The Angband Ladder: Unknown, Possessor Monster by clouded
[PosChengband 2.0.1 Character Dump] ***WINNER*** Name : Unknown ========== Stats ========== Sex : Male STR! : 18/*** Personality: Patient INT! : 18 Race : Possessor WIS! : 18/80 Subrace : Ulik the Troll DEX! : 18/*** Class : Monster CON! : 18/*** CHR : 18/166 Level : 50 HP : 1509/1518 Cur Exp : 11973309 SP : 0/0 Max Exp : 11973309 AC : 258 Adv Exp : ***** Speed: +36+10 ========== Skills ========= Gold : 10007737 Melee : Legendary[52] Kills : 7187 Ranged : Legendary[27] Uniques : 189 SavingThrow: Excellent Artifacts : 109 Stealth : Very Bad Perception : Very Bad Game Day : 13 Searching : Very Bad Game Time : 15:46 Disarming : Superb Play Time : 20:59 Device : Fair ============================= Character Equipment ============================= b) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiCoLiDkCa} c) The Gun 'Crimson' (+4 to speed) {SpSl;ShDi;Hl} d) The Ring of Power (Nenya) (+2) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Co;FaSiHlRgLvWm|Co(InWi} e) a Ring of Speed (+14) f) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St} g) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele} h) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElFiCoCfSo} i) a Pair of Dragon Wings of Protection [4,+28] {AcPoNt;Lv} j) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3) {StDxCn;AcNx} k) a Set of Gauntlets of the Berserker (-17,+16) [2,-17] (+2 attacks) {At;Fe} l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to speed) {SpDx;Nx;FaLv(Dx} )}=="*[(]]] )}=="*[(]]] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid : .+.....+++... 75% Speed : ..+++......+# Elec : .+.....+....+ 77% Free Act : ...+.......++ Fire : .+.....+....+ 77% See Invis : ...+......... Cold : .+.*...+....+ 100% Warning : ............. Poison : ........+...+ 75% SlowDigest : ............. Light : .+........... 50% Regenerate : ...+........+ Dark : .+........... 50% Levitation : ...+....+..+. Confusion : .......+....+ 65% Perm Lite : ............. Nether : ........+.... 50% Reflection : ............. Nexus : .........+.+. 65% Hold Life : ..++......... Sound : .......+..... 50% Sust Str : .....+....... Shards : ..+.......... 50% Sust Int : ...+......... Chaos : .+........... 50% Sust Wis : ...+......... Disenchant : ..+.......... 50% Sust Dex : ...........+. Time : ............. 0% Sust Con : ............. Blindness : ............. 0% Sust Chr : ............. Fear : .....+....+.# Dec Mana : ............. Aura Fire : ............. Easy Spell : ............. Aura Elec : ............. Anti Magic : ............. Aura Cold : ............. Telepathy : ......+...... )}=="*[(]]] )}=="*[(]]] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl Slay Evil : ............. Telepathy : ......+...... Slay Undead: ............. ESP Evil : ............. Slay Demon : ............. ESP Noliv. : ............. Slay Dragon: ............. ESP Good : ............. Slay Human : ............. ESP Undead : ............. Slay Animal: ............. ESP Demon : ............. Slay Orc : ............. ESP Dragon : ............. Slay Troll : ............. ESP Human : ............. Slay Giant : ............. ESP Animal : ............. Slay Good : ............. ESP Orc : ............. Acid Brand : ............. ESP Troll : ............. Elec Brand : ............. ESP Giant : ............. Fire Brand : ............. Device Pow : ............. Cold Brand : ...+......... Spell Pow : ............. Pois Brand : ............. Spell Cap : ............. Mana Brand : ............. Magic Res : ............. Sharpness : ............. Infravision: ............. 30' Quake : ............. Stealth : ..+.......... Vampiric : ............. Searching : ............. Chaotic : ............. Cursed : ............. Add Blows : ..........