The Angband Ladder: Abid III, Dunadan Blackguard by Ingwe Ingweron

  [Angband 4.2.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Abid III     Age             61          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Race   Dunadan      Height        7'6"   Str:  18/80  +1  +2  +9 18/200 18/190
 Class  Blackguard   Weight   15st 13lb   INT:  18/63  +2  +0  +7 18/153
 Title  Destroyer    Turns used:          WIS:     14  +2  -3  +7  18/20
 HP     -193/919     Game        627121   DEX:  18/80  +2  +0  +3 18/130
 SP     232/232      Standard     71836   CON! 18/100  +3  +2 +10 18/***
                     Resting       9853

 Level                 43    Armor      [66,+94]    Saving Throw     80%
 Cur Exp          2256049                           Stealth         Fair
 Max Exp          2256049    Melee       4d5,+53    Disarm - phys.   81%
 Adv Exp          2520000    To-hit       82,+56    Disarm - magic   62%
                             Blows      5.0/turn    Magic Devices     78
 Gold              240175                           Searching        64%
 Burden          147.1 lb    Shoot to-dam    +15    Infravision     0 ft
 Overweight      -32.8 lb    To-hit       63,+46    Speed      3.3x (23)
 Max Depth    4900' (L98)    Shots      1.0/turn

 You are one of several children of a Royal Blood Line.  You are a
 credit to the family.  You have brown eyes, wavy black hair, and an
 average complexion.

Resistances         Abilities
 Acid:......+...... pFear:+.+.+...+....
 Elec:.+........... pBlnd:...+....++...
 Fire:.+*.......... pConf:......+......
 Cold:++.*......... pStun:.............
 Pois:......+.+.... HLife:...+.........
Light:+....+....+.. Regen:++++.........
 Dark:.............   ESP:..++.....+...
Sound:............. S.Inv:+.++.........
Shard:............. FrAct:+.+++.....+..
Nexus:.......+..... Feath:...+.........
Nethr:............. S.Dig:+.+..........
Chaos:............. TrpIm:.............
Disen:....+........ Bless:+............

Hindrances          Modifiers
ImpHP:............+ Stea.:.....+.++....
ImpSP:............. Sear.:.............
 Fear:............. Infra:.............
Aggrv:............. Tunn.:.............
NoTel:............. Speed:+.++...+...+.
DrExp:............. Blows:.............
Stick:............. Shots:.............
Fragl:............. Might:.+...........

  [Last Messages]

> The dracolich pushes past the master vampire.
> The skull druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
> The eye druj casts a ball of nether.
> You die.
> The dracolich is immune.
> 2 mummified trolls are immune.
> 2 vampire lords are immune.
> The vampire is immune.
> The zombified orc is immune.
> The mummified chieftain is immune.
> The grey wraith is immune.
> The master vampire is immune.
> The nether hound resists.
> The skeleton etten is immune.
> The eye druj is immune.

Killed by an eye druj.

  [Character Equipment]

