The Angband Ladder: Ghislain, Dunadan Blackguard by Roch

  [Angband 4.2.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Ghislain     Age             66          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Race   Dunadan      Height        7'0"   STR! 18/100  +1  +2  +7 18/200
 Class  Blackguard   Weight   11st 11lb   INT:     17  +2  +0  +1  18/20
 Title  Destroyer    Turns used:          WIS:  18/52  +2  -3  +4  18/82
 HP     -120/793     Game        642534   DEX! 18/100  +2  +0  +3 18/150
 SP     58/58        Standard    101485   CON:  18/63  +3  +2  +7 18/183
                     Resting      33010

 Level                 41    Armor      [64,+97]    Saving Throw     80%
 Cur Exp          1786520                           Stealth    Very Good
 Max Exp          1786520    Melee       4d3,+38    Disarm - phys.   83%
 Adv Exp          1800000    To-hit       79,+32    Disarm - magic   52%
                             Blows      5.0/turn    Magic Devices     71
 Gold              183404                           Searching        62%
 Burden          184.7 lb    Shoot to-dam    +15    Infravision     0 ft
 Overweight        4.8 lb    To-hit       61,+41    Speed      24 (3.4x)
 Max Depth    4100' (L82)    Shots      1.0/turn

 You are one of several children of a Yeoman.  You are a credit to the
 family.  You have brown eyes, straight red hair, and a dark

Resistances         Abilities
 Acid:......+.+.... pFear:..+...+..+...
 Elec:......+.+.... pBlnd:........+....
 Fire:..*.+.+.+.... pConf:......+......
 Cold:......+.+.... pStun:.............
 Pois:............. HLife:.............
Light:+.......+.... Regen:..+..........
 Dark:+.......+....   ESP:..+..........
Sound:......+...... S.Inv:..+..+...+...
Shard:............. FrAct:..+.......+..
Nexus:............. Feath:...........+.
Nethr:............. S.Dig:..+..........
Chaos:+......+..... TrpIm:.............
Disen:............. Bless:.............

Hindrances          Modifiers
ImpHP:............+ Stea.:.......+...+.
ImpSP:............. Sear.:.............
 Fear:............. Infra:.............
Aggrv:............. Tunn.:+............
NoTel:............. Speed:..++.......+!
DrExp:............. Blows:.............
Stick:............. Shots:.............
Fragl:............. Might:.............

  [Last Messages]

> You miss Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons. It was a great hit!
> You miss Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> Glaurung, Father of the Dragons breathes fire.
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons. It was a great hit!
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You miss Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You get in a shield bash!
> You dissolve Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> You miss Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
> Glaurung, Father of the Dragons breathes poison.
> You die.

Killed by Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.

  [Character Equipment]