+.. Rnd Tele : ............. Blessed : ............. No Tele : ............. )}=="*[(]]] abcdefghijkl@ Base R C P E Total STR!: ...2.s.2.3... 18/120 13 0 -1 11 18/*** INT!: ...2........4 18/90 -6 0 -1 -2 18 WIS!: ...2..3.....4 18/90 -3 0 1 1 18/80 DEX!: ...2...2.3.4. 18/100 0 0 -2 15 18/*** CON!: ...2.....3... 18/80 9 0 2 9 18/*** CHR : ...2..3...... 18/116 0 0 0 5 18/166 ==================================== Melee ==================================== Attack : Your Hit (32d12) Accuracy Weight : 40.0 lbs AC Hit To Hit : 37 + 57 = 94 25 92% To Dam : 13 + 66 = 79 50 89% Blows : 4.00 75 86% Damage 100 83% Crits : 1.31x + 2.81 125 80% Normal : 1412 (488-2336) 150 76% 175 73% 200 70% Attack : Your Bite (5d14) Accuracy Weight : 50.0 lbs AC Hit To Hit : 18 + 57 = 75 25 92% To Dam : 13 + 66 = 79 50 88% Blows : 1.00 75 85% Damage 100 81% Crits : 1.34x + 3.14 125 78% Poison : 131 (88-175) 150 74% 175 71% 200 67% =================================== Shooting ================================== Shooting: The Gun 'Crimson' (+4 to speed) Range : 140' Shots : 1.00 Mult : 0.00x To Hit : 20 + 33 = 53 To Dam : 20 (Multiplier Applies) Xtra Dam: 33 (Multiplier Does Not Apply) =================================== Powers ==================================== Lvl Cost Fail Desc Unpossess 1 0 0% Berserk 13 9 0% =================================== Dungeons ================================== Angband : level 100 !Camelot : level 35 !Orc cave : level 23 !Labyrinth : level 28 Dragon's lair : level 71 Castle : level 27 !Anti-magic cave : level 50 Glass castle : level 45 !Icky cave : level 35 Mount Olympus : level 98 Lonely Mountain : level 25 Arena : level 56 You retired from the adventure after winning. ==================================== Quests =================================== < Completed Quest > Thieves Hideout (Danger level: 5) - level 4 Warg problem (Danger level: 5) - level 10 The Borshin (Dungeon level: 6) - level 12 Nar, the Dwarf (Dungeon level: 12) - level 14 Tengu and Death Swords (Danger level: 25) - level 27 The Sewer (Danger level: 15) - level 31 Logrus Master (Danger level: 25) - level 31 The Vault (Danger level: 30) - level 31 The Barrow Downs (Danger level: 35) - level 31 Alberich the Nibelung King (Dungeon level: 24) - level 35 Charon, Boatman of the Styx (Dungeon level: 38) - level 35 Old Man Willow Quest (Danger level: 22) - level 36 Dark Elven Lords Quest (Danger level: 25) - level 36 Baphomet the Minotaur Lord (Dungeon level: 44) - level 36 The Cloning Pits (Danger level: 45) - level 36 Petshop (Dungeon level: 50) - level 37 Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber (Dungeon level: 56) - level 37 Tselakus, the Dreadlord (Dungeon level: 62) - level 37 The Old Castle (Danger level: 50) - level 39 Surtur the Giant Fire Demon (Dungeon level: 76) - level 41 Doom Quest 1 (Danger level: 15) - level 45 Orc Camp (Danger level: 15) - level 45 Vapor Quest (Danger level: 25) - level 45 The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft (Danger level: 50) - level 45 Doom Quest 2 (Danger level: 55) - level 45 Oberon (Danger level: 99) - level 50 Serpent of Chaos (Danger level: 100) - level 50 < Failed Quest > The Destroyer (Dungeon level: 88) - level 43 Arena: 0 Victory ============================== Defeated Monsters ============================== You have defeated 7187 enemies including 189 unique monsters in total. < Unique monsters top 20 > The Serpent of Chaos (level 100) Oberon, King of Amber (level 99) Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs (level 95) Cerberus, Guardian of Hades (level 94) Azathoth, Seething Nuclear Chaos (level 93) Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos (level 93) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst (level 92) Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods (level 91) Kronos, Lord of the Titans (level 87) Typhoeus, the Storm Giant (level 85) Surtur the Giant Fire Demon (level 85) Loki the Trickster (level 85) Ymir the Ice Giant (level 85) Wahha-Man the Golden (level 85) Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" (level 85) Ithaqua the Windwalker (level 82) Pazuzu, Lord of Air (level 82) Richard Wong, Master of Time (level 81) The Witch-King of Angmar (level 80) Azriel, Angel of Death (level 80) ================================== Mutations ================================== You have a hallucinatory insanity. You have a horrible wasting disease. You are moronic (-4 INT/WIS). ============================= Character Inventory ============================= a) 14 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E} b) 22 Rations of Food c) 44 Pieces of Elvish Waybread d) 36 Potions of Speed {!k!q} e) 24 Potions of Heroism f) 20 Potions of Healing {!k!q} g) 22 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q} h) 3 Potions of Life {!k!q} i) 14 Potions of Enlightenment j) 73 Potions of Curing k) 29 Scrolls of Phase Door l) 62 Scrolls of Teleportation m) 10 Scrolls of Teleport Level n) 22 Scrolls of Holy Chant o) 19 Scrolls of Destruction {!*} p) 7 Scrolls of Genocide {!*} q) 4 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*} r) 4 Rods of Recall {@zR} s) 3 Rods of Detection {@zf} t) 5 Rods of Monster Location {@zl} ================================ Home Inventory =============================== ( page 1 ) a) 22 Rations of Food b) 20 Pieces of Elvish Waybread c) 99 Potions of Speed {!k!q} d) 36 Potions of Speed {!k!q} e) 56 Potions of Heroism f) 4 Potions of Berserk Strength g) 31 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds h) 21 Potions of Restore Mana i) 3 Potions of Restore Strength j) 10 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k} k) 38 Potions of Resistance {!k!q} l) 3 Potions of New Life {!*!*} ( page 2 ) a) 10 Potions of Clarity b) 14 Potions of Great Clarity c) 38 Scrolls of Teleport Level d) 12 Scrolls of Word of Recall {!r} e) 9 Scrolls of *Remove Curse* f) 2 Scrolls of *Enchant Weapon* g) 18 Scrolls of Forest Creation h) a Scroll of Artifact Creation {!*} i) 13 Rods of Trap Location {@zu} j) 7 Rods of Illumination {@zh} k) 2 Rods of Healing l) a Rod of Speed ( page 3 ) a) 11 Rods of Teleport Other b) 7 Wands of Teleport Other (84 charges) c) 15 Wands of Stone to Mud (180 charges) d) 2 Wands of Disintegrate (8 charges) e) a Wand of Rockets (3 charges) f) 5 Staffs of Healing (5x 4 charges) g) 11 Staffs of Speed (11x 8 charges) {!*} h) 3 Staffs of Probing (3x 9 charges) i) a Staff of Holiness (5 charges) j) a Staff of Genocide (4 charges) k) 14 Staffs of Destruction (14x 5 charges) {!*} l) a Staff of Destruction (3 charges) {!*} ( page 4 ) a) a Ring of Poison Resistance b) a Ring of See Invisible and Wizardry c) a Ring of Strength (+2) d) a Ring of Constitution and Light (+6) {Cn;Lu} e) a Ring of Damage (+18) f) a Ring of Damage (+14) g) a Ring of Damage (+12) h) a Ring of Slaying (+11,+16) i) a Ring of Slaying (+10,+15) j) a Ring of Slaying (+12,+14) k) a Ring of Slaying (+16,+10) l) a Ring of Slaying (+11,+11) ( page 5 ) a) a Ring of Slaying (+7,+12) b) a Ring of Slaying and Acid ball (+15,+12) c) a Ring of Speed (+12) d) The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr} e) The Ring of Power (Narya) (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Fi;FaSiSdRgWm|F(StDx} f) a Ring of Fear Resistance g) a Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance h) a Ring of Sound Resistance i) a Ring of Confusion Resistance j) a Ring