a) the Long Sword 'Ringil' (4d5) (+22,+25) <+10, +1> {@0}
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +10 speed.
     +1 light.
     Slays demons (powerfully), undead, trolls, evil creatures.
     Branded with cold.
     Provides resistance to cold, light.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants the ability
     to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  Blessed by the
     When activated, it creates a frost ball with damage 100.
     Takes 132 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 94.5%
     Combat info:
     5.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 482.5 vs. creatures not resistant to cold,
     617 vs. demons, 482.5 vs. undead, 482.5 vs. trolls, 415.5 vs. evil
     creatures, and 348 vs. others.
b) the Short Bow of Amrod (x4) (+12,+15) <+2>
     Dropped by Rogrog the Black Troll at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +2 strength.
     +2 constitution.
     +2 shooting power.
     Provides resistance to lightning, fire, cold.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Speeds regeneration.  
c) the Ring of Fire 'Narya' (+2,+2) <+1, +5>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4900 feet (level 98)
     +1 strength.
     +1 intelligence.
     +1 wisdom.
     +1 dexterity.
     +1 constitution.
     +5 speed.
     Provides immunity to fire.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
     Sustains strength, constitution.
     Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants telepathy. 
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it grants you protection from evil for 1d25 plus 3
     times your character level turns.
     Takes 673 to 1320 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 86.6%
d) the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya' (+3,+3) <+2, +5> (charging)
     Dropped by Saruman of Many Colours at 4850 feet (level 97)
     +2 strength.
     +2 intelligence.
     +2 wisdom.
     +2 dexterity.
     +2 constitution.
     +5 speed.
     Provides immunity to cold.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
     Sustains intelligence, wisdom, constitution.
     Feather Falling.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants telepathy.  Grants
     the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis. 
     Sustains your life force.  
     When activated, it restores your experience to full.
     Takes 666 to 990 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 83.9%
e) an Amulet of Weaponmastery (+3,+3) <+2>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2100 feet (level 42)
     +2 strength.
     Provides resistance to disenchantment.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Sustains strength, constitution.
     Prevents paralysis.  
f) a Lantern of Shadows (14560 turns) <+2>
     Dropped by a young green dragon at 4900 feet (level 98)
     +2 stealth.
     Provides resistance to light.
     Cannot be harmed by fire.
     Intensity 3 light.
g) the Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [45,+20] <+2, +3>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2150 feet (level 43)
     +2 intelligence.
     +2 wisdom.
     +3 constitution.
     Provides resistance to acid, poison.
     Provides protection from confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     When activated, it destroys all doors surrounding you.
     Takes 33 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 94.0%
h) the Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] <+2>
     Found lying on the floor at 2050 feet (level 41)
     +2 stealth.
     +2 speed.
     Provides resistance to nexus.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     When activated, it teleports you randomly about 60 per cent of the
     largest distance you could go.
     Takes 148 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 95.9%
i) the Leather Shield of the Haradrim (+5,+5) [9,+15] <+2, -2>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +2 strength.
     +2 constitution.
     -2 stealth.
     Provides resistance to poison.
     Provides protection from fear, blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     Sustains strength, constitution.
     When activated, it puts you in a berserker rage for d50+50 turns.
     Takes 165 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 92.8%
j) the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+11] <+2>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +2 intelligence.
     +2 wisdom.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     Grants telepathy.  
k) the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' (+5,+5) [1,+10] <+1>
     Dropped by a ranger at 950 feet (level 19)
     +1 light.
     Provides resistance to light.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Sustains constitution.
     Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it fires a magic missile with damage 3d4.
     Takes 6 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 95.5%
l) a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed [8,+14] <+6>
     Dropped by Kham�l, the Black Easterling at 4850 feet (level 97)
     +6 speed.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Necromantic Tomes [Dark Rituals] {@m2@b2@G2!k}
     You can read this book.
b) a Necromantic Tome [Deadly Powers] {@m4@b4@G4!k}
     Cannot be harmed by fire.
     You can read this book.
c) 3 Mushrooms of Clear Mind {!E}
d) 2 Mushrooms of Shadows {!E}
e) 16 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
f) 2 Potions of Healing {!*}
g) 7 Scrolls of Phase Door
h) 4 Scrolls of Identify Rune
i) 3 Rods of Treasure Location (1 charging) {@z3!k}
j) 2 Rods of Detection {@z2}
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
k) 5 Rods of Magic Mapping (1 charging) {@z3!k}
l) 5 Rods of Slow Monster {@z7!k}
m) a Rod of Teleport Other {@z9}
n) 4 Rods of Disable Traps {@z6!k}
o) 2 Rods of Illumination {@z4!k}
p) 2 Rods of Recall {@z0!*}
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
q) 2 Wands of Stone to Mud (8 charges) {@a8}
r) a Wand of Teleport Other (8 charges) {@a9}
s) the Pick of Erebor (4d3) (+5,+20) <+3, +5, +1>
     Dropped by Fundin Bluecloak at 4850 feet (level 97)
     +3 strength.
     +3 constitution.
     +5 tunneling.
     +1 light.
     Slays demons, trolls, orcs.
     Branded with acid.
     Provides resistance to light, dark, chaos.
     Sustains strength.
     Combat info:
     4.7 blows/round.
     With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows
     Average damage/round: 392.7 vs. creatures not resistant to acid,
     392.7 vs. demons, 392.7 vs. trolls, 392.7 vs. orcs, and 307.4 vs.

  [Character Quiver]

0) an Arrow (1d4) (+6,+5) {=g}
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 140 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 93.6.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
1) 15 Seeker Arrows of Flame (4d4) (+12,+15) {=g}
     Branded with fire.
     Cannot be harmed by fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 140 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 294 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, and
     168 vs. others.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.

  [Home Inventory]