a) the Pick of Erebor (4d3) (+5,+20) <+3, +5, +1>
     Dropped by Smaug the Golden at 3150 feet (level 63)
     +3 strength.
     +3 constitution.
     +5 tunneling.
     +1 light.
     Slays demons, trolls, orcs.
     Branded with acid.
     Provides resistance to light, dark, chaos.
     Sustains strength.
     Combat info:
     5.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 335 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 335
     vs. demons, 335 vs. trolls, 335 vs. orcs, and 246.5 vs. others.
b) a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+14,+15)
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1800 feet (level 36)
c) the Ring of Fire 'Narya' (+2,+2) <+1, +5>
     Conjured forth by magic at 2550 feet (level 51)
     +1 strength.
     +1 intelligence.
     +1 wisdom.
     +1 dexterity.
     +1 constitution.
     +5 speed.
     Provides immunity to fire.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
     Sustains strength, constitution.
     Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants telepathy. 
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it grants you protection from evil for 1d25 plus 3
     times your character level turns.
     Takes 816 to 1600 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 84.8%
d) a Ring of Speed <+11>
     Dropped by Rogrog the Black Troll at 4050 feet (level 81)
     +11 speed.
e) the Amulet of Carlammas <+1, +3>
     Dropped by Shelob, Spider of Darkness at 3300 feet (level 66)
     +1 strength.
     +3 constitution.
     Provides resistance to fire.
     When activated, it grants you protection from evil for 1d25 plus 3
     times your character level turns.
     Takes 904 to 1800 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 89.3%
f) the Star of Elendil <+3>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 3150 feet (level 63)
     +3 light.
     Cannot be harmed by fire.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
     Intensity 3 light.
     When activated, it maps the area around you.
     Takes 204 to 400 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 92.5%
g) the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [50,+15] <+2>
     Found lying on the floor at 3100 feet (level 62)
     +2 strength.
     +2 dexterity.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, sound.
     Provides protection from fear, confusion.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
h) a Cloak of Aman [1,+21] <+2>
     Found lying on the floor at 4100 feet (level 82)
     +2 stealth.
     Provides resistance to chaos.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
i) the Leather Shield of Celegorm [8,+19]
     Found lying on the floor of a special room at 1550 feet (level 31)
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark.
     Provides protection from blindness.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
j) a Golden Crown of Lordliness [0,+12] <+3>
     Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2700 feet (level 54)
     +3 wisdom.
     Provides protection from fear.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
     Sustains wisdom.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [3,+10]
     Dropped by an ancient gold dragon at 3350 feet (level 67)
     Prevents paralysis.  
l) a Pair of Leather Boots of Elvenkind [2,+10] <+3, +9>
     Found lying on the floor at 1800 feet (level 36)
     +3 stealth.
     +9 speed.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Feather Falling.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
b) 8 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
c) a Potion of Healing
d) 15 Potions of Speed
e) 15 Scrolls of Phase Door
f) 19 Scrolls of Teleportation
g) a Scroll of Protection from Evil
h) 6 Rods of Treasure Location (1 charging)
i) a Rod of Detection
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
j) 3 Rods of Magic Mapping (2 charging)
k) 7 Rods of Light
l) 2 Rods of Recall
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
m) 6 Wands of Teleport Other (17 charges)
n) 8 Wands of Drain Life (32 charges)
o) 4 Staves of Teleportation (15 charges)
p) 3 Staves of Speed (9 charges)
q) 2 Rings of Resist Poison
     Provides resistance to poison.

  [Character Quiver]

0) 10 Seeker Arrows (4d4) (+1,+7)
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 98.8.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
1) 23 Seeker Arrows (4d4) (+5,+6)
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 96.7.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
2) 25 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+4,+5)
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 85.8.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
3) 10 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+4,+6)
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 88.9.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
4) 25 Mithril Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4)
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 82.7.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.
5) 12 Mithril Arrows of Flame (3d4) (+9,+10)
     Branded with fire.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Combat info:
     Hits targets up to 120 feet away.
     Average damage/round: 202.8 vs. creatures not resistant to fire,
     and 101.4 vs. others.
     35% chance of breaking upon contact.