of Shard Resistance k) a Ring of Disenchantment Resistance l) a Ring of Chaos Resistance and Wizardry ( page 6 ) a) The Ring of Destruction [-50] (+4) {AgTyWm|AEFCoP} b) a Ring of Weaponmastery (+2) c) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2) {Cn;FiFe} d) an Amulet of Anti-Teleportation e) an Amulet of Telepathy f) The Amulet of Faramir (+12,+0) (+3) {Sl;Cf(Dx} g) The Bead 'Yasaka-no-Magatama' (+3) {InChSr;ElFiCo;FaSi} h) The Inro of Mito Koumon (+2) {InWiChSrIf;Si} i) The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {StWi;CfCa;FaSiHlRgBs} j) The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {InChSrIf;EsFaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC} k) The Pendant of Gogo (+4) {InWiDx;SiLu} l) an Amulet of Resist Fire ( page 7 ) a) 2 Amulets of Resist Cold b) an Amulet of Resist Lightning c) The Dog Collar of Wolf [+7] (+1) {Cn;Fa} d) The Incandescent Light of Yeduson (+3 to infravision) e) The Phial 'Scintillator' (+1 to stealth) f) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed) {Sp;SiHl} g) The Stone of Lore h) The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2 to speed) {SpInCh;HlLv} i) The Stone of Nature [+5] j) The Stone of Death k) The Ring Mail of Giles (-2) [12,+18] (-2) {Sl;FiCoNxCa} l) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;AcElFiCoShCfNx} ( page 8 ) a) The Double Chain Mail of R'lyeh (-2) [16,+16] {ElBlNtDiFe;Rf[E} b) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) {Ch;FiCa;RfLu} c) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcElFiCoCfSoNx} d) The O-yoroi of the Bando Musha (+5,+5) [24,+20] (+2) {StCnCh;AcElCoBlDiFe} e) The Ribbed Plate Armour of Helldiver (-3) [28,+17] {AcElPoCa[E} f) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7 to stealth) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele} g) a Fur Cloak of Immolation [3,+8] h) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+15] {BlCaDi;Lv} i) The Large Leather Shield 'Snow White' (+13,+7) [6,+18] (+1) {Ch;AcElFiLiCf} j) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {AcElFiCoDk(StInWiDxCnCh} k) a Dragon Shield [8,+15] {SoNtNxFe} l) a Dragon Shield of Reflection [8,+30] {PoFe;Rf} ( page 9 ) a) a Mirror Shield [10,+13] b) a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+9] c) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+15%] {InWi;BlNt~Tele} d) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (-1) {cursed, InWiSr;AcCoPoDiFe;FaSiTeAgTy[M} e) The Steel Helm 'Registor' [6,+29] {ElCfNt;Rf} f) The Steel Helm 'Undertaker' [6,+30] {PoNtNx} g) The Steel Helm 'Life of Leaf' [6,+17] {Dk;Si(Cn} h) a Dragon Helm of Infravision [8,+20] (+1) {If;ShSo} i) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2) {StCn;Fa} j) a Set of Gauntlets of Magic Mastery [2,+14] (+2) <+10%> k) The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin [2,+15] (+4) {Cn;Co;Rg(Cn} l) a Set of Cesti of Genji (+7,+0) [5,+6] (+1) {Dx} ( page 10 ) a) a Set of Cesti of Free Action [5,+9] b) The Set of Cesti 'Bear's Hand' [5,+19] {Fi[T(Cn} c) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {Dx;Ac;FaHl} d) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+11] (+7) {Sp} e) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh} f) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+8] (+7) g) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Heart's Desire [3,+18] (+2 to speed) {SpCh;AcDkShSoCaDi} h) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+15] {BlCfDi} i) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Defender' [6,+19] (+1 to speed) {Sp;Dk;LvLuWr} j) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {SpStCn;Nx} k) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Tetsu-geta of Flame' (-5,+10) [6,+20] (-1 