a) 2 Mushrooms of Vigor {!E}
b) 9 Sips of Miruvor
c) 7 Potions of Healing {!*}
d) 8 Potions of *Healing* {!*}
     It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
e) a Potion of Life {!*}
     It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
f) 11 Potions of Restore Mana
g) 9 Potions of Restore Life Levels
h) 7 Potions of Enlightenment {!*}
i) 5 Potions of Speed {@q5}
j) 15 Scrolls of Identify Rune
k) 2 Scrolls of Banishment {!*}
l) 4 Scrolls of Deep Descent {!*}
m) a Scroll of Rune of Protection {!*}
n) 5 Scrolls of *Destruction* {!*}
o) 2 Wands of Drain Life (9 charges)
p) a Wand of Annihilation (1 charge)
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
q) a Staff of *Destruction* (0 charges) {!*}
r) 2 Staves of Speed (0 charges) {@u5}
s) a Ring of Speed <+8>
     Dropped by a barbazu at 4850 feet (level 97)
     +8 speed.
t) a Ring of Damage (+0,+11)
     Dropped by a shade at 1750 feet (level 35)
u) 2 Rings of Digging <+5>
     +5 tunneling.
v) Metal Lamellar Armour of Elvenkind (-3) [58,+19] <+1>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +1 stealth.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, shards.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
w) the Leather Shield of Celegorm [8,+20]
     Dropped by Rogrog the Black Troll at 2550 feet (level 51)
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
x) the Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (x6) (+18,+18) <+1, +2>
     Dropped by Adunaphel the Quiet at 4900 feet (level 98)
     +1 strength.
     +1 constitution.
     +2 shooting power.
     Provides resistance to lightning, light, dark.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Aggravates creatures nearby.  
     When activated, it fires a magical arrow with damage 150.
     Takes 69 to 132 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 88.8%

[Player history]
      Turn   Depth  Note
         0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
        63      0'  Killed Farmer Maggot
       664     50'  Reached level 2
       840     50'  Reached level 3
      2656     50'  Reached level 4
      2691     50'  -- Note: unid deep descent
      2738    300'  Reached level 5
      3363    300'  Reached level 6
      3646    300'  Reached level 7
      3744    300'  -- Note: FA gloves
      4094    250'  Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
      4094    250'  Reached level 8
      5112    250'  Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
      5112    250'  Reached level 9
      5122    250'  Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
      6077    350'  Reached level 10
      7124    350'  Reached level 11
      8705    400'  Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
      8705    400'  Reached level 12
      9606    450'  Reached level 13
     10512    500'  Reached level 14
     11062    550'  Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
     11418    550'  Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
     11418    550'  Reached level 15
     11893    550'  Reached level 16
     12328    550'  Reached level 17
     13249    650'  Reached level 18
     13714    700'  Reached level 19
     14302    700'  Reached level 20
     15198    800'  Reached level 21
     16621    900'  Reached level 22
     16850    950'  Killed Brodda, the Easterling
     16850    950'  Found the Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (LOST)
     17053    950'  Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
     17146    950'  Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
     17214    950'  Found the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim'
     17227    950'  Reached level 23
     18558   1050'  Reached level 24
     18594   1050'  Killed Nár, the Dwarf
     19730   1150'  Reached level 25
     20668   1200'  Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
     20842   1200'  Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
     22057   1200'  Reached level 26
     23427   1250'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' (LOST)
     23960   1300'  Reached level 27
     24846   1450'  Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
     25071   1450'  Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
     26437   1500'  Reached level 28
     28069   1500'  Killed Uldor the Accursed
     28076   1500'  Found the Phial of Galadriel (LOST)
     28368   1550'  -- Note: Omens of Death
     29302   1550'  Found the Dagger 'Narthanc' (LOST)
     29517   1550'  Reached level 29
     30842   1600'  Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
     31359   1600'  Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
     31443   1600'  Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
     33090   1650'  Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
     33206   1650'  Reached level 30
     33737   1650'  Reached level 30
     33994   1700'  Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
     33998   1700'  Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
     33999   1700'  Found the Dagger 'Nimthanc' (LOST)
     36883   1750'  Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
     37492   1750'  Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui (LOST)
     37770   1750'  Reached level 31
     37959   1750'  Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves
     38934   1750'  Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Radagast (LOST)
     39328   1750'  Found the Cutlass 'Gondricam' (LOST)
     39411   1750'  Killed Draebor, the Imp
     39793   1750'  Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
     40429   1750'  Killed Old Man Willow
     42064   1850'  Reached level 32
     43423   1900'  -- Note: Omens of Death
     43463   1900'  Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
     45702   1950'  Reached level 33
     49718   2050'  Found the Cloak 'Colannon'
     49731   2050'  Killed Castamir the Usurper
     50240   2100'  Reached level 34
     50586   2100'  Found the Rapier 'Forasgil' (LOST)
     51130   2100'  Reached level 35
     52657   2150'  Found the Long Sword 'Elvagil' (LOST)
     52658   2150'  Found the Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion
     52926   2150'  Killed Ulfang the Black
     52927   2150'  Found the Beaked Axe of Húrin (LOST)
     52933   2150'  Found the Spear 'Nimloth' (LOST)
     53391   2150'  Killed Bill the Stone Troll
     53405   2150'  Killed Tom the Stone Troll
     53416   2150'  Killed Bert the Stone Troll
     54575   2150'  Reached level 36
     54869   2200'  Reached level 36
     55144   2200'  Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
     56627   2250'  Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
     57580   2250'  Killed Waldern, King of Water
     57906   2250'  Reached level 37
     57951   2250'  Found the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (LOST)
     59919   2300'  Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
     60568   2350'  -- Note: Omens of death
     60728   2350'  -- Note: but no great treasure-@ is taking the stairs
     61703   2500'  Killed Scatha the Worm
     62501   2550'  Found the Long Sword 'Ringil'
     62570   2550'  Found the Leather Shield of the Haradrim
     62808   2550'  -- Note: Omens of death
     63084   2550'  Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
     63095   2550'  Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm
     63099   2550'  Found the Short Bow of Amrod
     63325   2550'  Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
     63325   2550'  Reached level 38
     63325   2550'  Found the Trident of Ulmo (LOST)
     63353   2550'  Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
     63509   2550'  Found the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil
     63511   2550'  -- Note: ESP finally!
     63516   2550'  Found the Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (LOST)
     63735      0'  -- Note: Begin Deep Descent
     64166   4900'  -- Note: made it to the penultimate depth
     64381   4900'  Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
     64381   4900'  Reached level 39
     64389   4900'  Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
     64773   4850'  Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
     64773   4850'  Found the Ring of Barahir (LOST)
     64884      0'  Reached level 39
     65162   4850'  Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
     65395   4850'  Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
     65769   4850'  Killed Uvatha the Horseman
     65902   4850'  Killed Saruman of Many Colours
     65906   4850'  Found the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya'
     65918   4850'  Found the Great Axe of Eönwë (LOST)
     65963   4850'  Reached level 40
     66096   4850'  Killed Khamûl, the Black Easterling
     66099   4850'  -- Note: BoS+6
     66883   4900'  Reached level 41
     66925   4900'  Killed Makar, the Warrior
     67523   4850'  Killed Fundin Bluecloak
     67523   4850'  Found the Pick of Erebor
     67527   4850'  Found the Metal Cap of Thengel (LOST)
     67978   4900'  Killed Smaug the Golden
     67986   4900'  Found the Morning Star 'Firestar' (LOST)
     68995   4900'  Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
     68995   4900'  Found the Heavy Crossbow of Umbar
     69077   4900'  Found the Ring of Fire 'Narya'
     69139   4850'  Found the Mattock of Náin (LOST)
     69163   4850'  Reached level 42
     71331   4900'  Killed Nan, the Giant
     71700   4900'  Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
     71700   4900'  Reached level 43


