSM I use for getting around, practically cutting damage down severely and tohit to 18, and removing MA speed/ac bonuses.
Then we just slugged it out with him dodging between quaked walls and using the Headless for anti summon cover =)
Great fun =)

On 21.5.2003 00:59 wrote:
Blue increased the armour weight cap for MA to 25 so this char is looking stronger =)
Can now wield ethereal dsm and still fight decently!
Still playing pure MA, no ranged weaponry except monster spells... and those don't macrotarget =)
too late to train weaponskills really, and it would remove some of the charm with this char really.
Anyway, I'm gunning for a nice flashing D form somewhere in the far future =)

On 22.5.2003 21:06 wrote:
Was knocked out by a lord of change, goro and silverberg killed it but then Tik came =)

On 28.5.2003 15:45 wrote:
Died against tik =) nice way to go =)
Meleed tik with silver in a wall, pretty sure I tried to quaff heals... was quaffing liek mad... atleast I got 2 cure crit san, and 1 cure sanity down =)
Maybe loss, maybe missed the key.... hard to tell.
server crashed twice, after the first one silver killed tik instantly, after the second silver lost the kill, but tik was gone =)
He was at the melee spot then....

virmic, over and out ;)

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