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Necromantic Tome [Deadly Powers]
     Cannot be harmed by fire.
     You can read this book.
b) 3 Mushrooms of Vigor
c) a Draught of the Ents
d) 19 Potions of Healing
e) 6 Potions of *Healing*
     It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
f) 26 Potions of Restore Mana
g) a Potion of Enlightenment
h) 6 Scrolls of Teleport Level
i) 5 Scrolls of Banishment
j) 2 Scrolls of Mass Banishment
k) 6 Scrolls of *Destruction*
l) a Rod of Teleport Other
m) a Wand of Annihilation (0 charges)
     Cannot be harmed by lightning.
n) a Staff of *Destruction* (2 charges)
o) 9 Staves of Teleportation (41 charges)
p) 3 Staves of Speed (13 charges)
q) the Pendant of Ingwë <+3, +4>
     Dropped by Draebor, the Imp at 3450 feet (level 69)
     +3 intelligence.
     +3 wisdom.
     +4 infravision.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, cold.
     Provides protection from confusion.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it deals five times your level's damage to all
     evil creatures that you can see.
     Takes 204 to 400 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 86.1%
r) the Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [40,+15] <+2>
     Conjured forth by magic at 1850 feet (level 37)
     +2 strength.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, shards, nexus.
     Cannot be harmed by acid.
s) the Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [10,+19] <+3>
     Dropped by N�r, the Dwarf at 1300 feet (level 26)
     +3 stealth.
     Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark, nether.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
t) the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [20,+25] <+3>
     Found lying on the floor at 1850 feet (level 37)
     +3 dexterity.
     +3 speed.
     Provides resistance to acid, shards.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Prevents paralysis.  
u) the Beaked Axe of Húrin (3d6) (+12,+15) <+2, +1>
     Found under some rubble at 4050 feet (level 81)
     +2 strength.
     +2 constitution.
     +1 light.
     Slays demons (powerfully), dragons, trolls.
     Branded with acid.
     Provides resistance to acid, fire, dark.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     When activated, it puts you in a berserker rage for d50+50 turns.
     Takes 324 to 640 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 93.7%
     Combat info:
     4.7 blows/round.
     With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows
     With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 5.0 blows
     Average damage/round: 327.4 vs. creatures not resistant to acid,
     438.3 vs. demons, 327.4 vs. dragons, 327.4 vs. trolls, and 216.5
     vs. others.
v) the Scythe 'Avavir' (5d3) (+18,+12) [+30] <+3, +1>
     Dropped by Bert the Stone Troll at 2450 feet (level 49)
     +3 dexterity.
     +3 speed.
     +1 light.
     Branded with cold, fire.
     Provides resistance to fire, cold, light.
     Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
     Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
     When activated, it returns you from the dungeon or takes you to
     the dungeon after a short delay.
     Takes 800 turns to recharge at your current speed.
     Your chance of success is 91.0%
     Combat info:
     5.0 blows/round.
     Average damage/round: 311 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, 311
     vs. creatures not resistant to fire, and 199 vs. others.
w) a Light Crossbow of Power (x3) (+11,+21)
     Found lying on the floor at 2550 feet (level 51)
x) 23 Seeker Bolts of Slay Evil (4d5) (+9,+9)
     Slays evil creatures.