  [User interface]

Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
Show damage player deals to monsters         : yes (show_damage)
Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
Always pickup items matching inventory       : no  (pickup_inven)
Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
Show walls as solid blocks                   : yes (solid_walls)
Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : yes (view_yellow_light)
Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : yes (animate_flicker)
Center map continuously                      : yes (center_player)
Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : yes (purple_uniques)
Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : no  (mouse_movement)
Notify on object recharge                    : yes (notify_recharge)
Show effective speed as multiplier           : yes (effective_speed)


Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
Generate connected stairs                    : no  (birth_connect_stairs)
Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
Start with a kit of useful gear              : yes (birth_start_kit)
Monsters learn from their mistakes           : yes (birth_ai_learn)
Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)
To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no  (birth_percent_damage)

Posted on 25.1.2020 17:11
Last updated on 27.1.2020 20:39

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4. on the Competition No.229 Ladder (of 30)


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On 25.1.2020 17:11 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL27/DL30 T-026265 : My third attempt. At least I finally found Free Action in a reasonable amount of time. Now trying to survive at stat gain depth.

On 26.1.2020 16:55 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL37/DL46 T-059535 : Already lost on turncount. Currently grinding away for speed and ESP, otherwise I would have dropped all the way to the bottom awhile ago.

On 26.1.2020 18:44 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL38/DL52 T-063735 : Finally found a bit of speed (RoS +6) and some ESP. And RINGIL !!! Time to descend as fast as possible.

On 26.1.2020 18:51 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL38/DL98 T-064166 : Made it to the penultimate depths.

On 26.1.2020 21:45 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL42/DL98 T-071513 : taking a break. tired of grinding for consumables and starting to lose focus. been making some dumb mistakes, fortunately narrowly avoiding death. maybe I'll do better after a bit of space.

On 27.1.2020 06:09 bron wrote:
Looking good, Ingwe! Ringil is huge (not that I haven't managed to lose anyway while carrying it!). It's been a tough comp, but you should beat my time by a wide margin. go, go, go!!

On 27.1.2020 20:38 Ingwe Ingweron wrote:
CL43/DL98 T-071836 : DUMB MISTAKE. Forgot to have an escape and got landed in a graveyard. Joining the DEAD. Guess that's it for me on this comp.

On 28.1.2020 01:23 bron wrote:
A low blow to a very promising character. Condolences, and congrats at having made it that far.

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3303rd in Angband (3.5.1) by Ingwe Ingweron (29%)

Doliolir, L40 Dunadan Blackguard
3629th in Angband (4.2.2) by Pete Mack (24%)

Seen 590 times.

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