to speed) {SpInWiChSl;FiFe;Rg[F(StCn} l) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (4d5) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4) {St;Fi;FaSiLu|F/*oT(Dx} ( page 11 ) a) a Katana (Armageddon) (8d4) (+9,+9) {Good Katana} b) The Katana 'Kusanagi-no-tsurugi' (4d4) (+15,+15) (+3 to stealth) {DxSl;AcElFiCoNtDi;SiRgLuBs/*DUZ} c) The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (8d4) (+17,+21) (+2) {StDxDg|S} d) The Katana 'Aglarang' (8d6) (+0,+0) (+3) {SpDx|S(Dx} e) The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (-20,+20) (+5) {cursed, Cn;Di;Ag/XD/*pTU} f) The Falchion 'Apocalypse-Now' (4d5) (+12,+16) [+15] (+4 to infravision) {WiCnIf;Bs|ACoS/*oZ(Wi} g) a Two-Handed Sword (Armageddon) (6d7) (+7,+12) h) The Two-Handed Sword 'Gurthang' (3d6) (+13,+17) (+2) {St;FaSdRgLu/XD/T} i) The Two-Handed Sword 'Twilight' (4d6) (-40,-60) [-50] (+10 to speed) {cursed, Sp;*Fi;Di;LuAgTy|F} j) The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+23,+24) {Si|PS/*pDoTPL} k) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {cursed, StCn;CfNtCa;FaHlAg|V/pA} l) a Diamond Edge (7d5) (+10,+10) (+4) ( page 12 ) a) The Beaked Axe of Hurin (3d6) (+10,+12) [+2] (+2) {AtCn|A/TU} b) The Broad Axe of the Master (4d6) (+11,+18) (+4) {Dx;Ca|V/p(Dx} c) The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (3d9) (+16,+18) (+2) {StDx;LiDk;SiBs|Ca/*L} d) a Lochaber Axe (Pattern) (4d8) (+9,+15) (+2) {StDxCn;Fe;FaSi/*UL} e) a Lochaber Axe (Armageddon) (4d9) (+10,+8) f) The Tetsubo of Shuten-douji (4d7) (+0,+20) [+10] (+6) {St} g) a Wizardstaff (1d2) (+0,+0) h) The Mattock of Khazad-dum (4d8) (+12,+12) (+4 to infravision) {StCnIfDg;BlDi;Rg/*} i) The Mattock of Nain (3d8) (+12,+18) (+5 to searching) {StSrIfDg;AcDkDi|A/DoTP} j) The Sling of Buckland (x3) (+19,+15) (+3 to speed) {Sp;PoBlCf;Xm} k) The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x4) (+15,+17) (+2) l) The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) (+3) {DxSl;Di;Xs} ( page 13 ) a) The Long Bow of Yoichi (x4) (+40,+13) (+4) {Dx;SiXm} b) The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+12) (+4) {StIf;Fi[F|F} c) The Harp of Daeron (+4) {WiCnCh;ElFiPoLi;RfSi(WiCnCh} d) The Skeleton of Freesia {Wanted!k!k!k} e) The Corpse of Lousy, the King of Louses {Wanted!k!k!k} f) The Corpse of Ulfast, Son of Ulfang {Wanted!k!k!k} g) The Corpse of Sir Gawain h) The Corpse of Luigi i) The Corpse of Lord Borel of Hendrake j) The Corpse of Kavlax the Many-Headed k) a Lesser titan Corpse l) The Corpse of Jasra, Brand's Mistress ( page 14 ) a) The Corpse of Eol, the Dark Elven Smith b) a Greater titan Corpse c) The Corpse of Beld, Ruler of Marmo d) 2 Ice giant Corpses e) an Elder fire giant Corpse f) The Corpse of Madame Debby g) The Corpse of Shudde M'ell h) The Corpse of Nidhogg the Hel-Drake i) The Corpse of Gandalf the Grey j) The Corpse of Raou the Conqueror k) The Corpse of The Yamata-no-Orochi l) The Corpse of Julian, Master of Arden Forest ( page 15 ) a) The Corpse of Huan, the Hound of Valinor b) The Corpse of The Emperor Quylthulg c) The Corpse of Richard Wong, Master of Time d) The Corpse of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades ==================================== Museum =================================== ( page 1 ) a) The Do-maru of Menstruation (-2) [20,-16] {cursed, ElDk;TeAgTy} b) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Hentai (-6,-10) [2,-14] {cursed, Ac;Ag[T} =================================== Options =================================== Preserve Mode: ON Small Levels: ENABLED Arena Levels: ENABLED [Check Sum: "46e6587a1e8d7cd8ec"] |
Posted on 25.8.2013 04:10
3432. on the Ladder (of 19159)
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