[Player history]
      Turn   Depth  Note
         0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
       104    100'  Reached level 2
       431    100'  Reached level 3
       670    100'  Reached level 4
      1172    150'  Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
      1172    150'  Reached level 5
      2036    100'  Reached level 6
      2942    150'  Reached level 7
      3927    300'  Reached level 8
      4905    350'  Reached level 9
      5057    350'  Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
      5057    350'  Reached level 10
      5389    350'  Reached level 11
      6987    450'  Reached level 12
      7581    500'  Reached level 13
      8230    600'  Reached level 14
      8742    600'  Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
      8742    600'  Reached level 15
     10082   1000'  Reached level 16
     10549   1050'  Reached level 17
     10661   1050'  Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
     10661   1050'  Reached level 18
     12159   1050'  Reached level 19
     12457   1050'  Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
     13305   1050'  Reached level 20
     14019   1050'  Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
     14468   1300'  Found the Spear 'Nimloth' (LOST)
     14688   1300'  Reached level 21
     15258      0'  Killed Farmer Maggot
     15650   1300'  Killed Nár, the Dwarf
     15653   1300'  Found the Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir'
     15757   1300'  Reached level 21
     17060   1350'  Reached level 22
     18178   1300'  Reached level 23
     19494   1250'  Reached level 24
     21775   1300'  Reached level 25
     24687   1300'  Reached level 26
     26602   1300'  Found the Iron Helm of Gorlim (LOST)
     28223   1400'  Reached level 27
     29795   1400'  Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
     29796   1400'  Found the Phial of Galadriel (LOST)
     33142   1500'  Reached level 28
     33160   1500'  Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
     33169   1500'  Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
     34779   1500'  Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
     34792   1500'  Found the Rapier 'Forasgil' (LOST)
     36897   1500'  Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
     38164   1550'  Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm
     38187   1550'  Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
     38244   1550'  Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
     39001   1550'  Reached level 29
     42894   1750'  Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
     43559   1750'  Reached level 30
     44847   1750'  Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
     47016   1800'  Reached level 31
     47202   1800'  Reached level 31
     50125   1850'  Found the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth'
     50588   1850'  Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui
     51488   1800'  Reached level 32
     51488   1800'  Reached level 33
     51719   1800'  Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
     51768   1800'  Reached level 33
     51979   1800'  Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
     52095   1800'  Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves
     52097   1800'  Found the Halberd 'Osondir' (LOST)
     52100   1800'  Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
     52531   1800'  Killed Ulfang the Black
     61300   2150'  Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings
     61754   2150'  Reached level 34
     66587   2350'  Reached level 35
     66936   2350'  Killed Brodda, the Easterling
     67926   2450'  Killed Tom the Stone Troll
     67974   2450'  Killed Bert the Stone Troll
     67974   2450'  Found the Scythe 'Avavir'
     67986   2450'  Killed Bill the Stone Troll
     69074   2450'  Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
     70265   2500'  Reached level 36
     72603   2600'  Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
     72626   2600'  Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
     74669   2550'  Killed The Queen Ant
     76895   2700'  Reached level 37
     81521   2550'  Found the Ring of Fire 'Narya'
     82121   2550'  Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
     82887   2500'  Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
     84944   2550'  Reached level 38
     86349   2700'  Reached level 38
     87103   2750'  Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
     87580   2750'  Killed Uldor the Accursed
     90479   2900'  Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
     91237   3100'  Found the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim
     91367      0'  Reached level 39
     91872   3150'  Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
     92036   3150'  Killed Smaug the Golden
     92039   3150'  Found the Pick of Erebor
     92449   3150'  Found the Star of Elendil
     93675   3300'  Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
     93681   3300'  Found the Amulet of Carlammas
     93758   3300'  Found the Whip of Gothmog (LOST)
     94826   3200'  Reached level 40
     95836   3350'  Killed Harowen the Black Hand
     96224   3450'  Killed Draebor, the Imp
     96225   3450'  Found the Pendant of Ingwë
     96568   3450'  Killed Saruman of Many Colours
     97366   3700'  Killed The Phoenix
     97810   3750'  Reached level 41
     98235   3750'  Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
     98239   3750'  Found the Dagger 'Angrist' (LOST)
     99587   4050'  Found the Beaked Axe of Húrin
     99617   4050'  Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
     99977   4050'  Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord


  [User interface]

Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
Show damage player deals to monsters         : no  (show_damage)
Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
Show flavors in object descriptions          : no  (show_flavors)
Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : no  (view_yellow_light)
Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : no  (animate_flicker)
Center map continuously                      : no  (center_player)
Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)


Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
Generate connected stairs                    : no  (birth_connect_stairs)
Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
Start with a kit of useful gear              : yes (birth_start_kit)
Monsters learn from their mistakes           : yes (birth_ai_learn)
Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)
To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no  (birth_percent_damage)

Posted on 22.1.2020 12:58
Last updated on 23.1.2020 08:15

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7. on the Competition No.229 Ladder (of 30)


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On 22.1.2020 21:13 Roch wrote:
Not really using magic at all.

On 22.1.2020 21:13 Roch wrote:
Not really using magic at all.

On 23.1.2020 08:15 Roch wrote:
Apparently Glaurung breathes poison lol.

On 23.1.2020 09:54 wobbly wrote:
Apparently you don't resist it. Don't worry he only breathes for 800

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